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Created August 9, 2011 22:13
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Save m-mizutani/1135351 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Red-Black Tree template in C++
#ifndef __RBTREE_H__
#define __RBTREE_H__
#include <assert.h>
#include <string>
#ifdef DEBUG
#include "debug.h"
template<typename T> class RBTree {
class RBTreeNode {
enum Color {
RED = 0,
BLACK = 1,
enum Side {
LEFT = 0,
RIGHT = 1,
RBTreeNode (long long k, T * o, RBTree * t) :
obj (o), key (k), color (RED), parent (NULL), tree (t) {
this->link[LEFT] = RBTree<T>::nil;
this->link[RIGHT] = RBTree<T>::nil;
if (NULL == o)
this->color = BLACK;
this->link[LEFT] = NULL;
this->link[RIGHT] = NULL;
~RBTreeNode () {
if (this->link[LEFT]->isNil () == false)
delete this->link[LEFT];
if (this->link[RIGHT]->isNil () == false)
delete this->link[RIGHT];
inline bool isNil () { return (this->obj == NULL); }
inline void swapColor (RBTreeNode &node) {
Color c = this->color;
this->color = node.color;
node.color = c;
inline T * getObj () { return this->obj; }
inline void setBlack () { this->color = BLACK; }
inline void setRed () { this->color = RED; }
inline Color getColor () { return this->color; }
inline bool isBlack () { return (this->color == BLACK); }
inline bool isRed () { return (this->color == RED); }
inline Side whichSide (RBTreeNode &node) {
if (this->link[LEFT] == &node)
return LEFT;
else if (this->link[RIGHT] == &node)
return RIGHT;
assert (0);
inline Side otherSide (Side s) {
assert (s == LEFT || s == RIGHT);
return (s == LEFT ? RIGHT : LEFT);
inline RBTreeNode * getBrother () {
if (this->parent == NULL)
return NULL;
assert (this->parent->link[LEFT] == this ||
this->parent->link[RIGHT] == this);
return (this->parent->link[LEFT] == this ?
this->parent->link[RIGHT] : this->parent->link[LEFT]);
inline void attach (RBTreeNode &node) {
assert (this->key != node.key);
Side s = (node.key < this->key ? LEFT : RIGHT);
this->attach (s, node);
inline void attach (Side s, RBTreeNode &node) {
assert (s == LEFT || s == RIGHT);
assert (this != &node);
assert (this->link[s]->isNil ());
this->link[s] = &node;
if (! node.isNil ())
node.parent = this;
inline RBTreeNode * detach (Side s) {
assert (s == LEFT || s == RIGHT);
if (this->isNil () || this->link[s]->isNil ())
return RBTree<T>::nil;
RBTreeNode * node = this->link[s];
this->link[s]->parent = NULL;
this->link[s] = RBTree<T>::nil;
return node;
inline RBTreeNode * detach (RBTreeNode &node) {
if (this->link[RIGHT] == &node)
return this->detach (RIGHT);
else if (this->link[LEFT] == &node)
return this->detach (LEFT);
assert (0);
return NULL;
inline RBTreeNode * searchMax () {
if (! this->link[RIGHT]->isNil ())
return this->link[RIGHT]->searchMax ();
return this;
inline RBTreeNode * searchMin () {
if (! this->link[LEFT]->isNil ())
return this->link[LEFT]->searchMax ();
return this;
void rotate (Side s) {
RBTreeNode * nLeaf; // New leaf
RBTreeNode * nParent; // New parent
RBTreeNode * nGrand; // New grand father
Side r = otherSide (s);
nGrand = this->parent;
nParent = this->detach (r);
assert (nParent);
nLeaf = nParent->detach (s);
if (nGrand) {
Side ps = nGrand->whichSide (*this);
nGrand->detach (ps);
nGrand->attach (ps, *nParent);
else {
this->tree->root = nParent;
