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Last active March 7, 2016 18:53
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Proper PHP shell exec function. Gets you the return code, stdout, and stderr. Plus lets you you stream the output to stdout/stderr in addition to capturing it.
* Shell
* Execute shell commands properly.
* - forks a separate process to run the command
* - collects all output (including the exit code and stderr) and returns it neatly
* - optionally prints the output/error to stdout/stderr, so you can see it in (almost) real time
* @author Alex Grintsvayg
* @link
class Shell
* Execute a command. Returns the command's exit code, output, and error output.
* @param string $cmd The command to execute
* @param array $options Available options:
* - echo (bool) - If true, print the command's output/error to stdout/stderr of this process
* - echo_errors (bool) - If you want to control printing to stderr separately, use this. If not provided, will
* default to the value of 'echo'
* - live_callback (callable) - Will be called as soon as data is read. Use this for custom handling
* of live output. Callable signature: fn(string $text, bool $isError)
* @return array [exit code, output, errorOutput]
public static function exec($cmd, array $options = [])
$options = array_merge([
'echo' => false,
'echo_errors' => null,
'live_callback' => null,
], $options);
if ($options['echo_errors'] === null)
$options['echo_errors'] = $options['echo'];
if ($options['live_callback'] && !is_callable($options['live_callback']))
throw new InvalidArgumentException('live_callback option must be a valid callback');
$descriptorSpec = [
1 => ['pipe', 'w'], // stdout
2 => ['pipe', 'w'], // stderr
$process = proc_open($cmd, $descriptorSpec, $pipes);
if (!is_resource($process))
throw new RuntimeException('proc_open failed');
stream_set_blocking($pipes[1], false);
stream_set_blocking($pipes[2], false);
$output = '';
$err = '';
while (!feof($pipes[1]) || !feof($pipes[2]))
foreach ($pipes as $key => $pipe)
$data = fread($pipe, 1024);
if (!$data)
if (1 == $key)
$output .= $data;
if ($options['echo'])
fprintf(STDOUT, "%s", $data);
if ($options['live_callback'])
call_user_func($options['live_callback'], $data, false);
$err .= $data;
if ($options['echo_errors'])
fprintf(STDERR, "%s", $data);
if ($options['live_callback'])
call_user_func($options['live_callback'], $data, true);
$exitCode = proc_close($process);
return [$exitCode, $output, $err];
* Convenience method to build a command to execute. Will escape everything as necessary.
* @param string $executable The path to the executable
* @param array $arguments An array of arguments
* @param array $options An associative array of flags in the form flagName => flagValue.
* Short and long flags are supported.
* If flagValue === true, the flag have no value.
* If flagValue === false, the flag will be skipped.
* @return string An executable command
public static function buildCmd($executable, array $arguments = [], array $options = [])
$shellArgs = [];
foreach ($options as $key => $value)
if ($value === false)
if (strlen($key) === 1)
$shellArgs[] = '-'.$key;
if ($value !== true)
$shellArgs[] = $value;
$shellArgs[] = '--' . $key . ($value !== true ? '=' . $value : '');
$shellArgs = array_merge($shellArgs, array_values($arguments));
return $executable . ' ' . join(' ', array_map('escapeshellarg', $shellArgs));
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