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Created December 16, 2020 11:18
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Option Explicit
Dim WS As Worksheet
Dim maxY As Long
Dim maxX As Long
Dim Outside As Variant
Dim toBeChecked As Collection
Sub main()
Set WS = Worksheets("data")
maxY = WS.UsedRange.Row + WS.UsedRange.Rows.Count
maxX = WS.UsedRange.Column + WS.UsedRange.Columns.Count
ReDim Outside(1 To maxY, 1 To maxX)
Set toBeChecked = New Collection
Dim y As Long
Dim x As Long
For x = 1 To maxX
checkEdgeCell 1, x, xlEdgeTop
checkEdgeCell maxY, x, xlEdgeBottom
For y = 1 To maxY
checkEdgeCell y, 1, xlEdgeLeft
checkEdgeCell y, maxX, xlEdgeRight
Do While toBeChecked.Count > 0
Dim Cell
Cell = Split(toBeChecked(1), ",")
toBeChecked.Remove 1
checkCell CLng(Cell(0)), CLng(Cell(1))
For y = 1 To maxY
For x = 1 To maxX
If Outside(y, x) <> 1 Then
WS.Cells(y, x).Interior.Color = vbYellow
End If
End Sub
Function noBorder(y As Long, x As Long, edge As XlBordersIndex) As Boolean
noBorder = WS.Cells(y, x).Borders(edge).LineStyle = xlLineStyleNone
End Function
Sub addToBeChecked(y As Long, x As Long)
If y <= 0 Or x <= 0 Or y > maxY Or x > maxX Then Exit Sub
If Outside(y, x) = 1 Then Exit Sub
toBeChecked.Add Join(Array(y, x), ",")
Outside(y, x) = 1
End Sub
Sub checkEdgeCell(y As Long, x As Long, edge As XlBordersIndex)
If noBorder(y, x, edge) Then addToBeChecked y, x
End Sub
Sub checkCell(y As Long, x As Long)
If noBorder(y, x, xlEdgeTop) Then addToBeChecked y - 1, x
If noBorder(y, x, xlEdgeBottom) Then addToBeChecked y + 1, x
If noBorder(y, x, xlEdgeLeft) Then addToBeChecked y, x - 1
If noBorder(y, x, xlEdgeRight) Then addToBeChecked y, x + 1
End Sub
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