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lwlsn / linear-to-cycles
Last active November 29, 2019 08:16
Conversion from linear to cyclical time
Input midi data
(missing first note data -- C4, E4)
120 On ch=1 n=67 v=64 -- G4 on
180 Off ch=1 n=67 v=44 -- G4 off
180 On ch=1 n=72 v=64 --- C5 on
240 Off ch=1 n=72 v=77 -- C5 off
240 On ch=1 n=76 v=64 -- E5 on
300 Off ch=1 n=76 v=52 -- E5 off
lwlsn / music-theory-to-tidal
Last active June 7, 2019 10:20
Music Theory > Tidal Cheat Sheet
~~ Tempo ~~
- Conversion from cycles per second to bpm
bpm x a = cps (x/120/a)
a = 1 =>
a = 2 =>
- Basic Tempo Markings
Lento = 40-60 bpm
lwlsn /
Created November 15, 2019 05:33
Music and emotion datasets
dataset data type size with audio sources?
Amg1608 frame-level acoustic features and corresponding valence & arousal annotations 1608 excerpts (30s) no
DEAM Continuous (per second) and overall valence & arousal ratings 1802 excerpts yes
DEAPDataset valence & arousal & dominance & physiological data 120 music video excerpts no
EMO-Soundscapes arousal & valence annotations of soundscapes 1213 soundscape recordings yes

Context Free Grammars

Some grammar defined by the tuple:

G = (V, Sigma, R, S)

  1. V- finite set. v ∈ V called nonterminal variable, or variable. Each variable defines a sub-language of language defined by G.
  2. Sigma - finite set of terminals, disjoint from V. Set of terminals is the alphabet of the language defined by grammar G.
  3. R - finite realisation (productions) from V to (V U Sigma)* (++ Kleene star operation). Members are the (rewrite) rules or productions of the grammar.
  4. S - start variable/symbol used to represent the whole sentence (or program).

For some valence arousal co-ordinates v,a ∈ [-1,1]:

Rhythmic Components

tempo For some defined constants t0, t1, t2 ∈ R : t(a,v) = t0 + t1a +t2v

rhythmic density

setcps(110/120/2) -- setcps (bpm/120/x) where bpm sets tempo x = 2b, b measures in a bar
d1 $ stz 3 (0.125/2) 0.8
$ rarely (off 0.125 (|+ n "2 4 3"))
$ every 5 (#hpf "200 400 800 1200")
$ seqPLoop [
-- right hand

Basic Grammatical Structure Based on Type System

  "Fractional a => Pattern a": { 
    "oscillators": "sine", "cosine", "tri", "square", "tri", "saw", "isaw", 
    "random generators": "rand" 
  "Num a => Pattern a": {
    "random generators": "irand" 
lwlsn /
Last active November 30, 2023 23:04
Installing Tidal_Fuzz Atom Package..

Instructions for installing the Tidal-Fuzz Agent Package

Welcome :D

Install guide

These instructions should guide you through the process of the installation of the agent Tidal Fuzz {{ oo }}

((You will need to know a small bit about cloning repositories from github using git to complete this task and running commands in the terminal. If you are unsure on this checkout these guides