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Created July 2, 2023 10:58
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import random
from statistics import mean
from statistics import median
from statistics import mode
from statistics import stdev
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# this function is not really necessary,
# but it makes the gameplay loop easier to read
def roll_die(die_size):
return random.randint(1, die_size)
# this function plays the game and returns the number of rounds played
def play_game():
depth = 2 # pick a starting depth
endGame = 20 # pick the maximum depth
dieSize = 6 # pick the die to use for the game.
rounds = 0 # variable to track the number of rounds played
while True: # this is the gameplay loop
rounds += 1
# tableRoll picks the prompt for this round
tableRoll = roll_die(dieSize) + depth
# check if the game is over
if tableRoll >= endGame:
# increment depth only if the D6 roll <= current depth
# this is a good place to tweak how quickly the game advances
# you could also a fixed increment here
depthRoll = roll_die(dieSize)
if depthRoll <= depth:
depth += 1
return rounds
gameData = [] # list to collect the output of the play_game function
numGames = 100000 # how many times do you want to play the game?
for i in range(numGames):
# some basic statistics on the output data
print(f'Minimum: {gameData[0]}')
print(f'Maximum: {gameData[(len(gameData)-1)]}')
print(f'Mean: {round(mean(gameData))}')
print(f'Median: {round(median(gameData))}')
print(f'Mode: {round(mode(gameData))}')
print(f'Standard Deviation: {round(stdev(gameData))}')
print(f'90th%ile: {gameData[(int(numGames*0.9))]}')
# basic histogram of the output data
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