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Created November 3, 2020 18:14
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Get earliest and latest timestamp for PIPoint
import datetime
import glob
import pandas as pd
import datetime as dt
import functools
import os
import sys
import clr
# TODO check PI assembly path
sys.path.append( r'C:\Program Files (x86)\PIPC\AF\PublicAssemblies\4.0' )
clr.AddReference( 'OSIsoft.AFSDK' )
clr.AddReference( 'System.Collections' )
from OSIsoft.AF import *
from OSIsoft.AF.PI import *
from OSIsoft.AF.Asset import *
from OSIsoft.AF.Data import *
from OSIsoft.AF.Time import *
from OSIsoft.AF.UnitsOfMeasure import *
from System.Collections.Generic import Dictionary
from System import *
AFTimeFormat = "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S"
checkDateList = pd.date_range( checkStartDate, checkEndDate )
piServers = PIServers()
# PIserver2 = piServers['PI2']
PIserver1 = piServers[ 'PI1' ]
tagName = 'TAG1'
pi1Pt = PIPoint.FindPIPoint( PIserver1, tagName )
pointCount = 1
isForward = True
filterExpression = ''
includeFilteredValues = False
earliestDtStr = dt.datetime( 1970, 1, 1 ).strftime( AFTimeFormat )
earliestDt = AFTime( earliestDtStr )
piPtEarliestValues = pi1Pt.RecordedValuesByCount(
earliestDt, pointCount, isForward, AFBoundaryType.Inside, filterExpression, includeFilteredValues )
latestDtStr = 2030, 1, 1).strftime( AFTimeFormat )
latestDt = AFTime( latestDtStr )
isForward2 = False
piPtLatestValues = pi1Pt.RecordedValuesByCount(
latestDt, pointCount, isForward2, AFBoundaryType.Inside, filterExpression, includeFilteredValues )
for value in piPtEarliestValues:
print( f'EarliestTimestamp={value.Timestamp.LocalTime}, value={value.ValueAsDouble()}' )
for value in piPtLatestValues:
print( f'LatestTimestamp={value.Timestamp.LocalTime}, value={value.ValueAsDouble()}' )
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from anaconda, do
* conda install pandas xlrd openpyxl
* pip install pythonnet

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