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Last active July 8, 2020 22:26
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Draw an Arepo mesh and (optional) scalar variable
def voronoi_mesh(path, snap_num, ndim=2, int_type=np.int32, double_type=np.float32):
"""Load an Arepo voronoi mesh from the 2D `voronoi_mesh_###` files.
# fname = _snap_file_from_path(fname, "voronoi_mesh_{:03d}", snap_num=snap_num)
fname = os.path.join(path, "voronoi_mesh_{:03d}".format(snap_num))
mesh = dict()
with open(fname, 'rb') as data:
# Read header
nums = np.fromfile(data, int_type, 3)
ngas_tot, nel_tot, ndt_tot = nums
mesh['ngas_tot'] = ngas_tot # total number of gas cells
mesh['nel_tot'] = nel_tot # total number of edges
mesh['ndt_tot'] = ndt_tot # total number of delaunay tetrahedra
# Read "edges" (really: vertices) data
mesh['nedges'] = np.fromfile(data, int_type, ngas_tot)
mesh['nedge_offset'] = np.fromfile(data, int_type, ngas_tot)
mesh['edge_list'] = np.fromfile(data, int_type, nel_tot)
mesh['xyz_edges'] = np.fromfile(data, double_type, ndt_tot*ndim)
# Make sure we've hit the end of the file
done = np.fromfile(data, int_type, 1)
if len(done) != 0:
print("done = '{}'".format(done), done.size, len(done))
raise RuntimeError("Did not reach expected end of file! Wrong sizes for int/float?")
return mesh
def image_slice(fname, int_type=np.int32, double_type=np.float32, verbose=True):
"""Read in the image-slices/projections files produced directly by arepo
These are the "<parameter>_slice_###" and "proj_<parameter>_field_###" files.
with open(fname, 'rb') as data:
# Read header
nums = np.fromfile(data, int_type, 2) # read two 32 bit integers
if verbose:
print("num = ", nums)
# Read density
vals = np.fromfile(data, double_type, np.product(nums)).reshape(nums)
return vals
def snapshot(path, snap_num=None, part_type=0, pars=None, verbose=False, header=False):
if header and snap_num is None:
snap_num = 0
elif snap_num is None:
raise ValueError("`snap_num` must be provided unless `header` is True!")
fname = os.path.join(path, "snap_{:03d}.hdf5".format(snap_num))
# fname = _snap_file_from_path(fname, "snap_{:03d}.hdf5", snap_num=snap_num)
single_flag = isinstance(pars, str)
part = "PartType{:1d}".format(part_type)
with h5py.File(fname) as h5in:
keys = list(h5in[part].keys())
if header:
head = {kk: vv for kk, vv in h5in['Header'].attrs.items()}
params = {kk: vv for kk, vv in h5in['Parameters'].attrs.items()}
return keys, head, params
if pars is None:
pars = keys
if verbose:
top_keys = h5in.keys()
print("File keys: ", list(top_keys))
for kk in top_keys:
print("\t{} keys:".format(kk), list(h5in[kk].keys()))
print("\t{} attrs:".format(kk), list(h5in[kk].attrs.keys()))
print(kk, "failed")
print("Particle '{}' keys: ".format(part), keys)
data = h5in[part][pars][:] if single_flag else {kk: h5in[part][kk][:] for kk in pars}
return data
def draw_mesh(ax, mesh, vals=None, fix_poly=True,
smap=None, region=None, periodic=None, lines_flag=True, **kwargs):
"""Plot Arepo Voronoi Cell's : edges and filled-colors for cell parameters.
Each gas cell's edges are drawn if `lines_flag` is True.
Each gas cell gets a color-filled polygon if `vals` are provided for each cell.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes instance
mesh : dict, storing arepo voronoi mesh data
vals : values to be plotted for each polygon (gas-cell; e.g. density, internal-energy, etc)
For example, this can be provided from the Arepo files:
"<parameter>_slice_###" and,
Or from snapshot data.
fix_poly : bool
Sometimes cells don't seem to close properly... try to fix that
smap : `` instance specifying colormap
region : ndarray (2,2) specifying region to be plotted (for speed)
First axis is dimension, second axis is left/right edge
e.g. [[0.0, 2.0], [-1.0, 1.0]] means a region spanning x: [0.0, 2.0] and y: [-1.0, 1.0]
periodic : None or list
Specification of perodic boundary locations for each dimension
lines_flag : bool
Whether or not lines should be plotted for cell edges
(if `False`, then only the fill color is used for `vals` being plotted)
**kwargs : keyword arguments
Additional arguments passed to `ax.plot`
if (not lines_flag) and (vals is None):
raise ValueError("Nothing is being plotted!")
