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Last active December 18, 2015 20:48
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Save lychees/5842537 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
UESTC 1888. Birthday Party 。。n 个点。每个点随机向某个自己以外的点连一条边。 。。。问存在一个 k 元环的概率。。 ( n, k = 10^7
#define LOCAL
/** ` Micro Mezzo Macro Flation -- Overheated Economy ., **/
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <bitset>
#include <queue>
#include <stack>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
#define REP(i, n) for (int i=0;i<int(n);++i)
#define FOR(i, a, b) for (int i=int(a);i<int(b);++i)
#define DWN(i, b, a) for (int i=int(b-1);i>=int(a);--i)
#define REP_1(i, n) for (int i=1;i<=int(n);++i)
#define FOR_1(i, a, b) for (int i=int(a);i<=int(b);++i)
#define DWN_1(i, b, a) for (int i=int(b);i>=int(a);--i)
#define REP_C(i, n) for (int n____=int(n),i=0;i<n____;++i)
#define FOR_C(i, a, b) for (int b____=int(b),i=a;i<b____;++i)
#define DWN_C(i, b, a) for (int a____=int(a),i=b-1;i>=a____;--i)
#define REP_N(i, n) for (i=0;i<int(n);++i)
#define FOR_N(i, a, b) for (i=int(a);i<int(b);++i)
#define DWN_N(i, b, a) for (i=int(b-1);i>=int(a);--i)
#define REP_1_C(i, n) for (int n____=int(n),i=1;i<=n____;++i)
#define FOR_1_C(i, a, b) for (int b____=int(b),i=a;i<=b____;++i)
#define DWN_1_C(i, b, a) for (int a____=int(a),i=b;i>=a____;--i)
#define REP_1_N(i, n) for (i=1;i<=int(n);++i)
#define FOR_1_N(i, a, b) for (i=int(a);i<=int(b);++i)
#define DWN_1_N(i, b, a) for (i=int(b);i>=int(a);--i)
#define REP_C_N(i, n) for (int n____=(i=0,int(n));i<n____;++i)
#define FOR_C_N(i, a, b) for (int b____=(i=0,int(b);i<b____;++i)
#define DWN_C_N(i, b, a) for (int a____=(i=b-1,int(a));i>=a____;--i)
#define REP_1_C_N(i, n) for (int n____=(i=1,int(n));i<=n____;++i)
#define FOR_1_C_N(i, a, b) for (int b____=(i=1,int(b);i<=b____;++i)
#define DWN_1_C_N(i, b, a) for (int a____=(i=b,int(a));i>=a____;--i)
#define ECH(it, A) for (typeof(A.begin()) it=A.begin(); it != A.end(); ++it)
#define DO(n) while(n--)
#define DO_C(n) int n_____ = n; while(n_____--)
#define ALL(A) A.begin(), A.end()
#define LLA(A) A.rbegin(), A.rend()
#define CPY(A, B) memcpy(A, B, sizeof(A))
#define INS(A, P, B) A.insert(A.begin() + P, B)
#define ERS(A, P) A.erase(A.begin() + P)
#define BSC(A, X) find(ALL(A), X) // != A.end()
#define CTN(T, x) (T.find(x) != T.end())
#define SZ(A) int(A.size())
#define PB push_back
#define MP(A, B) make_pair(A, B)
#define Rush int T____; RD(T____); DO(T____)
#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:36777216")
//#pragma GCC optimize ("O2")
#define Ruby system("ruby main.rb")
#define Haskell system("runghc main.hs")
#define Pascal system("fpc main.pas")
typedef long long LL;
typedef double DB;
typedef vector<int> VI;
template<class T> inline void RD(T &);
template<class T> inline void OT(const T &);
inline int RD(){ int x; RD(x); return x;}
template<class T> inline T& _RD(T &x){ RD(x); return x;}
inline void RC(char &c){scanf(" %c", &c);}
inline void RS(char *s){scanf("%s", s);}
template<class T0, class T1> inline void RD(T0 &x0, T1 &x1){RD(x0), RD(x1);}
