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Last active September 7, 2019 03:57
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C0 语法(误
// # Basic grammar elements
Identifier: [a-zA-Z] [_0-9a-zA-Z]* | _ [_0-9a-zA-Z]+
DecimalInteger: "0" | [1-9] [0-9]+
DecimalFractionalPart: "." [0-9]+
DecimalExponentPart: [Ee] [+-]? [0-9]+
HexadecimalNumber: "0x" [0-9a-fA-F]+
IntegerLiteral: (DecimalInteger | HexadecimalNumber)
FloatLiteral: DecimalInteger DecimalFractionalPart DecimalExponentPart?
| DecimalInteger DecimalExponentPart
EscapedChar: "\" ([ntrb\\'"] | "u{" [0-9a-fA-F]{4} "}")
Char: [^\\'"] | EscapedChar
CharLiteral: "'" Char "'"
StringLiteral: "\"" Char* "\""
BooleanLiteral: "true" | "false"
Comment: "//" .* "\n"
Literal: IntegerLiteral | FloatLiteral | CharLiteral | StringLiteral | BooleanLiteral
// # Keywords
// These keywords may appear in following definitions as their raw forms,
// i.e. kwReturn as "return".
// Most keywords' names are their raw forms prepended by "kw"
kwReturn: "return"
kwAs: "as"
kwIf: "if"
kwWhile: "while"
kwBreak: "break"
kwConst: "const"
// # Items
// The latter `;` is used only for function pointers,
// e.g. `Fn<int, double; bool>` for `bool (int, double)`
GenericTypeAnnotation: "<" TypeDeclaration ("," TypeDeclaration)* (";" TypeDeclaration)? ">"
GenericTypeDeclaration: Identifier GenericTypeAnnotation?
ArrayTypeDeclaration: "[" TypeDeclaration (";" IntegerLiteral)? "]"
ReferenceTypeDeclaration: "&" TypeDeclaration
TypeDeclaration: ReferenceTypeDeclaration | ArrayTypeDeclaration | GenericTypeDeclaration
// # Expressions
// "Expression" is abbreviated as "Expr" below.
LiteralExpr: Literal
IdentifierExpr: Identifier<Variable>
// These operators follows the precedence rule defined elsewhere
PrecedingUnaryOperator: "+" | "-" | "*" | "&" | "!" | "~" | "++" | "--"
ProcedingUnaryOperator: "++" | "--"
BinaryOperator: "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" | "^" | "&" | "|" | "&&" | "||" | ">>" | "<<"
UnaryOperation: PrecedingUnaryOperator Expr | Expr ProcedingUnaryOperator
BinaryOperation: Expr BinaryOperator Expr
OperationExpr: UnaryOperation | BinaryOperation
FnCallExpr: Expr "(" Expr ("," Expr)* ")"
IndexExpr: Expr "[" Expr "]"
StructChildExpr: Expr "." Identifier<StructChild>
StructConstructExpr: Identifier<Type+StructName> "{" (Identifier ":" Expr)* "}"
TypeCastExpr: Expr "as" TypeDefinition
BlockExprBody: Stmt* Expr | Stmt*
BlockExpr: "{" BlockExprBody "}"
Expr: LiteralExpr | IdentifierExpr | OperationExpr | FnCallExpr | IndexExpr
| StructChildExpr | StructConstructExpr | TypeCastExpr | IfExpr | WhileExpr
// # Flow Control
IfExpr: "if" "(" Expr<bool|int> ")" BlockExpr ("else" BlockExpr)?
WhileExpr: "while" "(" Expr<bool|int> ")" Stmt
BreakStmt: "break" Expr? ";"
ReturnStmt: "return" Expr? ";"
// # Statements
// "Statement" is abbreviated as "Stmt" below.
SingleVarDecl: Identifier ("=" Expr)?
VarDecl: "const"? TypeDeclaration SingleVarDecl ("," SingleVarDecl)+
EmptyStmt: ";"
ExprStmt: Expr ";"
// # Large Structures
FnParamDecl: "(" (TypeDefinition Identifier)* ")"
FnDecl: TypeDefinition Identifier FnParamsDecl (BlockExpr | ";")
// structs are identified directly by their name; no "struct"
StructDecl: "struct" Identifier "{" (TypeDefinition Identifier ",") "}"
Program: (StructDecl | FnDecl | VarDecl)*
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