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lesson 4 homework
# Homework Lesson 4 - Conditionals
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Exercise 1: Temperature Classification
# You're developing a weather application. Write a program that takes
# a temperature in Fahrenheit as input. If the temperature is above
# 85°F, print "Hot day ahead!".
temperature = int(input("Enter the temperature in Fahrenheit: "))
# <Your code here>
if temperature > 85:
print("Hot day ahead!")
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Exercise 2: Grade Classifier
# As a teacher, you want to automate grading. Write a program that
# takes a student's score as input and prints "Pass" if the score is
# 50 or above, otherwise print "Fail".
# Do not forget that the input() function returns a string value and
# you need to convert it so you can use the value as a number.
# <Your code here>
score = int(input("Enter your score: "))
if score >= 50:
print("Congrats You Passed!")
print("Sorry You Failed!")
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Exercise 3: Scholarship Eligibility
# Your university offers scholarships based on academic performance.
# Write a program that takes a student's GPA as input. If the GPA
# is greater than or equal to 3.5, print
# "Congratulations, you're eligible for a scholarship!". If it's
# between 3.0 and 3.49, print "You're on the waiting list."
# Otherwise, print "Keep up the good work."
# Do not forget that the input() function returns a string value and
# you need to convert it so you can use the value as a number.
# The function int() converts the number to an integer, and the function
# float() converts the number to a float.
gpa = float(input("Enter your GPA: "))
if gpa>=3.5:
print("Congrats You are eligible for a scholarship!")
elif gpa>=3.0 and gpa<=3.49:
print("You are on the waiting list!")
print("Sorry you didn't make it this year, keep on trying!")
# <Your code here>
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Exercise 4: Shopping Discount
# A store is offering a discount on a product. Write a program that
# takes the original price and the discount percentage as input.
# If the discounted price is less than $50, print "Great deal!".
# Otherwise, print "Might want to wait for a better offer."
original_price = float(input("Enter product original price: "))
discount_percentage = float(input("Enter discount percentage: "))
discounted_price = original_price * discount_percentage / 100
new_price = original_price - discounted_price
if new_price <50:
print("$",(new_price) , ", Great Deal!")
print("$",(new_price),", Might want to wait for a better deal")
# <Your code here>
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Exercise 5: Movie Night Decision
# You and your friends are deciding on a movie to watch. Write a
# program that takes two movie ratings as input. If both ratings
# are above 7, print "Let's watch both!". Otherwise,
# print "Let's just pick one."
# <Your code here>
movie_1 = int(input("Enter rating movie 1: "))
movie_2 = int(input("Enter rating movie 2: "))
if movie_1 >7 and movie_2 >7:
print("Let's watch both")
elif movie_1 > movie_2:
print("Let's watch movie 1")
elif movie_1 < movie_2:
print("Let's watch movie 2")
print("Let's watch something else")
# I wanted to make it a bit more complicated
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Exercise 6: Restaurant Recommendation
# You're building a restaurant recommendation system. Write a program
# that takes a person's mood (happy or sad) and hunger level
# (high or low) as input. If they're happy and hungry, recommend
# a fancy restaurant. If they're sad and hungry, recommend comfort food.
# For other cases, recommend a casual dining place.
# <Your code here>
mood = input("Enter your mood: ")
hunger_level = input("Enter hunger level: ")
if mood == "happy" and hunger_level == "high":
print("Go to a Fancy Restaurant")
elif mood == "sad" and hunger_level == "low":
print("Eat comfort food")
print("eat regular food")
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Exercise 7: Exercise 7: Tax Bracket Calculator
# You're building a tax calculation system. Write a program that
# takes a person's annual income as input. Use conditionals
# to determine their tax bracket based on the following rules:
# - If income is less than $40,000, tax rate is 10%.
# - If income is between $40,000 and $100,000 (inclusive), tax rate is 20%.
# - If income is greater than $100,000, tax rate is 30%.
# Remember that a tax rate of 10% can be represented as 10/100 or 0.1
# Print the calculated tax amount for the given income.
# <Your code here>
annual_income = float(input("Enter your annual income: "))