template<class T> inline void RST(T &A){memset(A, 0, sizeof(A));}
template<class T0, class T1> inline void RST(T0 &A0, T1 &A1){RST(A0), RST(A1);}
template<class T0, class T1, class T2> inline void RST(T0 &A0, T1 &A1, T2 &A2){RST(A0), RST(A1), RST(A2);}
template<class T> inline void CLR(T &A){A.clear();}
template<class T0, class T1> inline void CLR(T0 &A0, T1 &A1){CLR(A0), CLR(A1);}
/** Add - On **/
const int MOD = 1000000007;
const int INF = 10009;
const DB EPS = 1e-2;
const DB OO = 1e15;
const DB PI = 3.14159265358979323846264; //M_PI;
// <<= ` 0. Daily Use .,
template<class T> inline void checkMin(T &a,const T b){if (b<a) a=b;}
template<class T> inline void checkMax(T &a,const T b){if (b>a) a=b;}
template <class T, class C> inline void checkMin(T& a, const T b, C c){if (c(b,a)) a = b;}
template <class T, class C> inline void checkMax(T& a, const T b, C c){if (c(a,b)) a = b;}
template<class T> inline T min(T a, T b, T c){return min(min(a, b), c);}
template<class T> inline T max(T a, T b, T c){return max(max(a, b), c);}
template<class T> inline T min(T a, T b, T c, T d){return min(min(a, b), min(c, d));}
template<class T> inline T max(T a, T b, T c, T d){return max(min(a, b), max(c, d));}
template<class T> inline T sqr(T a){return a*a;}
template<class T> inline T cub(T a){return a*a*a;}
int Ceil(int x, int y){return (x - 1) / y + 1;}
// <<= ` 1. Bitwise Operation .,
inline bool _1(int x, int i){return x & 1<<i;}
inline bool _1(LL x, int i){return x & 1LL<<i;}
inline LL _1(int i){return 1LL<<i;}
//inline int _1(int i){return 1<<i;}
inline LL _U(int i){return _1(i) - 1;};
//inline int _U(int i){return _1(i) - 1;};
inline int count_bits(int x){
x = (x & 0x55555555) + ((x & 0xaaaaaaaa) >> 1);
x = (x & 0x33333333) + ((x & 0xcccccccc) >> 2);
x = (x & 0x0f0f0f0f) + ((x & 0xf0f0f0f0) >> 4);
x = (x & 0x00ff00ff) + ((x & 0xff00ff00) >> 8);
x = (x & 0x0000ffff) + ((x & 0xffff0000) >> 16);
return x;
// <<= ' 0. I/O Accelerator interface .,
template<class T> inline void RD(T &x){
//cin >> x;
scanf("%d", &x);
//char c; c = getchar(); x = c - '0'; for (c = getchar(); c >= '0'; c = getchar()) x = x * 10 + c - '0';
template<class T> inline void OT(const T &p){
printf("%.9f\n", p);
/* .................................................................................................................................. */
const int N = 10000009;
DB f(){
int n, k; RD(n, k); DB res = 0, cur = 1; int t = n; REP_1_C(i, n/k){
cur /= i*k; DWN_1_C_N(t, t, t-k+1) cur *= (DB)t/(n-1);
if (i&1) res += cur; else res -= cur;
return res;
int main(){
//freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
//freopen("out.txt", "w", stdout);
Rush OT(f());
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rupxup commented Jun 23, 2013




using namespace std;

int main() {
int T;
scanf("%d", &T);
for(int cas=0; cas<T; ++cas) {
int n, k;
scanf("%d%d", &n, &k);
double p = 1.0;
double ans = 0.0;
for(int i=1; i*k<=n; ++i) {
for(int c=n-(i-1)k; c>n-ik; --c) {
p *= c;
p /= n-1;
p /= k;
p /= i;
if(i&1) ans += p;
else ans -= p;
printf("%.9lf\n", ans);

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