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Created February 20, 2015 20:59
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numba.jit fails silently on Gibbs sampling
from numpy import bincount, log, log2, seterr, unique, zeros
from scipy.special import gammaln
from math_utils import log_sample, vi
def iteration(V, D, N_DV, N_D, alpha, beta, z_D, inv_z_T, active_topics, inactive_topics, N_TV, N_T, D_T):
Performs a single iteration of Radford Neal's Algorithm 3.
for d in xrange(D):
# retain the previous cluster indicator of d
old_t = z_D[d]
# make sure z_D[d] is no longer part of the set
# of points associated with old_t
if inv_z_T is not None:
# remove the data for d from the sum of the elements assigned to component old_t
N_TV[old_t, :] -= N_DV[d, :]
# remove sum along data features for component old_t (N_T = N_DV.sum(1))
N_T[old_t] -= N_D[d]
# decrease the appearances of old_t in z_D
D_T[old_t] -= 1
# compute partial log probability of assigning the data point to component
log_dist = log(D_T)
# if this component was a singleton, keep the index. Otherwise, activate a new component
idx = old_t if D_T[old_t] == 0 else inactive_topics.pop()
# log probability of assigning this point to the new component.
log_dist[idx] = log(alpha)
# compute log remaining log probability of assigning d over components
# note: gammaln(x) := ln(abs(gamma(x)))
for t in active_topics:
log_dist[t] += gammaln(N_T[t] + beta)
log_dist[t] -= gammaln(N_D[d] + N_T[t] + beta)
tmp = N_TV[t, :] + beta / V
log_dist[t] += gammaln(N_DV[d, :] + tmp).sum()
log_dist[t] -= gammaln(tmp).sum()
# sample from log_dist to get the component for d
[t] = log_sample(log_dist)
# assign component t as responsible for point d
z_D[d] = t
# assign point d as part of component t
if inv_z_T is not None:
# adjust the sufficient statistics for component t
# to account for the addition of d
N_TV[t, :] += N_DV[d, :]
N_T[t] += N_D[d]
D_T[t] += 1
# accounting of active topics:
if t != idx:
from numpy import argsort, bincount, ones, where, zeros
from numpy.random import poisson, seed
from numpy.random.mtrand import dirichlet
from math_utils import sample
def generate_data(V, D, l, alpha, beta):
Generates a synthetic corpus of documents from a Dirichlet process
mixture model with multinomial mixture components (topics). The
mixture components are drawn from a symmetric Dirichlet prior.
V -- vocabulary size
D -- number of documents
l -- average document length
alpha -- concentration parameter for the Dirichlet process
beta -- concentration parameter for the symmetric Dirichlet prior
T = D # maximum number of topics
phi_TV = zeros((T, V))
z_D = zeros(D, dtype=int)
N_DV = zeros((D, V), dtype=int)
for d in xrange(D):
# draw a topic assignment for this document
dist = bincount(z_D).astype(float)
dist[0] = alpha
[t] = sample(dist)
t = len(dist) if t == 0 else t
z_D[d] = t
# if it's a new topic, draw the parameters for that topic
if t == len(dist):
phi_TV[t - 1, :] = dirichlet(beta * ones(V) / V)
# draw the tokens from the topic
for v in sample(phi_TV[t - 1, :], num_samples=poisson(l)):
N_DV[d, v] += 1
z_D = z_D - 1
return phi_TV, z_D, N_DV
In [5]: from generative_process import generate_data
In [6]: from numba import double
In [7]: from numba.decorators import jit
In [8]: V = 10
In [9]: D = 20000
In [10]: l = 1000
In [11]: alpha = 1.0
In [12]: beta = 0.5
In [13]: num_itns = 10
In [14]: seed = 0
In [15]: s = 0
In [16]: from numpy.random import seed
In [17]: seed(s)
In [18]: phi_TV, z_D, N_DV = generate_data(V, D, l, alpha, beta)
In [19]: from kale.math_utils import log_sample, vi
In [20]: from scipy.special import gammaln
In [21]: from numpy import bincount, log, log2, seterr, unique, zeros
In [22]: from algorithm_3 import iteration
In [23]: D, V = N_DV.shape
In [24]: T = D
In [25]: N_D = N_DV.sum(1)
In [26]: active_topics = set(unique(z_D))
In [27]: inactive_topics = set(xrange(T)) - active_topics
In [28]: N_TV = zeros((T, V), dtype=int)
In [29]: N_T = zeros(T, dtype=int)
In [30]: for d in xrange(D):
....: N_TV[z_D[d], :] += N_DV[d, :]
....: N_T[z_D[d]] += N_D[d]
In [31]: D_T = bincount(z_D, minlength=T)
In [32]: ### ready to start timing
In [33]: %timeit iteration(V, D, N_DV, N_D, alpha, beta, z_D, None, active_topics, inactive_topics, N_TV, N_T, D_T)
1 loops, best of 3: 33.6 s per loop
In [34]: %timeit -n 5 -r 5 iteration(V, D, N_DV, N_D, alpha, beta, z_D, None, active_topics, inactive_topics, N_TV, N_T, D_T)
5 loops, best of 5: 33.6 s per loop
In [35]: iteration_numba = jit(iteration)
In [36]: %timeit iteration_numba(V, D, N_DV, N_D, alpha, beta, z_D, None, active_topics, inactive_topics, N_TV, N_T, D_T)
1 loops, best of 3: 33.5 s per loop
from collections import Counter
from numpy import asarray, cumsum, log, log2, exp, searchsorted, sqrt
from numpy.random import uniform
from scipy.spatial.distance import euclidean
def sample(dist, num_samples=1):
Uses the inverse CDF method to return samples drawn from the
specified (unnormalized) discrete distribution.
