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Last active July 14, 2020 12:30
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Basic Grammatical Structure Based on Type System

  "Fractional a => Pattern a": { 
    "oscillators": "sine", "cosine", "tri", "square", "tri", "saw", "isaw", 
    "random generators": "rand" 
  "Num a => Pattern a": {
    "random generators": "irand" 
  "Pattern Int -> ControlPattern -> ControlPattern":  {  
    "control functions": "spin", "chop", "striate", "gap", "randslice" 
  "Pattern Int -> (Pattern a -> Pattern a) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a" : { 
    "functions": "every", "chunk", "chunk'", "plyWith" 
    "Int": { 
      "1", "2","4","8","16".. 

Example usage:

d1 $ every 2 (chop 2 ) $ sound "" #pan (sine *2)


d1 $ chunk 2 (hurry 4 ) $ sound "" # pan (rand *2)

Basic Haskell Code Implementation

import System.Random

g <- getStdGen

let randVal = take 10 (randoms g :: [Float])

let x0 = randVal!!0
    x1 = randVal!!1
-- replace this from the json grammar .. 
let functionArray = [C.sine, C.cosine, C.tri, C.saw]

functionChooser :: (Ord a2, Real a1, Fractional a2, Fractional a1) => a2 -> Pattern a1
functionChooser randVal
    | (randVal >= 0 && randVal < 0.25) = functionArray!!0
    | (randVal >= 0.25 && randVal < 0.5) = functionArray!!1
    | (randVal >= 0.5 && randVal < 0.75) = functionArray!!2
    | (randVal >= 0.75 && randVal < 1) = functionArray!!3
    | otherwise = functionArray!!4 -- add in
 d1 $ s "bd(3,8)" # speed (slow 4 $  functionChooser (x1))
-- doesn't explicity show what pattern is chosen, see autcode example..?


-- Create state transition matrices, based on existing code performances etc, probability of various associations -- (automated script on this repository?)

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