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Last active October 18, 2022 20:40
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RC5-32/20/32 CBC Pad implementation in C for Linux using file mapping and generating key from user passphrase
This is C implementation of RC5-32/20/32 CBC Pad. You can change
algorithm macroses W, R and B in order to create RC5 variations.
R and B parameters can be chosen freely (but with RFC 2040
limitations), but only W=32 is implemented in this code fully.
Those lines where W changing can occure errors is commented.
You can compile this file using the following directive:
gcc rc5.c md5.c rand.c io.c \
Following flags are available:
-DOMIT_RC5_MAIN Do not include main of rc5.c into your code.
Setting the key
This program generates RC5 key using the user passphrase. Let
P be passphrase and K be the key. Knowing the result of MD5 is
always 16 bit, key generation algorithm can be stated as
md5(P) >> 4 for 8 bit,
md5(P) 16 bit,
concat(md5(P), md5(md5(P))) 32 bit.
Structure of the encrypted file
Encrypted file structure is following:
1st block is encrypted IV
[2..n-1]th blocks is file content
[n]th block contains padding if needed.
Padding will be added to the file if content of the file is not
a multiplier of word size. Padding have the following structure:
[f1 ... fn (8-n) ... (8-n)], where f1..fn is the [1..n]th block
of the file and (8-n) is leftover size.
Suppose we have following file:
Its size in bytes is 12. Then encrypted file will look as
1: [ebc(iv ...)] EBC-encrypted initialization vector
2: [ebc(a b c d e f g h)] encrypted content of the file
3: [ebc(j k l m 4 4 4 4)] content of the file + padding
Blocks are also CBC-chained.
#include "rc5.h"
#ifndef RSHIFT_U8
#define RSHIFT_U8(p, n) ( (uint8_t*)(p)+(n) )
#ifndef OMIT_RC5_MAIN
#define ENCRYPT_MODE 1
#define DECRYPT_MODE 0
char mode = ENCRYPT_MODE;
mapstream_t* fin = NULL;
mapstream_t* fout = NULL;
char* fout_addr = NULL;
rc5_key_t* key = NULL;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
// Settings for linear congruence generator
LINCON_RAND_M = 217728;
LINCON_RAND_A = 84589;
LINCON_RAND_C = 45989;
RAND_SEED = (uint64_t)clock();
int argument = 0;
while( (argument = getopt(argc, argv, "hp:i:o:ds")) != -1 ){
case 'h':
"Usage ./rc5 [-e|-d] -i input_file -p passphrase [...]\n"
"This is RC5-32/20/32 implementation. It takes your file and encrypts it with\n"
"the key you gave.\n"
"Following flags are available:\n"
" -h Prints this message;\n"
" -i [..] Input file to work with;\n"
" -o [..] Output file, which will be truncated and created if don't exist.\n"
" -d Use decrypt mode. Decrypts -i file and put result to -o. Encryption\n"
" mode is used by default;\n"
" -p Passphrase to operate with.\n"
return 0;
case 'p':
key = rc5_generate_key(optarg);
case 'i':
fin = malloc(sizeof(mapstream_t));
// `openfmap` is from io.h namespace.
openfmap(fin, optarg, O_RDONLY, 0, PROT_READ, 0);
// Warning here: this code finds nearest multiplier
// of 8, because our word size is 32 bit (and 32
// bit is 8 bytes). You should find nearest multipliers
// of 4 or 16 if some day you will decide size of
// the word should be changed.
// Comments and suggestions are welcomed here.
fin->sizeslot1 = (fin->fsize + 7) & (-8);
case 'o':
fout = malloc(sizeof(mapstream_t));
fout_addr = optarg;
case 'd':
if(fin == NULL || fout == NULL){
EMERGENCY("Use -i and -o flags to set input and output files");
if(key == NULL){
EMERGENCY("Passphrase was not set");
fout, fout_addr,
(mode == ENCRYPT_MODE)
? fin->sizeslot1 + BW
: fin->fsize - BW
rc5_word S[T];
rc5_setup(key->d, S);
if(mode == ENCRYPT_MODE){
rc5_enc_cbc_pad(S, fin, fout);
// rc5_dec_cbc_pad returns number of bytes should
// be truncated at the end of the file.
