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Last active July 16, 2021 20:25
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linqpad - specs filter
void Main()
List<Product> products = new()
new Product { Color = Color.Green, Size = Size.Small, Brand = Brand.Adidas },
new Product { Color = Color.Red, Size = Size.Large, Brand = Brand.Adidas },
new Product { Color = Color.Red, Size = Size.Medium, Brand = Brand.Nike },
ColorSpecification colorSpec = new(Color.Red);
SizeSpecification sizeSpec = new(Size.Medium);
BrandSpecification brandSpec = new(Brand.Nike);
//var specs2 = colorSpec & sizeSpec & brandSpec;
//IFilter<Product>.Filter(products, specs2).Dump();
var spec1 = new EnumSpecification<Product, Color>(Color.Red);
var spec2 = new EnumSpecification<Product, Brand>(Brand.Nike);
IFilter<Product>.Filter(products, spec1 & spec2).Dump();
public enum Color {
Red, Green, Blue
public enum Size {
Small, Medium, Large
public enum Brand {
public class EnumSpecification<Product, TEnum>
: Specification<Product>
where TEnum : System.Enum
private TEnum enumSpec;
public EnumSpecification(TEnum enumSpec) => this.enumSpec = enumSpec;
public override bool IsSatisfied(Product item)
// reflect on Product object and get Color/Size/Brand enum field
var propName = typeof(TEnum).Name;
var prop = item.GetType().GetProperty(propName)
?? throw new ArgumentNullException($"{propName} does not exist in Product");
var propVal = prop.GetValue(item, null);
TEnum propValEnum = (TEnum) Enum.Parse(typeof(TEnum), propVal.ToString()); // <--------------- better way to parse enum ?
if(EqualityComparer<TEnum>.Default.Equals(propValEnum, this.enumSpec)) {
return true;
return false;
public class Product {
public Guid Id { get; } = Guid.NewGuid();
public Color Color { get; set;}
public Size Size { get; set;}
public Brand Brand { get; set; }
public abstract class Specification<T> {
public abstract bool IsSatisfied(T item);
public static Specification<T> operator &(Specification<T> first, Specification<T> second)
return new AndSpecification<T>(
new Specification<T>[] {first, second} );
public class AndSpecification<T> : Specification<T>
private Specification<T>[] specs;
public AndSpecification(params Specification<T>[] specs)
=> this.specs = specs;
public override bool IsSatisfied(T item)
=> this.specs.All(spec => spec.IsSatisfied(item));
public interface IFilter<T> {
public static IEnumerable<T> Filter(IEnumerable<T> items, Specification<T> spec) {
foreach(var item in items) {
if(spec.IsSatisfied(item)) {
yield return item;
public class ColorSpecification : Specification<Product>
private Color color;
public ColorSpecification(Color color) => this.color = color;
public override bool IsSatisfied(Product item) => (item.Color == this.color);
public class SizeSpecification: Specification<Product>
private Size size;
public SizeSpecification(Size size) => this.size = size;
public override bool IsSatisfied(Product item) => (this.size == item.Size);
public class BrandSpecification: Specification<Product>
private Brand brand;
public BrandSpecification(Brand brand) => this.brand = brand;
public override bool IsSatisfied(Product item) => (this.brand == item.Brand);
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