if annual_income < 40000:
tax_rate= 0.10
elif annual_income >=40000 and annual_income <=100000:
tax_rate= 0.20
tax_rate= 0.30
tax_amount = annual_income * tax_rate
# Print tax amount
print("Your tax amount is: $" + str(tax_amount))
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Exercise 8: Ticket Pricing System
# You're working on a ticket booking system for an amusement park.
# Write a program that takes a person's age as input and determines
# their ticket price based on the following rules:
# - Children (ages 3 to 12): $10
# - Adults (ages 13 to 64): $20
# - Seniors (ages 65 and above): $15
# Print the calculated ticket price for the given age.
# <Your code here>
age = int(input("Enter your age: "))
if age >= 65:
print("$15 for the ticket")
elif age <=64 and age >=13:
print("$20 for the ticket")
elif age <=3 and age >=12:
print("$10 for the ticket")
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Exercise 9: Password Strength Checker
# Create a program that takes a password as input and checks its
# strength based on the following rules:
# If the password is less than 8 characters, print "Weak password."
# If the password is 8 to 12 characters long, print "Moderate password."
# If the password is more than 12 characters, print "Strong password
# You can use len() function to get the length of a given string.
password = input("enter your password: ")
if len(password) < 8:
print("Weak password.")
elif 8 <= len(password) <= 12:
print("Moderate password.")
print("Strong password.")
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# # CHALLENGE (OPTIONAL): Course Enrollment Eligibility
# # To solve this exercise, you will need to use the following concepts
# # and methods:
# # - String method .upper()
# # - String slicing
# # - if-elif-else conditional statements
# #
# # You're designing a course enrollment system. Write a program that
# # takes a course code and a student's grade as input and determines
# # whether the student is eligible to enroll in the course.
# # 1. Ask the user to enter a course code (e.g., "CS101", "MATH202", ).
# # All courses ends with "101", "202" or "303". Slice the string
# # to get the last three character of the string to get the course
# # ending:
# #
# # Hint:
# # test = "ABCDEF" # Given this string
# # print(test[-2:]) # It will print "EF"
# # 2. Ask the user to enter their grade (e.g., "A", "B", "C", "D", "F").
# # Use .upper() method to convert the course code and grade to uppercase,
# # allowing for case-insensitive input.
# #
# # Implement the following enrollment rules:
# # - For courses with course codes ending in "101", students with
# # grades "A" or "B" are eligible.
# # - For courses with course codes ending in "202", students with
# # grades "B" or "C" are eligible.
# # - For courses with course codes ending in "303", students with
# # grades "C" or "D" are eligible.
# # Print either "You are eligible to enroll." or "You are not eligible to enroll."
# course_code = input("Enter the course code: ")
# student_grade = input("Enter your grade: ")
# # Convert input to uppercase for case-insensitive comparison
# course_code = course_code.upper()
# student_grade = student_grade.upper()
# # Extract the last three characters of the course code (use string slicing)
# course_suffix = # your code here
# # Check course code and grade to determine eligibility
# if course_suffix == "101":
# ... # <Your code here>
# elif course_suffix == "202":
# ... # <Your code here>
# # <Your code here>
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Exercise 8: Ticket Pricing System

In this exercise you should try a different solution because yours is using an incorrect comparison.

In your third elif statement:

elif age <= 3 and age >= 12:

You're checking if age is both less than or equal to 3 and greater than or equal to 12. This is never going to be True.

Here's a corrected version of your code:

age = int(input("Enter your age: "))

if age >= 65:
    print("$15 for the ticket")
elif age >= 13: # No need to check upper limit since it was already handled
    print("$20 for the ticket")
elif age >= 3:  # No need to check upper limit since it was already handled
    print("$10 for the ticket")
    print("Babies are free") 

I've also removed the unnecessary upper limit checks (age <= 64 and age <= 12) because the elif ladder automatically handles those cases.

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