uint8_t pad_erase = rc5_dec_cbc_pad(S, fin, fout);
truncate(fout_addr, fout->fsize - pad_erase);
memset(S, 0, T);
return 0;
/*Read file as blocks and perform padding, If freeafter = 1 after executing,
* then function result should be freed.*/
rc5_block_t* rc5_read_pad_map(char* freeafter, mapstream_t* source){
*freeafter = 0;
// Reached the end of the file
if(source->cursor >= source->sizeslot1)
return RC5_EOF;
// Next block is fully in the file range
if(source->cursor + (BW) <= source->fsize){
rc5_block_t* block = (rc5_block_t*)(source->map + source->cursor);
// Increase cursor at one block size in bytes
source->cursor += BW;
return block;
// Block will contain padding
rc5_block_t* block = calloc(1, sizeof(rc5_block_t));
*freeafter = 1;
char unpaded_size = source->fsize - source->cursor;
memcpy(block, source->map + source->cursor, unpaded_size);
// Pad file with padding size
char padding_size = 8 - unpaded_size;
while(unpaded_size < 8)
block->bytes[unpaded_size++] = padding_size;
source->cursor += BW;
return block;
/*Read file as simple RC5 blocks [a, b]. */
rc5_block_t* rc5_read_map(mapstream_t* source){
if(source->cursor >= source->fsize)
return RC5_EOF;
rc5_block_t* block = (rc5_block_t*)(source->map + source->cursor);
source->cursor += BW;
return block;
/*Encode `fin` file with RC5-CBC-PAD mode using given S table. Initialization
* vector will be calculated using linear congruence calculator. */
void rc5_enc_cbc_pad(rc5_word S[T], mapstream_t* fin, mapstream_t* fout){
char freeafter;
rc5_block_t* plain_block;
rc5_block_t* plain_block_xor = malloc(sizeof(rc5_block_t));
rc5_block_t* prev_cypher_block = (rc5_block_t*)&fout->map[-BW];
rc5_block_t* curr_cypher_block = (rc5_block_t*) fout->map;
rc5_block_t* iv = rc5_create_iv();
memcpy(curr_cypher_block, iv, sizeof(rc5_block_t));
// Read block of plain text and assign result to plain_block
(plain_block = rc5_read_pad_map(&freeafter, fin)) != RC5_EOF &&
// Shift prev_cypher_block. At first iteration this becomes just the
// beginning of the file.
(prev_cypher_block = (rc5_block_t*)RSHIFT_U8(prev_cypher_block, BW)) &&
// Shift curr_cypher_block. At 1st iter this becomes 2nd block in the
// file. That makes sense, because 1st block already filled with IV.
(curr_cypher_block = (rc5_block_t*)RSHIFT_U8(curr_cypher_block, BW))
memcpy(plain_block_xor, plain_block, sizeof(rc5_block_t));
for(char i = 0; i < BW; i++)
plain_block_xor->bytes[i] ^= prev_cypher_block->bytes[i];
rc5_block_encrypt(plain_block_xor, curr_cypher_block, S);
if(freeafter) free(plain_block);
// Encrypt IV
rc5_block_encrypt(iv, (rc5_block_t*)fout->map, S);
/*Inverse to rc5_enc_cbc_pad.
* Returns number if bytes should be truncated from the end of the file. */
uint8_t rc5_dec_cbc_pad(rc5_word S[T], mapstream_t* fin, mapstream_t* fout){
rc5_block_t* output_block = (rc5_block_t*)&fout->map[-BW];
char freeafter = 1;
rc5_block_t* prev_cypher_block = malloc(sizeof(rc5_block_t));
rc5_block_t* curr_cypher_block = rc5_read_map(fin);
rc5_block_decrypt(curr_cypher_block, prev_cypher_block, S);
(curr_cypher_block = rc5_read_map(fin)) != RC5_EOF &&
(output_block = (rc5_block_t*)RSHIFT_U8(output_block, BW))
rc5_block_decrypt(curr_cypher_block, output_block, S);
for(char i = 0; i < BW; i++)
output_block->bytes[i] ^= prev_cypher_block->bytes[i];
freeafter = 0;
prev_cypher_block = curr_cypher_block;
// Byte cannot be paded for more than 7 bite, that's probably a part of file
if(output_block->bytes[7] > 7) return 0;
// Check if there's sequence of padding bytes at the end.
char counter = 1, i = 6;
for(;i >= 0; i--)
if(output_block->bytes[i] == output_block->bytes[i + 1])
// Sequence breaks here.
else break;
// If sequence were found correctly, all its numbers should be equal to
// counter.
if(output_block->bytes[i + 1] == counter)
return counter;
// Otherwise treat sequence as incorrect and ignore it.
