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Created May 16, 2011 19:24
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1 module ActiveRecord
2 module Associations
3 # Association proxies in Active Record are middlemen between the object that
4 # holds the association, known as the <tt>@owner</tt>, and the actual associated
5 # object, known as the <tt>@target</tt>. The kind of association any proxy is
6 # about is available in <tt>@reflection</tt>. That's an instance of the class
7 # ActiveRecord::Reflection::AssociationReflection.
8 #
9 # For example, given
10 #
11 # class Blog < ActiveRecord::Base
12 # has_many :posts
13 # end
14 #
15 # blog = Blog.find(:first)
16 #
17 # the association proxy in <tt>blog.posts</tt> has the object in +blog+ as
18 # <tt>@owner</tt>, the collection of its posts as <tt>@target</tt>, and
19 # the <tt>@reflection</tt> object represents a <tt>:has_many</tt> macro.
20 #
21 # This class has most of the basic instance methods removed, and delegates
22 # unknown methods to <tt>@target</tt> via <tt>method_missing</tt>. As a
23 # corner case, it even removes the +class+ method and that's why you get
24 #
25 # blog.posts.class # => Array
26 #
27 # though the object behind <tt>blog.posts</tt> is not an Array, but an
28 # ActiveRecord::Associations::HasManyAssociation.
29 #
30 # The <tt>@target</tt> object is not \loaded until needed. For example,
31 #
32 # blog.posts.count
33 #
34 # is computed directly through SQL and does not trigger by itself the
35 # instantiation of the actual post records.
36 class CollectionProxy # :nodoc:
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