dist -- (unnormalized) distribution
Keyword arguments:
num_samples -- number of samples to draw
cdf = cumsum(dist)
r = uniform(size=num_samples) * cdf[-1]
return cdf.searchsorted(r)
def log_sample(log_dist):
return sample(exp(log_dist - log_dist.max()))
def log_sum_exp(x):
Returns log(sum(exp(x))).
If the elements of x are log probabilities, they should not be
exponentiated directly because of underflow. The ratio exp(x[i]) /
exp(x[j]) = exp(x[i] - x[j]) is not susceptible to underflow,
however. For any scalar m, log(sum(exp(x))) = log(sum(exp(x) *
exp(m) / exp(m))) = log(sum(exp(x - m) * exp(m)) = log(exp(m) *
sum(exp(x - m))) = m + log(sum(exp(x - m))). If m is some element
of x, this expression involves only ratios of the form exp(x[i]) /
exp(x[j]) as desired. Setting m = max(x) reduces underflow, while
avoiding overflow: max(x) is shifted to zero, while all other
elements of x remain negative, but less so than before. Even in
the worst case scenario, where exp(x - max(x)) results in
underflow for the other elements of x, max(x) will be
returned. Since sum(exp(x)) is dominated by exp(max(x)), max(x) is
a reasonable approximation to log(sum(exp(x))).
m = x.max()
return m + log((exp(x - m)).sum())
def mean_relative_error(p, q, normalized=True):
Returns the mean relative error between a discrete distribution
and some approximation to it.
p -- distribution
q -- approximate distribution
Keyword arguments:
normalized -- whether the distributions are normalized
assert len(p) == len(q)
p, q = asarray(p, dtype=float), asarray(q, dtype=float)
if not normalized:
p /= p.sum()
q /= q.sum()
return (abs(q - p) / p).mean()
def entropy(p, normalized=True):
Returns the entropy of a discrete distribution.
p -- distribution
Keyword arguments:
normalized -- whether the distribution is normalized
p = asarray(p, dtype=float)
if not normalized:
p /= p.sum()
return -(p * log2(p)).sum()
def kl(p, q, normalized=True):
Returns the Kullback--Leibler divergence between a discrete
distribution and some approximation to it.
p -- distribution
q -- approximate distribution
Keyword arguments:
normalized -- whether the distributions are normalized
assert len(p) == len(q)
p, q = asarray(p, dtype=float), asarray(q, dtype=float)
if not normalized:
p /= p.sum()
q /= q.sum()
return (p * log2(p / q)).sum()
def js(p, q, normalized=True):
Returns the Jensen--Shannon divergence (a form of symmetricized KL
divergence) between two discrete distributions.
p -- first distribution
q -- second distribution
Keyword arguments:
normalized -- whether the distributions are normalized
assert len(p) == len(q)
p, q = asarray(p, dtype=float), asarray(q, dtype=float)
if not normalized:
p /= p.sum()
q /= q.sum()
m = 0.5 * (p + q)
return 0.5 * kl(p, m) + 0.5 * kl(q, m)
def hellinger(p, q, normalized=True):
Returns the Hellinger distance between two discrete distributions.
p -- distribution
q -- distribution
Keyword arguments:
normalized -- whether the distributions are normalized
assert len(p) == len(q)
p, q = asarray(p, dtype=float), asarray(q, dtype=float)
if not normalized:
p /= p.sum()
q /= q.sum()
return euclidean(sqrt(p), sqrt(q)) / sqrt(2)
def vi(y, z):
Returns the variation of information (in bits) between two
partitions (clusterings) of n data points. The maximum attainable
value is log_2(n) bits. For example, vi(y=zeros(8, dtype=int),
z=xrange(8)) will return a value of 3.0.
y -- first partition
z -- second partition
assert len(y) == len(z)
D = 1.0 * len(y)
vi = 0.0
p_y = Counter(y)
for i in p_y.keys():
p_y[i] /= D
vi -= p_y[i] * log2(p_y[i])
p_z = Counter(z)
for j in p_z.keys():
p_z[j] /= D
vi -= p_z[j] * log2(p_z[j])
p_yz = Counter(zip(y, z))
for i, j in p_yz.keys():
p_yz[(i, j)] /= D
vi -= (2 * p_yz[(i, j)] *
log2(p_yz[(i, j)] / (p_y[i] * p_z[j])))
return vi
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