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Last active February 18, 2018 23:52
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Code from Chapter 6 of Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc runghc --package=criterion
import Criterion.Main
import Data.Char (intToDigit)
import Data.List (intercalate)
type Expression = [Term]
type Term = [Factor]
type Factor = [Digit]
type Digit = Int
valExpr :: Expression -> Int
valExpr = sum . map valTerm
valTerm :: Term -> Int
valTerm = product . map valFact
valFact :: Factor -> Int
valFact = foldl1 (\n d -> 10 * n + d)
showExpr :: Expression -> String
showExpr = intercalate " + " . map showTerm
showTerm :: Term -> String
showTerm = intercalate "×" . map showFact
showFact :: Factor -> String
showFact = map intToDigit
good :: Int -> Int -> Bool
good c v = v == c
ok :: Int -> Int -> Bool
ok c v = v <= c
expressions :: [Digit] -> [Expression]
expressions = foldr extend []
extend :: Digit -> [Expression] -> [Expression]
extend x [] = [[[[x]]]]
extend x es = concatMap (glue x) es
glue :: Digit -> Expression -> [Expression]
glue x ((xs : xss) : xsss) =
[ ((x : xs) : xss) : xsss
, ([x] : xs : xss) : xsss
, [[x]] : (xs : xss) : xsss
digits0 :: [Int]
digits0 = [1..9]
target0 :: Int
target0 = 100
solutions :: Int -> [Digit] -> [Expression]
solutions c ds = filter (good c . valExpr) $ expressions ds
showSolution :: Int -> Expression -> String
showSolution c x = show c ++ " = " ++ showExpr x
printSolutions :: Int -> [Expression] -> IO ()
printSolutions c xs = mapM_ (putStrLn . showSolution c) xs
computeAndPrintSolutions :: Int -> [Digit] -> IO ()
computeAndPrintSolutions c ds = printSolutions c $ solutions c ds
piDigits :: [Int]
piDigits = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5, 8, 9, 7]
target1 :: Int
target1 = 1000
cross :: (a -> b, c -> d) -> (a, c) -> (b, d)
cross (f, g) (x, y) = (f x, g y)
modify :: Digit -> (Int, Int, Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int, Int, Int)]
modify x (k, f, t, e) =
[(10*k, k*x+f, t, e), (10, x, f*t, e), (10, x, 1, f*t+e)]
good' :: Int -> (Int, Int, Int, Int) -> Bool
good' c (k, f, t, e) = f*t + e == c
ok' :: Int -> (Int, Int, Int, Int) -> Bool
ok' c (k, f, t, e) = f*t + e <= c
solutions' :: Int -> [Digit] -> [Expression]
solutions' c = map fst . filter (good' c . snd) . foldr (expand c) []
expand :: Int -> Digit -> [(Expression, (Int, Int, Int, Int))] -> [(Expression, (Int, Int, Int, Int))]
--expand c x = filter (ok' c . snd) . uncurry zip . cross (extend x, modify x) . unzip
expand c x [] = [([[[x]]], (10, x, 1, 0))]
expand c x evs = concat (map (filter (ok' c . snd) . glue' x) evs)
glue' :: Digit -> (Expression, (Int, Int, Int, Int)) -> [(Expression, (Int, Int, Int, Int))]
glue' x ((xs : xss) : xsss, (k, f, t, e)) =
[ (((x : xs) : xss) : xsss, (10*k, k*x+f, t, e))
, (([x] : xs : xss) : xsss, (10, x, f*t, e))
, ([[x]] : (xs : xss) : xsss, (10, x, 1, f*t+e))
main = defaultMain
[ bgroup "solutions"
[ bench "initial version, target 100, digits 1..9" $ nf (solutions 100) digits0
, bench "initial version, target 1000, pi digits" $ nf (solutions 1000) piDigits
, bench "improved version, target 1000, pi digits" $ nf (solutions' 1000) piDigits
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