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Last active December 24, 2015 17:59
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if (! defined ( 'BASEPATH' ))
exit ( 'No direct script access allowed' );
require_once APPPATH . '/third_party/src/Mustache/Autoloader.php';
Mustache_Autoloader::register ();
* helper library for Mustache.
* This library must be located in third_party folder.
* You can use like this:
* In controller:
* $data = array (
* 'title' => 'bob's page'
* );
* $this->mustache->render ('home', $data); // assumed you have home.php and home.html(template)
* In view:
* paste below in home.php
* <?php echo $M_PLATE
* Even if phpfile doesn't exist, it can find only template file and render it by echo().
* @author lzy
class Mustache {
private $m;
private $CI;
// template's extention you use
private $EXTENSION = ".mustache";
// it is used when you declare using template in php view file
// like <?php echo $M_PLATE
private $TEMPLATE = "M_PLATE";
// resource path
// path where templatefiles are
private $VIEW_FOLDER;
* Constractor can be autoloaded per request in application/config/config.php
function __construct() {
// Set folder path.
// Default resource folder is located in the folder
// where index.php is.
$this->RESOURCE_FOLDER = 'resources';
$this->VIEW_FOLDER = APPPATH . 'views';
$params = array (
'loader' => new Mustache_Loader_FilesystemLoader ( $this->VIEW_FOLDER, array (
'extension' => $this->EXTENSION
) )
$this->m = new Mustache_Engine ( $params );
$this->CI = get_instance ();
* You can get instance for using manually ,but
* you can also call new Mustache_Engine instance directlly from anywhere.
function getInst() {
return $this->m;
* Render template by view's filename.
* Name must be same between phpfile and templatefile.
* Even if phpfile doesn't exist, it can find only template file and render it by echo().
* @param unknown $viewName
* phpfile and templatefile's name in view folder
* @param unknown $templateData
* @param string $options
* it is second parameter of load->view method used in controller
function render($viewName, $templateData, $options = NULL) {
$data = array ();
if (isset ( $options )) {
$data = $options;
$templateData ['resource'] = $this->RESOURCE_FOLDER;
$data [$this->TEMPLATE] = $this->m->render ( $viewName, $templateData );
$viewFilePath = $this->VIEW_FOLDER . '/' . $viewName . '.php';
if (file_exists ( $viewFilePath )) {
$this->CI->load->view ( $viewName, $data );
} else {
echo $data [$this->TEMPLATE];
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