nParent->attach (s, *this);
if (! nLeaf->isNil ())
this->attach (r, *nLeaf);
void adjustInsert ()
if (this->parent == NULL) {
// this node is root
this->setBlack ();
return ;
else {
if (this->parent->isRed ()) {
assert (this->parent->parent);
assert (this->parent->parent->isBlack ());
RBTreeNode * cParent = this->parent;
RBTreeNode * grand = this->parent->parent;
RBTreeNode * uncle = this->parent->getBrother ();
Side s;
if (uncle->isRed ()) {
uncle->setBlack ();
this->parent->setBlack ();
grand->setRed ();
grand->adjustInsert ();
else {
if (this->parent->whichSide (*this) !=
grand->whichSide (*this->parent)) {
s = otherSide (cParent->whichSide (*this));
cParent->rotate (s);
cParent = this;
s = otherSide (grand->whichSide (*cParent));
grand->rotate (s);
assert (grand->isBlack () && cParent->isRed ());
grand->swapColor (*cParent);
bool insert (RBTreeNode &node)
if (this->key == node.key)
// duplicated
return false;
Side s = (node.key < this->key ? LEFT : RIGHT);
if (! this->link[s]->isNil ())
return this->link[s]->insert (node);
this->attach (s, node);
node.adjustInsert ();
return true;
RBTreeNode * lookup (long long k)
if (this->key == k) {
return this;
else {
Side s = (k < this->key ? LEFT : RIGHT);
return (this->link[s]->isNil () ? NULL : this->link[s]->lookup (k));
void leave () {
// only detach from tree, balancing color & tree in adjustLeave ()
RBTreeNode * cParent = this->parent;
if (this->link[LEFT]->isNil () && this->link[RIGHT]->isNil ()) {
if (cParent) {
Side s = cParent->whichSide (*this);
cParent->detach (*this);
if (this->isBlack ()) {
cParent->link[s]->adjustLeave (cParent);
else {
this->tree->root = NULL;
else if ((this->link[LEFT]->isNil()) ^
(this->link[RIGHT]->isNil ())) {
Side s = (this->link[LEFT]->isNil () ? RIGHT : LEFT);
RBTreeNode * cTarget = this->detach (s);
if (cParent) {
cParent->detach (*this);
cParent->attach (*cTarget);
this->tree->root = cTarget;
if (this->isBlack ())
cTarget->adjustLeave (cParent);
else {
// swap target node & maximum node in left subtree
assert (! this->link[LEFT]->isNil () &&
! this->link[RIGHT]->isNil ());
RBTreeNode * cMax = this->link[LEFT]->searchMax ();
RBTreeNode * mParent = cMax->parent;
RBTreeNode * cLeft = this->detach (LEFT);
RBTreeNode * cRight = this->detach (RIGHT);
RBTreeNode * mLeft = cMax->detach (LEFT);
this->attach (*mLeft);
if (cParent) {
cParent->detach (*this);
else {
this->tree->root = NULL;
if (cMax != cLeft) {
// cMax have more 1 hop from THIS
mParent->detach (*cMax);
mParent->attach (*this);
cMax->attach (LEFT, *cLeft);
cMax->attach (RIGHT, *cRight);
else {
// cMax == cLeft (cMax is left node of THIS)
assert (cMax->link[RIGHT]->isNil ());
cMax->attach (RIGHT, *cRight);
cMax->attach (LEFT, *this);
if (cParent) {
cParent->attach (*cMax);
else {
this->tree->root = cMax;
this->swapColor (*cMax);
this->leave ();
void adjustLeave (RBTreeNode * cParent)
// nothing to do when node is root
if (NULL == cParent) {
this->setBlack ();
return ;
if (this->isRed ()) {
this->setBlack ();
return ;
RBTreeNode * cNeighbor =
cParent->link[otherSide (cParent->whichSide (*this))];
assert (cNeighbor) ;
// cParent->tree->dumpTree ("Adjusting by Leave");
if (cNeighbor->isRed ()) {
Side s = cParent->whichSide (*this);
assert (cParent->isBlack ());
cParent->swapColor (*cNeighbor);
