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Last active December 23, 2024 19:37
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Save m-Phoenix852/d63d869f16e40dac623c9aa347e8641a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Userscript to login to discord accounts with ease, just do SHIFT + T at the login page and enter the token!
// ==UserScript==
// @name Discord Token Login
// @namespace
// @version 1.1
// @description Taking over discord's tokens!
// @author Phoenix852
// @match *://
// @updateURL
// @grant none
// @iconURL
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
console.log("Dicord Token Login ready!");
function login(token) {
setInterval(() => {
document.body.appendChild(document.createElement `iframe`).contentWindow.localStorage.token = `"${token}"`
}, 50);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2500);
document.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => {
if(event.shiftKey && event.keyCode === 84) {
if(!["", ""].includes(window.location.href)) return;
console.log("Prompting for token...");
let token = prompt("Give the token");
if(!token) { console.log("No token provided. Aborting!"); return; }
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upsilun commented May 23, 2021

This no longer works now. They have changed the login system, as any person who logs out changes the token directly, and the old token will not work, in this case The token owner must be using Discord at the same time then it will work

so it does work, but the token gets refreshed if you log out?


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ghost commented Jul 1, 2021

Works fine for me :)

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can this be used with tokens for discord bots you make in the developer page?? When i paste in my bots token it reloads but doesnt log me in with my bot

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xCancazedd commented Jul 11, 2021

can this be used with tokens for discord bots you make in the developer page?? When i paste in my bots token it reloads but doesnt log me in with my bot

if you want to log in with a bots token you'll have to use an app called Discord Bot Client, here is the link

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XfedeX commented Jul 12, 2021

Why do i see multiple tokens with tokenlogger but none of them work?


The token owner is using Discord while I try.

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Why do i see multiple tokens with tokenlogger but none of them work?


The token owner is using Discord while I try.


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Use mine

Only one line of code, you dont need to put token, it will create a prompt and you just need to enter the token, no need to open developer console or anything like that, just save this text as a bookmark

You need to follow these steps for one time

  1. Create a bookmark and set name as you want and paste the code on URL field
  2. Go to
  3. Now enter on the search bar the bookmark you saved
  4. Go to the bookmark
  5. You will be asked a token
  6. Enter the token
  7. Page will refreshed
  8. You will be logged in

After following the steps, all you need to do is to go to, search the bookmark, click on it, enter the token, you will be logged in thats it

If you need any help, feel free to open an issue
its working on almost every browser and on Mobile phones also

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epic. very simple actually. I thought that to do this in js would be very hard, but i guess I was wrong. Thanks!

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Nice worked like a charm

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How do I get the token?

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I decoded the user ID of an abusive user to get in their account but it only gives half the token. How do I get the other half??

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NotGAKi commented Apr 26, 2022

after putting the token and pressing ok. it loads then comes back to the login page.. i opened ispect and it shows this: (Pasting anything in here could give attackers access to your Discord account.) is there any new way to log in?

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IceWaltz commented Apr 26, 2022

after putting the token and pressing ok. it loads then comes back to the login page.. i opened ispect and it shows this: (Pasting anything in here could give attackers access to your Discord account.) is there any new way to log in?

You're looking at it, just get the tampermonkey extension and copy this code in and follow the instructions to use it, if it doesn't work try a different token, else it's probably an expired token

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