ndt = mesh['ndt_tot'] # total number of delaunay tetrahedra
xyz = mesh['xyz_edges'] # called "edges" in arepo, but really vertices of edges
edge_list = mesh['edge_list']
nedge_offset = mesh['nedge_offset'] #
nedges = mesh['nedges'] # number of edges for each gas cell
NDIM = 2
# Maximum number of sides per polygon; determines allocated array size
# can be oddly large for some reason
xyz = xyz.reshape(ndt, NDIM)
poly = np.zeros((NSIDE_MAX, NDIM))
if lines_flag:
lines = np.full((2*len(edge_list), NDIM), np.nan)
tot_num = len(nedge_offset)
# if the box is periodic, we will need to reflect (duplicate) vertices, and thus need more space
mult = 1 if (periodic is None) else 2
if periodic is not None:
periodic = [np.array(pp) if pp is not None else pp for pp in periodic]
if region is not None:
region = np.atleast_2d(region)
# If each cell is being colored by some parameter then allocate storage for patches and colors
if vals is not None:
patches = np.empty(mult*tot_num, dtype=object)
colors = np.zeros(mult*tot_num)
cnt = 0
valid = np.zeros(mult*tot_num, dtype=bool)
def add_cell(ee, ne, poly, cnt, end=False):
"""Add an individual gas cell (set of edges) to the collection
ee : int, the index of this cell
ne : int, number of "edges" (vertices)
poly : ndarray storing polygon vertices
cnt : int, total number of vertices stored
# If we're reflecting points, store the reflections at the end of the array
if end:
ff = mult*tot_num - 1 - ee
# Store normal points in order
ff = ee
# Store lines connecting each vertex together
if lines_flag:
lines[cnt:cnt+ne, :] = poly[:ne, :]
if vals is not None:
inc = 0
if fix_poly and np.allclose(poly[0, :], poly[ne-1, :]):
ne = ne - 1
inc = 1
# Significantly faster to assemble as list of polygon patches and plot together
# instead of plotting one at a time
pat = mpl.patches.Polygon(poly[:ne])
patches[ff] = pat
# Set the colors array to this cell's index of values
colors[ff] = vals[ee]
ne = ne + inc
valid[ff] = True
cnt = cnt + ne + 1
return cnt
pers = 0 # count the number of reflected cells for periodic boundaries
# Iterate over each cell
for ee in tqdm.tqdm(range(tot_num), total=tot_num, leave=False):
oo = nedge_offset[ee] # The offset in the edge-list for this cell
ne = nedges[ee] # Number of "edges" (vertices) for this cell
ll = edge_list[oo] # Index of the first vertex for this cell
lo = xyz[ll] # Location of the first vertex
poly[0] = lo # Store the first vertex to the polygon array
if ne >= NSIDE_MAX:
err = "Number of edges for element {} = {}, exceeds max {}!".format(ee, ne, NSIDE_MAX)
raise ValueError(err)
# Store all of the vertices in the polygon array
for ff in range(1, ne):
hh = edge_list[oo+ff] # start at this cell's offset, and continue up
hi = xyz[hh]
poly[ff] = hi
# If `region` is given, check whether any vertex is within the specified region
if (region is not None) and (not any_within(poly[:ne], region)):
# Store this cell
cnt = add_cell(ee, ne, poly, cnt, end=False)
if periodic is None:
# If this is a periodic box, reflect relevant points
for dd in range(NDIM):
# Skip non-periodic dimensions
if periodic[dd] is None:
if np.any((poly[:ne, dd] < periodic[dd][0])):
dup = np.copy(poly[:ne, :])
dup[:, dd] += (periodic[dd][1] - periodic[dd][0])
cnt = add_cell(ee, ne, dup, cnt, end=True)
pers += 1
elif np.any(poly[:ne, dd] > periodic[dd][1]):
dup = np.copy(poly[:ne, :])
dup[:, dd] -= (periodic[dd][1] - periodic[dd][0])
cnt = add_cell(ee, ne, dup, cnt, end=True)
pers += 1
# if cnt > 1000:
# break
# Plot filled-polygons for cell values
extr = zmath.minmax(colors[valid])
if vals is not None:
if smap is None:
smap = zplot.smap(extr, cmap='viridis')
p = mpl.collections.PatchCollection(patches[valid], cmap=smap.cmap, norm=smap.norm)
# Plot lines between vertices
if lines_flag:
lines = lines[:cnt, :].T
ax.plot(*lines, **kwargs)
return smap, extr
def plot_mesh_2d(path, snap_num=0, param='Density', parse_param=None,
region=None, periodic=None, smap=None):
# Load the arepo mesh data
mesh = voronoi_mesh(path, snap_num)
# Optionally load an additional scalar parameter from snapshots
if param is None:
vals = None
snap = readio.snapshot(path, snap_num=snap_num, pars=[param])
vals = snap[param]
# Process the given values by some user-provided function
if parse_param is not None:
vals = parse_param(vals)
# Create figure
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[12, 10])
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, bottom=0.0, top=0.98)
# Draw mesh and/or scalar variable
smap, extr = draw_mesh(
ax, mesh, vals=vals, fix_poly=True, lines_flag=True,
lw=0.25, color='k', alpha=0.25, region=region, periodic=periodic, smap=smap)
# Plot positions of cell centers
# pos = snap['Coordinates']
# ax.scatter(*pos[:, :2].T, color='r', s=2, alpha=0.25)
if region is None and periodic is not None:
region = periodic
if region is not None:
ax.set(xlim=region[0], ylim=region[1])
plt.colorbar(smap, ax=ax, orientation='horizontal', pad=0.05)
return fig
# decorator requires `numba`, e.g. `from numba import njit`
def any_within(poly, bounds):
"""Determine if any of the vertices in `poly` are within the `bounds` region
pnts, dims = np.shape(poly)
for ii in range(pnts):
test = 0
for jj in range(dims):
if ((poly[ii, jj] > bounds[jj, 0]) and (poly[ii, jj] < bounds[jj, 1])):
test += 1
if test == dims:
return True
return False
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