cParent->rotate (s);
cNeighbor = cParent->link[otherSide(s)];
else if (cParent->isBlack () &&
cNeighbor->link[LEFT]->isBlack () &&
cNeighbor->link[RIGHT]->isBlack ()) {
assert (cNeighbor->isBlack ());
cNeighbor->setRed ();
return cParent->adjustLeave (cParent->parent);
if (cParent->isRed () &&
cNeighbor->link[LEFT]->isBlack () &&
cNeighbor->link[RIGHT]->isBlack ()) {
assert (cNeighbor->isBlack ());
cParent->swapColor (*cNeighbor);
else {
Side ns = cParent->whichSide(*cNeighbor); // Neighbor side
Side os = otherSide (ns); // Other side
if (cNeighbor->link[os]->isRed () &&
cNeighbor->link[ns]->isBlack ()) {
cNeighbor->swapColor (*cNeighbor->link[os]);
cNeighbor->rotate (ns);
cNeighbor = cParent->link[ns];
if (cNeighbor->link[ns]->isRed ()) {
cNeighbor->link[ns]->setBlack ();
cParent->swapColor (*cNeighbor);
cParent->rotate (os);
#ifdef DEBUG
int checkBalance () {
if (this->isNil ())
return 1;
if (this->isRed () &&
(this->link[LEFT]->isRed () || this->link[RIGHT]->isRed ()))
debug (DEBUG, "Detected double RED, around key=%lld", this->key);
assert (0);
int lCount = this->link[LEFT]->checkBalance ();
int rCount = this->link[RIGHT]->checkBalance ();
if (lCount != rCount)
debug (DEBUG, "Detected broken balance, around key=%lld", this->key);
assert (0);
return (this->isBlack () ? rCount + 1 : rCount);
void printNode (int depth) {
char space[] = " ";
char header[0x1000] = "";
if (this->link[RIGHT])
this->link[RIGHT]->printNode (depth + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < depth ; i++)
strncat (header, space, sizeof (header) - 1);
debug (DEBUG, "%s[%s:%lld %p]\n", header,
(this->color == RED ? "R" : "B"), this->key, this->obj);
if (this->link[LEFT])
this->link[LEFT]->printNode (depth + 1);
T * obj;
long long key;
Color color;
RBTreeNode * parent, * link[2];
RBTree * tree;
} * root;
static RBTreeNode * nil ;
static bool DEBUG;
#ifdef DEBUG
void dumpTree (std::string title) {
debug (DEBUG, "======= %s ==============================================",
title.c_str ());
if (this->root)
this->root->printNode (0);
debug (true, " !! No tree");
RBTree () : root (NULL) {}
~RBTree () {
delete this->root;
bool insert (long long key, T *p) {
RBTreeNode * node = new RBTreeNode (key, p, this);
assert (key >= 0);
#ifdef DEBUG
this->dumpTree ("Before insertion");
if (this->root) {
if (! this->root->insert (*node)) {
delete node;
return false;
else {
this->root = node;
node->setBlack ();
#ifdef DEBUG
this->dumpTree ("After insertion");
this->root->checkBalance ();
return true;
T * lookup (long long key)
if (NULL == this->root)
return NULL;
RBTreeNode * node = this->root->lookup (key);
return (node ? node->getObj () : NULL);
bool remove (long long key)
if (NULL == this->root)
return false;
RBTreeNode * node = this->root->lookup (key);
if (NULL == node)
return false;
#ifdef DEBUG
this->dumpTree ("Before removing");
node->leave ();
delete node;
#ifdef DEBUG
this->dumpTree ("After removing");
this->root->checkBalance ();
return true;
template <typename T> class RBTree<T>::RBTreeNode * RBTree<T>::nil = new RBTreeNode (-1,0,0);
template <typename T> bool RBTree<T>::DEBUG = true;
#endif /* __RBTREE_H__ */
Copy link

Hi, check line 123
I think it should be
return this->link[LEFT]->searchMin ();

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