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Created August 10, 2019 04:03
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convert images to Binary Ninja "feature map"
#!/usr/bin/env python
# convert images to Binary Ninja "feature map" images
# please share enhancements and cool images you make with andrewl on binja slack
# instructions (requires ImageMagick and Netwide Assembler (nasm)):
# resize to 128 pixel width:
# $ convert -resize 128 input.png output.png
# convert image to black and white with dithering
# $ convert input.jpg -remap pattern:gray50 output.png
# run this script to produce out.asm
# $ ./ input.jpg
# 4) assemble out.asm to whatever binary you want:
# $ nasm -f elf out.asm -o out.elf
import sys
from PIL import Image
im =[1])
im = im.convert('RGB')
binsize = 0
labelidx = 0
dataidx = 0
asm = []
asm.append('section .text')
asm.append('global _start')
# convert all pixels
for y in range(im.height):
for x in range(im.width):
px = im.getpixel((x,y))
# black pixels are orphan null bytes
if px == (0,0,0):
asm.append('db 0')
binsize += 1
# white pixels are small functions
elif px == (255,255,255):
asm.append('loc_%d:' % labelidx)
binsize += 1
labelidx += 1
raise Exception('non black or white color detected:', px)
# for all labels created, generate call
for i in range(labelidx):
asm.append('call loc_%d' % i)
binsize += 5 # e8 XX XX XX XX
binsize += 1
# pad file size to get 128-byte scanlines
if 70000 - binsize > 0:
asm.append('resb %d' % (70000 - binsize))
# write asm to file
with open('out.asm', 'w') as fp:
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