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Created March 23, 2019 17:11
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# Initialize Auto-Reloading Magic
%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import os
import sys
from importlib import reload
import astropy as ap
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.stats
import scipy.interpolate
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Silence annoying numpy errors
np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore');
# Plotting settings
mpl.rc('font', **{'family': 'serif', 'sans-serif': ['Times'], 'size': 12})
mpl.rc('lines', solid_capstyle='round')
mpl.rc('mathtext', fontset='cm')
plt.rcParams.update({'grid.alpha': 0.5})
MSOL = ap.constants.M_sun.cgs.value
def colormap(args, cmap, log=False):
cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap)
min = np.min(args)
max = np.max(args)
# Create normalization
if log:
norm = mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin=min, vmax=max)
norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=min, vmax=max)
# Create scalar-mappable
smap =, cmap=cmap)
# Bug-Fix something something
smap._A = []
return smap
class Moster_1205_5807():
DATA = {
"M1": {
"VALS": [11.590, 1.195],
"SIGMA": [0.236, 0.353],
"LOG": True
"N1": {
"VALS": [0.0351, -0.0247],
"SIGMA": [0.0058, 0.0069],
"LOG": False
"B1": {
"VALS": [1.376, -0.826],
"SIGMA": [0.153, 0.225],
"LOG": False
"G1": {
"VALS": [0.608, 0.329],
"SIGMA": [0.059, 0.173],
"LOG": False
def __init__(self, redz=0.0, store=False):
MHALO_GRID_RANGE = [10.0, 20.0] # log10(M_h/Msol)
MHALO_GRID_SIZE_PER_DEX = 4 # per decade
NUM_MC = 1000
SIGMA_GRID_RANGE = [-3.0, 3.0] # standard-deviations
# Construct a grid of halo-masses
mhalo_grid_size = np.diff(MHALO_GRID_RANGE) * MHALO_GRID_SIZE_PER_DEX
mhalo_grid = np.logspace(*MHALO_GRID_RANGE, mhalo_grid_size) * MSOL
# MC Calculate stellar-masses from grid of halo-masses
# shape: (N, M) for `N` halo-masses, and `M` MC samples
mstar_from_mhalo_grid = self.stellar_mass(mhalo_grid[:, np.newaxis], size=NUM_MC)
# Construct a grid of standard-deviation values
sigma_grid_size = np.diff(SIGMA_GRID_RANGE) * SIGMA_GRID_SIZE_PER_STD
sigma_grid = np.linspace(*SIGMA_GRID_RANGE, sigma_grid_size)
# Convert standard-deviations to percentiles
percentiles = sp.stats.norm.cdf(sigma_grid)
# Calculate distribution of stellar masses
# shape: (L, N) for `L` standard-deviation values and `N` halo masses
mstar_dist = np.percentile(mstar_from_mhalo_grid, 100*percentiles, axis=-1)
# Find the range of valid stellar-masses
# Minimum value is the one reached by the *highest* percentile, at the lowest halo-mass
# Maximum value is the one reached by the *lowest* percentile, at the highest halo-mass
mstar_range = [np.max(mstar_dist[:, 0]), np.min(mstar_dist[:, -1])]
# Construct a grid of stellar-masses spanning this range
mstar_grid = np.logspace(*np.log10(mstar_range), mhalo_grid.size//2)
# Interpolate to find halo-masses corresponding to stellar-masses at each percentile
mhalo_dist = [sp.interpolate.interp1d(np.log10(pp), np.log10(mhalo_grid))(np.log10(mstar_grid))
for pp in mstar_dist]
mhalo_dist = np.power(10, mhalo_dist)
if store:
self._mhalo_grid = mhalo_grid
self._sigma_grid = sigma_grid
