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Created June 16, 2022 00:22
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Provide basic number theory functions isprime, isprimepower, nextprime, primes, prevprime
May / June 2022 by M. F. Hasler
SYNOPSIS: very simple implementation of basic Number Theory functions:
isprime(n): return True or False according to whether n is prime or not
nextprime(n, i=1): return the i-th prime > n (i.e., >= n + 1).
prevprime(n, i=1): return the i-th prime < n or 0 if n < prime(n).
primes(n=math.inf, start=2, end=math.inf): return a generator
producing at most n primes in [start, end).
isprimepower(n): return True if n is prime, or
an integer k > 1 if n is a higher power of a prime,
or False if n is not a power of a prime.
REMARK: one might implement a function prime(n) to return the n-th prime,
in which case one might store the primes as they are computed on demand
and use the list of precomputed primes wherever useful.
import math # for isqrt
def isprime(n: int):
"Return True if n is a prime number, else False."
if not n & 1: # even: prime iff n = 2.
return n == 2
if n < 9: # up to here, primes = odd numbers > 1.
return n > 1
return all(n%p for p in range(3, math.isqrt(n)+1, 2))
def isprimepower(n: int):
"Return True or k > 1 if n is a prime or k-th power of a prime, else False."
if isprime(n):
return True
for k in range(2,n):
if not n >> k: # n < 2^k
return False
# Only need to check prime exponents k: If n = p^k with k = a*b,
# a > b > 1, then we found n = (p^a)^b already for b < k.
# Naive check of whether n = r ^ k with r = round( n ^ 1/k ),
# and r must also be a power of a prime.
if isprime(k) and n == (r := round(n**(1/k)))**k and (p := isprimepower(r)):
return k*p
def nextprime(n: int, i=1):
"Return the i-th prime > n."
# TO DO (?): use prevprime if i < 0.
if n <= 2:
return 2 if n < 2 else 3
n += 2 if n & 1 else 1
while not isprime(n) or (i := i - 1):
n += 2
return n
def prevprime(n: int, i=1):
"Return the i-th prime < n, or 0 if n <= prime(i)."
if n & 1 == 0 and n > 2:
n += 1
while n > 3:
if isprime(n := n - 2) and not(i := i - 1):
return n
return 0 if i > 1 or n < 3 else 2
def primes(n=math.inf, start=2, end=math.inf):
"Return generator of at most n primes >= start and < end."
start = nextprime(start-1) if start > 2 else 2
while n and start < end:
yield start
start = nextprime(start)
n -= 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("The list of prime powers up to 30 should be:\n",
L := list(filter(isprimepower,range(30))),
"\nThe corresponding k-values are: (True <=> prime; 16 = (2²)²)\n",
[isprimepower(n) for n in L])
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m-f-h commented Jun 16, 2022

in the while loop of nextprime(), one might use n+=4 if n%6==1 else 2.

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