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Marc Cluet lynxman

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BREW_PACKAGES="caskroom/cask/brew-cask python bazaar ruby cowsay htop-osx iftop links mercurial nmap par2 pstree qemu git subversion tmux unrar wget ngrep netcat mtr mkvtoolnix ffmpeg x264 swig zeromq ansible saltstack encfs packer ec2-ami-tools ec2-api-tools s3cmd pssh mpssh ctags boot2docker docker readline ttytter youtube-dl maven maven-shell nzbget p7zip pigz fswatch watch gcutil phantomjs highlight scala go irssi node etcdctl multitail gist hub gnupg keybase"
CASK_PACKAGES="vagrant virtualbox sublercli java silverlight flash macvim handbrake istumbler lyx openoffice wireshark xquartz osxfuse vlc"
PIP_PACKAGES="ipython httpie cfupload virtualenvwrapper pylint arrow boto"
GEM_PACKAGES="psych puppet facter chef ohai capistrano rumm puppet-lint foodcritic test-kitchen rspec rubocop irbtools chefspec serverspec kitchen-vagrant bundle berkshelf librarian librarian-chef librarian-puppet cucumber-puppet cucumber-chef puppetlabs_spec_helper chef-metal knife-ope
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