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Last active August 2, 2024 08:26
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How to setup Ngrok with a self-signed SSL cert


The plan is to create a pair of executables (ngrok and ngrokd) that are connected with a self-signed SSL cert. Since the client and server executables are paired, you won't be able to use any other ngrok to connect to this ngrokd, and vice versa.


Add two DNS records: one for the base domain and one for the wildcard domain. For example, if your base domain is, you'll need a record for that and for *

Different Operating Systems

If the OS on which you'll be compiling ngrok (that's the server section below) is different than the OS on which you'll be running the client, then you will need to set the GOOS and GOARCH env variables. I run Linux everywhere, so I don't know how to do that. Please Google it or see the discussion here. If you know how to do this and want to add GOOS/GOARCH instructions here, please let me know.

On Server

MAKE SURE YOU SET NGROK_DOMAIN BELOW. Set it to the base domain, not the wildcard domain.

git clone
cd ngrok

openssl genrsa -out rootCA.key 2048
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key rootCA.key -subj "/CN=$NGROK_DOMAIN" -days 5000 -out rootCA.pem
openssl genrsa -out device.key 2048
openssl req -new -key device.key -subj "/CN=$NGROK_DOMAIN" -out device.csr
openssl x509 -req -in device.csr -CA rootCA.pem -CAkey rootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out device.crt -days 5000

cp rootCA.pem assets/client/tls/ngrokroot.crt
# make clean
make release-server release-client

Copy bin/ngrok to whatever computer you want to connect from. Then start the server:

bin/ngrokd -tlsKey=device.key -tlsCrt=device.crt -domain="$NGROK_DOMAIN" -httpAddr=":8000" -httpsAddr=":8001"

On Client

MAKE SURE YOU SET NGROK_DOMAIN BELOW. Set it to the base domain, not the wildcard domain.

echo -e "server_addr: $NGROK_DOMAIN:4443\ntrust_host_root_certs: false" > ngrok-config
./ngrok -config=ngrok-config 80

Or for SSH forwarding: ./ngrok -config=ngrok-config --proto=tcp 22

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przano commented Jul 14, 2018

I've tried everything suggested here. Just can't seem to get it working.. bad certificate error.

I have more general questions. Preface; Once the binaries are compiled using "make release-server release-client", they show up in the "bin" sub directory (along with another file in there called "go-bindata").

When starting the server as described in this forum, does the "device.key" and "device.crt" need to be in the "bin" directory as well (same directory as "ngrokd")?

When starting the client (using the "ngrok-config"), does the "ngrokroot.crt need to be in the same directory as "ngrok"?

Or, am I totally confused?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Make sure to do cp rootCA.pem assets/client/tls/ngrokroot.crt and rootCA.pem is your own certificate.

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When starting the server as described in this forum, does the "device.key" and "device.crt" need to be in the "bin" directory as well (same directory as "ngrokd")?


For simplicity, you can build a ngrokd image with docker:


FROM alpine:latest

ADD ngrokd device.key device.crt ./


ENTRYPOINT ["./ngrokd","-tlsKey","device.key","-tlsCrt","device.crt","-domain",""]

Build and push the image

env GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 make release-server
cp bin/ngrokd
docker build . -t yourname/ngrok:latest
docker push yourname/ngrok:latest

Run on server

On the server, just execute docker run -d --restart=always -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 4443:4443 yourname/ngrok:latest.

When starting the client (using the "ngrok-config"), does the "ngrokroot.crt need to be in the same directory as "ngrok"?


Make sure you have put the crt in assets/client/tls/ before make release-client. It will be packaged into the binary.

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przano commented Jul 21, 2018

Thanks for response @goofansu. It appears to be working now.

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I execute the same command. But I always meet:

[16:12:42 CST 2018/11/17] [INFO] (ngrok/log.(*PrefixLogger).Info:83) [tun:201b1722] New connection from
[16:12:42 CST 2018/11/17] [DEBG] (ngrok/log.(*PrefixLogger).Debug:79) [tun:201b1722] Waiting to read message
[16:12:42 CST 2018/11/17] [WARN] (ngrok/log.(*PrefixLogger).Warn:87) [tun:201b1722] Failed to read message: remote error: tls: bad certificate
[16:12:42 CST 2018/11/17] [DEBG] (ngrok/log.(*PrefixLogger).Debug:79) [tun:201b1722] Closing

What's the problem?
Thank you.

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pengyou200902 commented Apr 8, 2019

Also why if I create CA with and then create server.crt with * it also doesn't work?Can anyone please explain me how ngrok is using both those certs (root.pem and server.key, server.crt)

@damtur I just have the same problems !!!!

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tango-j commented Apr 30, 2020

It might be a good idea to also edit defaultServerAddr in src/ngrok/client/model.go to $NGROK_DOMAIN:4443 (Don't put $NGROK_DOMAIN literally in the file. Put your domain there). Then everything will work for your users without them needing a config file.

Also you can easily cross-compile using GOPATH=$(pwd) gox -tags 'release' ngrok/main/ngrok (to install gox: go get, as long as you've done everything lined out in the gist above, including make release-client.

Cant we put defaultServerAddr in src/ngrok/client/model.go to $NGROK_DOMAIN:443 and not 4443?

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doraeric commented Feb 12, 2021

I encounter the "bad certificate", too.
The error message from client shows

[01:53:34 CST 2021/02/13] [EROR] (ngrok/log.Error:120) control recovering from failure x509: certificate relies on legacy Common Name field, use SANs or temporarily enable Common Name matching with GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0

After searching, seems like ignoreCN are relative to go 1.15,
I tried export GODEBUG=x509 ignoreCN=0 and export GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0 with no luck.

Finally, I use gvm to install go 1.14 and rebuild, and it works now.

gvm install go1.14.15
gvm use go1.14
make release-server release-client

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ajaxsys commented Mar 2, 2021

I encounter the "bad certificate", too.
The error message from client shows

[01:53:34 CST 2021/02/13] [EROR] (ngrok/log.Error:120) control recovering from failure x509: certificate relies on legacy Common Name field, use SANs or temporarily enable Common Name matching with GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0

After searching, seems like ignoreCN are relative to go 1.15,
I tried export GODEBUG=x509 ignoreCN=0 and export GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0 with no luck.

Finally, I use gvm to install go 1.14 and rebuild, and it works now.

gvm install go1.14.15
gvm use go1.14
make release-server release-client

You save my life...
I tried to install on ec2, and by default yum install golang installed go1.15

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doraeric commented May 2, 2021

I found a similar tool with more features, it's frp

It support udp port forwarding, range port forwarding, and forwarding specific ip on local (192.168.x.x for example) rather than localhost (

Just leave a note in case someone has similar needs.

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iAbhinav commented May 8, 2021

Thankyou this helped a lot

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Hello Guys, i am getting this error
Please help me, I am new to this.

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I encounter the "bad certificate", too. The error message from client shows

[01:53:34 CST 2021/02/13] [EROR] (ngrok/log.Error:120) control recovering from failure x509: certificate relies on legacy Common Name field, use SANs or temporarily enable Common Name matching with GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0

After searching, seems like ignoreCN are relative to go 1.15, I tried export GODEBUG=x509 ignoreCN=0 and export GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0 with no luck.

Finally, I use gvm to install go 1.14 and rebuild, and it works now.

gvm install go1.14.15
gvm use go1.14
make release-server release-client

Well done!
Thanks man!

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dkk421 commented Feb 1, 2024

make: *** No rule to make target 'release-server'. Stop.
hi, does anyone know how to solve this problem?

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