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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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Custom comments
do functions.php
/* =================================================================== */
function gordon_comments( $comment, $args, $depth ) {
$GLOBALS['comment'] = $comment;
<li <?php comment_class(); ?> id="li-comment-<?php comment_ID() ?>">
<div id="comment-<?php comment_ID(); ?>" class="comment-body">
<div class="comment-body-inner">
<div class="comment-avatar">
<?php echo get_avatar($comment, $size = $args['avatar_size'] ); ?>
<!-- END avatar -->
<div class="comment-author vcard">
<?php printf(__('<cite class="fn">%s</cite> <span class="says">says:</span>'), get_comment_author_link()) ?>
<!-- END comment-author vcard -->
<?php if ($comment->comment_approved == '0') : ?>
<em><?php _e('Your comment is awaiting moderation.') ?></em>
<br />
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( get_comment_link( $comment->comment_ID ) ) ?>"><?php printf(__('%1$s at %2$s'), get_comment_date(), get_comment_time()) ?></a>
<?php edit_comment_link(__('(Edit)'),' ','') ?>
<!-- END comment-meta commentmetadata -->
<?php comment_text() ?>
<div class="reply">
<?php comment_reply_link(array_merge( $args, array('depth' => $depth, 'max_depth' => $args['max_depth']))) ?>
<!-- END reply -->
<!-- END comment-body-inner -->
<!-- END comment -->
/* =================================================================== */
upravit volani wp_list_comments na
/* =================================================================== */
wp_list_comments( array(
'style' => 'ol',
'short_ping' => true,
'avatar_size' => 60,
'callback' => 'gordon_comments'
) );
/* =================================================================== */
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