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lesson 12 hw
# Homework: Classes
# Read carefully until the end before you start solving the exercises.
# Practice the Basics
# Basic Class
# - Create an empty class HouseForSale
# - Create two instances.
# - Add number_of_rooms and price as instance attributes.
# - Create print statements that show the attribute values for the instances.
class HFS:
rooms = HFS()
price = HFS()
rooms.amount = 4
price.amount = 75000
print(rooms.amount, price.amount)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Instance Methods
# - Create a Computer class.
# - Create method:
# - turn_on that prints Computer has Turned On
# - turn_off that prints Computer has Turned Off
# - Create an instance of the Computer class then call each method.
class Computer:
def turn_on(self):
print("Computer has turned on")
def turn_off(self):
print("computer has turned off")
computer = Computer()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Constructor with Parameters
# - Create a Dog class.
# - Dog should have a constructor with a name parameter.
# - Dog should have a method say_name that prints the name of the dog.
class Dog:
def __init__(self, name): = name
def say_name(self):
print(f"my name is {}")
dog = Dog("Jack")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Inheritance
class Animal:
def __init__(self, name=''): = name
def say_name(self):
print("I don't have a name yet")
def speak(self):
print("I can't speak")
animal = Animal()
animal.say_name() # Prints: I don't have a name yet.
animal.speak() # Prints: I can't speak!
class Dog(Animal):
def __init__(self, name):
def say_name(self):
def speak(self):
dog = Dog('Fido')
dog.say_name() # Prints: Fido
dog.speak() # Prints: Woof!
class Cat(Animal):
def __init__(self, name):
def say_name(self):
def speak(self):
cat = Cat('Max')
cat.say_name() # Prints: Max
cat.speak() # Prints: Meow!
# # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Exercises
# Exercise 1: Books and Authors
# Create an empty class called Book. Then create three instances.
# Add the following attributes for each of the instances: title, author, and publication_year.
# Create print statements to display the attributes of each one of the instances.
# Pre-code:
class Book:
book = Book()
book.title = 'To Kill a Mockingbird' = 'Harper Lee'
book.pub_year = 1960
print(book.title,, book.pub_year)
# Your code here
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Exercise 2. Vehicle and Types of Vehicles
# Create a Vehicle class.
# - Its constructor should take the name and type of the vehicle and store them as instance attributes.
# - This Vehicle class should also have a show_type() instance method that prints out the
# message: "<NAME_OF_VEHICLE> is a <TYPE_OF_VEHICLE>"
# - Create Car and Bike classes that inherit from Vehicle.
# - Create instances of Car and Bike and make them show their types.
class Vehicles:
def __init__(self, name): = name
def show_type(self, type):
print(f"{} is a {type}")
class Bike(Vehicles):
class Car(Vehicles):
vehicle = Vehicles('Truck')
car = Vehicles('toyota')
bike = Vehicles('motorcyle')
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Exercise 3. Spot and correct the mistakes
# - You are given a task to create a Car class.
# - Each car will have attributes for model and year.
# - Unfortunately, the given code below contains several mistakes.
# - Your task is to find and correct these mistakes to make the code run successfully.
# - Please include a comment in the code explaining the corrections you made and why.
# Pre-code
class Car:
def __init__(self, model, year):
self.model = model
self.year = year
my_car = Car("Toyota", 2020)
# fixed the self.model = model and self.year = year because it was incorrect also fixed
# my_car = Car("Toyota") to my_car = Car("Toyota", 2020) because we had to give the year
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Exercise 4. SmartHome with Constructor
# Create a SmartHome class that has a constructor __init__ and a send_notification() method.
# The constructor should initialize the attributes:
# - home_name
# - location
# - number_of_devices
# send_notification() should print a notification including the home_name and location.
# Create instances for the following:
# Home Name Location Number of Devices
# Villa Rosa New York 15 devices
# Green House California 10 devices
# Sea View Florida 20 devices
# Call the send_notification() method for each instance,
# passing a message reminding to turn off the lights.
class SmartHome:
def __init__(self, home_name, location, number_of_devices):
self.home_name = home_name
self.location = location
self.number_of_devices = number_of_devices
def send_notification(self, noti):
print(f"{noti} at {self.home_name} located in {self.location}")
first = SmartHome('Villa Rosa', 'New York', '15 devices')
second = SmartHome("Green House",'California','10 devices')
third = SmartHome('Sea View', 'Florida', '20 devices')
first.send_notification("Turn off the lights")
second.send_notification("Turn off the lights")
third.send_notification("Turn off the lights")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Exercise 5. Inheritance. Spot and correct mistakes
# You should have the following hierarchy of classes:
# Animal
# │
# ├── Mammal
# │
# ├── Bird
# │
# └── Fish
# Each class has the following attributes:
# - Animal name
# - Mammal name, age, number of legs
# - Bird name, age, can fly or not
# - Fish name, age, number of fins
# But, the provided code for these classes and their instances has several mistakes
# related to hierarchy, class attributes, and instance creation.
# Find and correct these mistakes to make the code work properly.
# Leave a comment in the code explaining what the problems were and why it wouldn't work.
# There are seven mistakes in the pre-code.
# Pre-code
class Animal:
def __init__(self, name, age): = name
self.age = age # Corrected to store the name and age in the instance.
class Mammal(Animal):
def __init__(self, name, age, num_legs):
super().__init__(name, age)
self.num_legs = num_legs # Fixed the inheritance from Animal.
class Bird(Animal):
def __init__(self, name, age, can_fly):
super().__init__(name, age)
self.can_fly = can_fly # Fixed the constructor to include name and age.
class Fish(Animal):
def __init__(self, name, age, num_fins):
super().__init__(name, age)
self.num_fins = num_fins # Fixed the inheritance from Animal and constructor.
# Correctly creating instances of each class:
tiger = Mammal('Tiger', 5, 4)
sparrow = Bird('Sparrow', 1, True)
goldfish = Fish('Goldfish', 2, 6)
print(f"{} is a mammal aged {tiger.age} with {tiger.num_legs} legs.")
print(f"{} is a bird aged {sparrow.age} and can fly: {sparrow.can_fly}.")
print(f"{} is a fish aged {goldfish.age} with {goldfish.num_fins} fins.")
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