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Created August 4, 2018 16:49
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Monty Hall Problem Simulation
const winsIfSwitched = [];
const winsIfStayed = [];
function monty () {
const doorWithCar = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
const guessedDoor = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
// Host removes a door that...
const removedDoor = [0,0,0].reduce((result, n, index) => {
// 1) contestant didn't pick and...
if (index === guessedDoor) return result;
// 2) doesn't have a car
if (index === doorWithCar) return result;
return index;
}, -1);
// Contestant has a choice to switch tho a door that...
const remainingDoor = [0,0,0].reduce((result, n, index) => {
// 1) contestant didn't already pick and...
if (index === guessedDoor) return result;
// 2) hasn't been removed by host
if (index === removedDoor) return result;
return index;
}, -1);
// Did contestant win if they stayed with the original guess?
const stayedResult = guessedDoor === doorWithCar;
// Did contestant win if they switched to the remaining door?
const switchedResult = remainingDoor === doorWithCar;
const numTrials = 10000000;
console.log(`Running ${numTrials} trials...`);
for (i = 0; i < numTrials; i++) monty();
console.log('Win rate if stayed', winsIfStayed.filter(Boolean).length / winsIfStayed.length);
console.log('Win rate if switched', winsIfSwitched.filter(Boolean).length / winsIfSwitched.length);
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