self._mstar_grid = mstar_grid
self._mhalo_dist = mhalo_dist
self._mstar_dist = mstar_dist
# Construct 2D interpolant between stellar-mass and standard deviation, and halo-mass
# Note: input log(stellar-mass), output log(halo-mass)
self._log_mstar_from_log_mhalo_sigma = sp.interpolate.interp2d(
np.log10(mhalo_grid), sigma_grid, np.log10(mstar_dist))
# Construct 2D interpolant between stellar-mass and standard deviation, and halo-mass
# Note: input log(stellar-mass), output log(halo-mass)
self._log_mhalo_from_log_mstar_sigma = sp.interpolate.interp2d(
np.log10(mstar_grid), sigma_grid[::-1], np.log10(mhalo_dist))
def mhalo_from_mstar(self, mstar, sigma=0.0):
log_mstar = np.log10(mstar)
log_mhalo = self._log_mhalo_from_log_mstar_sigma(log_mstar, sigma)
mhalo = np.power(10.0, log_mhalo)
return mhalo
def mstar_from_mhalo(self, mhalo, sigma=0.0):
log_mhalo = np.log10(mhalo)
log_mstar = self._log_mstar_from_log_mhalo_sigma(log_mhalo, sigma)
mstar = np.power(10.0, log_mstar)
return mstar
def param(cls, name, redz=0.0, size=None):
data = cls.DATA[name]
vals = data['VALS']
sigma = data['SIGMA']
log_flag = data['LOG']
if size is not None:
vals = [np.random.normal(pp, ss, size=size) for pp, ss in zip(vals, sigma)]
par = vals[0] + vals[1] * redz / (1 + redz)
if log_flag:
par = np.power(10.0, par) * MSOL
return par
def stellar_mass(cls, mhalo, redz=0.0, size=None):
m1 = cls.param("M1", redz=redz, size=size)
norm = cls.param("N1", redz=redz, size=size)
beta = cls.param("B1", redz=redz, size=size)
gamma = cls.param("G1", redz=redz, size=size)
bterm = np.power(mhalo/m1, -beta)
gterm = np.power(mhalo/m1, gamma)
mstar = mhalo * 2 * norm / (bterm + gterm)
return mstar
mos = Moster_1205_5807(store=True)
labels = ['Halo Mass $[M_\odot]$', 'Stellar Mass $[M_\odot]$']
fig, axes = plt.subplots(figsize=[15, 8], ncols=2)
for ax, xlab, ylab in zip(axes, labels, labels[::-1]):
ax.set(xscale='log', xlabel=xlab, yscale='log', ylabel=ylab)
sigmas = [-2.0, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0]
percs = sp.stats.norm.cdf(sigmas)
col_percs = np.square(np.fabs(0.5 - percs))
cmap = colormap(col_percs, 'Blues_r')
colors = cmap.to_rgba(col_percs)
ax = axes[0]
mhalo_grid = np.logspace(10, 15, 20)
mstar_grid = np.logspace(8, 12, 20)
funcs = [mos.mstar_from_mhalo, mos.mhalo_from_mstar]
mass_grids = [mhalo_grid, mstar_grid]
for ii, (ax, fun, grid) in enumerate(zip(axes, funcs, mass_grids)):
med = fun(grid * MSOL) / MSOL
ax.plot(grid, med, 'k--', lw=4.0, alpha=0.4)
ax.plot(grid, med, 'r--', lw=2.0)
dist = fun(grid*MSOL, sigma=sigmas) / MSOL
lines = []
names = []
for ss, ms, cc in zip(sigmas, dist, colors):
la, = ax.plot(grid, ms, color='0.5', lw=2.0, alpha=0.5)
lb, = ax.plot(grid, ms, color=cc)
if ss >= 0.0:
lines.append((la, lb))
names.append("${:.1f} \,\, \sigma$".format(ss))
if ii == 0:
ax.legend(lines, names, loc='lower right')
test_mstar = 1e11
# NOTE: tihs is negative sigma value for mhalo_from_mstar specifically (i.e. right plot)
test_sigma = -1.0
test_mhalo = mos.mhalo_from_mstar(test_mstar*MSOL, sigma=test_sigma) / MSOL
data = [test_mhalo, test_mstar]
for ax, xx, yy in zip(axes, data, data[::-1]):
ax.scatter(xx, yy, marker='*', color='red', alpha=0.75, s=100, zorder=10)
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