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lesson 13 hw
# Homework Lesson 13 - Workshop - Homework
### When solving coding challenges, think about the time complexity (Big O). ###
# Challenge 1
# Common Elements Finder
# Given two lists of integers, find and return a new list containing elements that appear in both lists.
# Make sure the resulting list does not contain duplicates.
# Example:
# Input:
# List 1: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# List 2: [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
# Output: [4, 5]
# Hints:
# You'll need to use nested loops: The outer loop will iterate over elements in the first list,
# and the inner loop will check if that element exists in the second list.
# Keep track of the common elements found so far to ensure no duplicates are added to the resulting list.
# To ensure no duplicates are added to the resulting list,
# check if an element is already present in the "common" list before appending it.
def find_common_elements(list1, list2):
common = []
for a in list1:
if a in list2:
if a not in common:
find_common_elements([1, 2, 3, 4, 5],[4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
# Your code here
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Refresher
# One of the key skills during job interviews
# is to be able to modify the code you've created.
# The following two tasks are the extension of the recipe problem you solved in class.
# Let's refresh the problem you solved in the class.
# You have a list of recipes, where each recipe contains the ingredients each recipe needs:
recipes = [
# Solution
def find_makeable_recipes(recipes, ingredients):
makeable_recipes = []
for recipe in recipes:
can_make = True
for ingredient in recipe:
if ingredient not in ingredients:
can_make = False
if can_make:
return makeable_recipes
test_recipes = [["yeast", "flour"], ["bread", "meat"], ["flour", "meat"]]
test_ingredients = ["yeast", "flour", "meat"]
test_result = find_makeable_recipes(test_recipes, test_ingredients)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Challenge 2
# Missing ingredients
# You have a new list of recipes and ingredients.
recipes = [
["yeast", "flour"],
["bread", "meat", "flour"]
ingredients = ["yeast", "bread"]
# Return the list of missing ingredients for all the recipes.
# Output: ["flour","meat"]
def find_missing_ingredients(recipes, ingredients):
missing = []
for food in recipes:
for ing in food:
if ing not in ingredients:
# if ing not in missing: if we want no duplicates but we need two flours so i left it in
return missing
print(find_missing_ingredients(recipes, ingredients))
# Create an empty list to store the missing ingredients
# In the outer loop iterate through each recipe in the list of recipes.
# In the inner loop check each ingredient in the recipe.
# Check if the ingredient is not in the list of available ingredients
# and is not already in the list of missing ingredients.
# If both conditions are met, add the ingredient to the missing_ingredients list.
# Return the list of missing ingredients required for all the recipes.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Challenge 3
# The best recipe
# You have a new list of recipes, where each recipe contains the ingredients it needs.
recipes = [
["flour","meat", "yeast"]
# You also have a list of available ingredients.
ingredients = ["yeast","flour", "meat", "salt"]
# Return the list of the best recipe (the one that uses most of ingredients).
# Output: ["flour","meat", "yeast"]
def find_best_recipe(recipes, ingredients):
# Initialize variables to remember the best recipe and the most ingredients used.
best_recipe = None
max_used_ingredients = 0
used_ingredients = []
for food in recipes:
for ing in food:
if ing in ingredients:
if len(used_ingredients) > max_used_ingredients:
max_used_ingredients = len(used_ingredients)
best_recipe = food
return best_recipe
print(find_best_recipe(recipes, ingredients))
# Create an outer for loop to go through each recipe in the list of recipes.
# Create an empty list (used_ingredients) to store the ingredients we can use from this recipe.
# Create an inner foor loop to look at each ingredient in this recipe.
# Check if the ingredient is in our list of available ingredients.
# If it's available, add it to our list of used ingredients.
# Check if the current recipe uses more ingredients (using `len` to count)
# than the highest count we've recorded so far (max_used_ingredients).
# If the current recipe has a higher ingredient count, update max_used_ingredients.
# Then set this recipe as the new best.
# Finally, return the best recipe that uses the most ingredients.
# Define the list of recipes and available ingredients.
# Call the function to find the best recipe and print the result.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Challenge 4
# Find a peak element
# You are given an array of integers, and your goal is to find a "peak" element in the array.
# A peak element is an element that is strictly greater than its adjacent elements (elements on the left and on the right).
# Write a Python function find_peak_element(arr) that takes an array of integers as input
# and returns the index of the peak element in the array.
# Handle edge cases:
# - If the array has fewer than three elements, return -1.
# Check each element in the array:
# - If an element is strictly greater than both its adjacent elements (if they exist), consider it a peak element.
# - Return the index of the first peak element you find.
# - If no peak elements are found, return -1.
# Example:
# arr1 = [1, 3, 20, 4, 1, 0]
# result1 = find_peak_element(arr1)
# print(result1) # Output: 2 (Peak element: 20)
# arr2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# result2 = find_peak_element(arr2)
# print(result2) # Output: -1 (No peak elements)
# arr3 = [5, 10, 20, 15]
# result3 = find_peak_element(arr3)
# print(result3) # Output: 2 (Peak element: 20)
def find_peak_element(arr):
n = len(arr) # Find out how many elements are in the array
if n < 3:
return -1
if arr[0] > arr[1]:
return -1
for num in range(1, n-1):
if arr[num] > arr[num - 1] and arr[num] > arr[num + 1]:
return num
print(find_peak_element([1, 3, 20, 4, 1, 0]))
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Challenge 5 (optional)
# Delete duplicates in sorted lists
# Given a sorted list of integers, write a program that:
# - Removes all duplicate values from the list.
# - Shifts the unique values to the left to fill any emptied indices.
# - Fills the remaining rightmost indices with zeroes.
# - Returns the count of unique values in the list.
# - Example:
# Input: [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5]
# Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0, 0], 5 (5 unique values)
# Hints:
# - Sequential Comparison: Since the list is sorted, duplicates will always be adjacent to each other.
# Compare each element to the previous one to detect duplicates.
# - Updating in Place: You can modify the original list as you find unique numbers
# and move them to the correct position. Think of this position as where the next unique number should go.
# def delete_duplicates(arr):
# # 'write_index' points to where the next unique element should be written.
# write_index = 1
# # Iterate over the list's length, starting from the second element because
# # the first element doesn't have a previous element to compare against.
# # Compare the current element with its immediate previous element.
# # If they're different, it's not a duplicate.
# # Place the current element at the 'write_index' position.
# # Then increment 'write_index' by 1 to prepare for the next unique element.
# # Once you have shifted all unique elements to the left,
# # fill the remaining positions in the list with zeroes.
# for i in range(write_index, len(arr)):
# arr[i] = 0
# # Return the modified list for visualization and the count of unique elements
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