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Created May 26, 2020 15:22
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Draw a binary as a circle-packed diagram.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Draw a binary as a circle-packed diagram.
# Usage:
# $ ./ /path/to/binary.bndb
# writes /tmp/tmp.png
import os, sys
import binaryninja
from binaryninja.binaryview import BinaryViewType
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
import circlify
from circlify import Circle
# globals
(width, height) = (2048, 2048)
font = ImageFont.truetype('Andale Mono', 12)
(tw8,th8) = font.getsize('12345678')
def rectangle(draw, x, y, bgcolor):
global font
(w,h) = (x1-x0, y1-y0)
label = settings['label']
for font_size in range(12,1,-1):
font = ImageFont.truetype('Andale Mono', font_size)
(tw,th) = font.getsize(label)
if tw<w and th<h: break
draw.rectangle((x0, y0, x1-1, y1-1), outline=settings['outline'], fill=settings['fill'])
(x,y) = (x0+w//2 - tw//2, y0+h//2-th//2)
draw.text((x,y), label, font=font, fill=settings['text_color'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
bv = BinaryViewType.get_view_of_file(sys.argv[1])
img ='RGB', (width,width))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
seg2data = {}
for seg in bv.segments:
seg2data[seg] = {'id':str(seg), 'datum':len(seg), 'children':[]}
scn2data = {}
for scn in bv.sections.values():
data = {'id', 'datum':len(scn), 'children':[]}
containing_segment = bv.get_segment_at(scn.start)
scn2data[scn] = data
for func in bv.functions:
length = sum([len(x) for x in func.basic_blocks])
data = {'id', 'datum':length}
containing_section = bv.get_sections_at(func.start)[0]
data = list(seg2data.values())
print('input data:')
import pprint
pprint.pprint(data, width=1)
print('circle packing...')
circles = circlify.circlify(data, show_enclosure=True)
# draw it
img ='RGB', (width,width))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
for circle in circles:
# PIL is (0,0) at upper left
# circlify is Cartesian with 0,0 at center and [-1,1] span of x,y
x = (circle.x + 1)/2 * width
y = (circle.y + 1)/2 * height
r = circle.r/2 * width
color_fill = 'red'
color_outline = 'white'
extra = circle.ex
if extra:
name = extra['id']
if name.startswith('<segment'):
color_fill = '#440154'
if name.startswith('.'):
color_fill = '#3B518A'
if circle.level == 0: continue
if circle.level == 1:
r += 8
color_outline = color_fill
# ellipse() is given top-left and bottom-right of corners
draw.ellipse((x-r, y-r, x+r, y+r), fill=color_fill, outline=color_outline)
label = extra['id']
font = ImageFont.truetype('Andale Mono', 12)
(tw,th) = font.getsize(label)
if circle.level == 1:
draw.rectangle((x-tw//2, y-r-th//2, x+tw//2, y-r+th//2), outline=color_fill, fill=color_fill)
draw.text((x-tw//2, y-r-th//2), label, font=font, fill='white')
elif circle.level == 2:
draw.text((x-tw//2, y-r), label, font=font, fill='white', outline='white')
for font_size in range(12,1,-1):
font = ImageFont.truetype('Andale Mono', font_size)
(tw,th) = font.getsize(label)
if tw<2*r and th<2*r: break
draw.text((x-tw//2, y-th//2), label, font=font, fill='white', outline='white')'/tmp/tmp.png')
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