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Created April 25, 2022 07:33
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import sys
import re
import mido
import keyboard
shift = 0
wait = 0.05
flag = 0
key = 0
for i in mido.get_input_names():
if re.match(r'AE-01', i):
inputport = i
for i in mido.get_output_names():
if re.match(r'M8', i):
outputport = mido.open_output(i)
with mido.open_input(inputport) as inport:
for msg in inport:
flag = flag - 1
if msg.type == "sysex":
# Aerophone Miniでピッチシフト操作した時のやつ
if re.match(r'F0 41 10 00 00 00 5A 12 00 27 34 22 [0-9A-F]{2} [0-9A-F]{2} F7', msg.hex()):
shift =[11]-5
print('SHIFT ' + str(shift))
elif msg.type == "note_off":
print('OFF ' + str(msg.note))
if flag == 0:
keyboard.release('F' + str(key + 1))
elif msg.type == "note_on":
flag = 8
keyboard.release('F' + str(key + 1))
note = (msg.note + shift) % 12
if note == 0 or note == 1:
key = 1
elif note == 2 or note == 3:
key = 0 # 2:Open Hand はOculusコンの場合入力されっぱなしになるためスキップ
elif note == 4:
key = 3
elif note == 5 or note == 6:
key = 4
elif note == 7 or note == 8:
key = 5
elif note == 9 or note == 10:
key = 6
elif note == 11:
key = 7
print('ON ' + str(msg.note) + ' ' + str(key + 1)) # 左Shift'F' + str(key + 1))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
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