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Last active June 21, 2018 23:45
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Coerce (and optionally remove) all RaggedExperiments in a curatedTCGAData MAE.
simplifyTCGAData <- function(obj, removeRaggedExperiments=TRUE){
##This function will convert mutations to a genes x samples RangedSummarizedExperiment of 1 for non-silent mutations, 1 for silent or no mutation
##It will convert segmented copy number to copy number per gene, using a weighted average if there are non-disjunct ranges
gn <- genes(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene)
gn <- keepStandardChromosomes(granges(gn), pruning.mode="coarse")
seqlevelsStyle(gn) <- "NCBI"
names(gn) <- mapIds(, names(gn), keytype = "ENTREZID", column = "SYMBOL")
weightedmean <- function(scores, ranges, qranges)
## weighted average score per query range
sum(scores * width(ranges)) / sum(width(ranges))
nonsilent <- function(scores, ranges, qranges)
any(scores != "Silent")
isRE <- function(x) vapply(experiments(x), function(y) is(y, "RaggedExperiment"), TRUE)
isMut <- function(x) grepl("Mutation", names(x))
for (i in which(isMut(obj))){
mutations <- qreduceAssay(obj[[i]], gn, nonsilent, "Variant_Classification")
rownames(mutations) <- names(gn)
mutations[] <- 0
remove.rows <-
mutations <- SummarizedExperiment(mutations[!remove.rows, ], rowRanges=gn[!remove.rows])
el <- ExperimentList(x=mutations)
names(el) <- paste0(names(obj)[i], "_simplified")
obj <- c(obj, el)
rm(el, mutations)
for (i in which(isRE(obj) & !isMut(obj))){
cn <- qreduceAssay(obj[[i]], gn, weightedmean, "Segment_Mean")
rownames(cn) <- names(gn)
remove.rows <-
cn <- SummarizedExperiment(cn[!remove.rows, ], rowRanges=gn[!remove.rows])
el <- ExperimentList(x=cn)
names(el) <- paste0(names(obj)[i], "_simplified")
obj <- c(obj, el)
obj <- obj[, , !isRE(obj)]
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