return 0;
rc5_key_t* rc5_generate_key(const char* passphrase){
rc5_md5sum_key_t* key = malloc(sizeof(rc5_md5sum_key_t));
md_buffer_t* md1 = md5_hash_raw(passphrase, strlen(passphrase));
#if B == 32
md_buffer_t* md2 = md5_hash_raw(md1->digits, 16);
memcpy(&key->md[0], md1, sizeof(md_buffer_t));
memcpy(&key->md[1], md2, sizeof(md_buffer_t));
memset(md2, (uint8_t)0, sizeof(md_buffer_t));
#elif B == 16
memcpy(&key->md[0], md1, sizeof(md_buffer_t));
#elif B == 8
memcpy(&key->md[0], &(md1->digits[8]), sizeof(md_buffer_t) / 2);
memset(md1, (uint8_t)0, sizeof(md_buffer_t));
return (rc5_key_t*)key;
void rc5_block_encrypt(rc5_block_t* plain, rc5_block_t* cipher, rc5_word S[T]){
rc5_word i;
rc5_word word_a = plain->words.a + S[0];
rc5_word word_b = plain->words.b + S[1];
for(i = 1; i <= R; i++){
word_a = ROTL(word_a ^ word_b, word_b) + S[2 * i ];
word_b = ROTL(word_b ^ word_a, word_a) + S[2 * i + 1];
cipher->words.a = word_a;
cipher->words.b = word_b;
void rc5_block_decrypt(rc5_block_t* cipher, rc5_block_t* plain, rc5_word S[T]){
rc5_word i;
rc5_word word_b = cipher->words.b;
rc5_word word_a = cipher->words.a;
for(i = R; i > 0; i--){
word_b = ROTR(word_b - S[2 * i + 1], word_a) ^ word_a;
word_a = ROTR(word_a - S[2 * i ], word_b) ^ word_b;
plain->words.b = word_b - S[1];
plain->words.a = word_a - S[0];
// k is secret input key
void rc5_setup(uint8_t* key, rc5_word S[T]){
rc5_word i, j, k;
rc5_word word_a, word_b;
rc5_word L[C];
// Convert secret key from bytes to words
i = B - 1, L[C - 1] = 0;
i != -1;
L[i / WW] = (L[i / WW] << 8) + key[i];
// Set S (expanded key) table
S[0] = Pw, i = 1;
i < T;
S[i] = S[i - 1] + Qw;
// Mix in the secret key
word_a = word_b = 0, i = j = k = 0;
k < 3 * T;
k++, i = (i + 1) % T, j = (j + 1) % C
word_a = S[j] = ROTL(S[i] + (word_a + word_b), 3);
word_b = L[j] = ROTL(L[j] + (word_a + word_b), (word_a + word_b));
rc5_block_t* rc5_create_iv(){
rc5_block_t* iv = malloc(sizeof(rc5_block_t));
iv->words.a = (rc5_word)rand_lincon();
iv->words.b = (rc5_word)rand_lincon();
return iv;
void rc5_destroy_iv(rc5_block_t* iv){
memset(iv, 0, sizeof(rc5_block_t));
#ifndef H_RC5
#define H_RC5
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
// These headers can be found in
#include "io.h"
#include "rand.h"
#include "md5.h"
#define W 32 // Size of the word in bits
#define WW (W / 8) // Bytes in word
#define BW (W / 4) // Size of block on bytes
#define R 20 // Word size
#define B 32 // Size of the key in bytes
#define C ((B * 8) / W) // Number of words in key
#define T 2 * (R + 1) // Size of the table S = 2*(R+1)
// Magic constants
#define P16 0xb7e1
#define Q16 0x9e37
#define P32 0xb7e15163
#define Q32 0x9e3779b9
#define P64 0xb7e151628aed2a6b
#define Q64 0x9e3779b97f4a7c15
#if W == 16
typedef uint16_t rc5_word;
#define Pw P16
#define Qw Q16
#elif W == 32
typedef uint32_t rc5_word;
#define Pw P32
#define Qw Q32
#elif W == 64
typedef uint64_t rc5_word;
#define Pw P64
#define Qw Q64
// Rotation operators; x should by unsigned
#define ROTL(x,y) (((x) << (y & (W - 1))) | ((x) >> (W - (y & (W - 1)))))
#define ROTR(x,y) (((x) >> (y & (W - 1))) | ((x) << (W - (y & (W - 1)))))
#define RC5_EOF ((rc5_block_t*)(-1))
typedef struct {
uint8_t d[B];
} rc5_key_t;
// This can be used to compute RC5 key from MD5 hash of the passphrase
typedef union {
rc5_key_t bytes;
md_buffer_t md[B / 16];
} rc5_md5sum_key_t;
typedef union {
struct {
rc5_word a;
rc5_word b;
} words;
uint8_t bytes[BW];
} rc5_block_t;
rc5_key_t* rc5_generate_key(const char* passphrase);
__attribute__((warn_unused_result, hot))
rc5_block_t* rc5_read_pad_map(char* freeafter, mapstream_t* source);
void rc5_block_encrypt(rc5_block_t* plain, rc5_block_t* cipher, rc5_word S[T]);
void rc5_block_decrypt(rc5_block_t* cipher, rc5_block_t* plain, rc5_word S[T]);
void rc5_setup(uint8_t* k, rc5_word S[T]);
void rc5_enc_cbc_pad(rc5_word S[T], mapstream_t* fin, mapstream_t* fout);
uint8_t rc5_dec_cbc_pad(rc5_word S[T], mapstream_t* fin, mapstream_t* fout);
__attribute__((malloc, warn_unused_result))
rc5_block_t* rc5_create_iv();
void rc5_destroy_iv(rc5_block_t* iv);
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