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m-ou-se/ Secret

Created March 31, 2023 10:23
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Look-free-ish pool thing
extern crate alloc;
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use core::{
ops::{Deref, DerefMut},
Ordering::{Acquire, Relaxed, Release},
pub struct Pool<T, F = fn() -> T> {
create: F,
/// Pointer to the head of the linked list of free nodes.
/// Null if there are no free nodes.
/// LOCKED if the list is locked, which only happens briefly
/// when removing a node, not when adding a node back or when
/// allocating a new node.
head: AtomicPtr<Node<T>>,
// Safety: Using the same Pool from multiple fines is fine as
// long as F can be called concurrently and ownership of objects of type T
// can be transferred between threads.
unsafe impl<T: Send, F: Sync> Sync for Pool<T, F> {}
// Safety: Moving a pool to another thread entirely is fine as long as both T
// and F allow that.
unsafe impl<T: Send, F: Send> Send for Pool<T, F> {}
/// Special value we use for the `head` pointer to incicate that the pool is locked.
const LOCKED: *mut Node<()> = usize::MAX as *mut _;
struct Node<T> {
next: AtomicPtr<Node<T>>,
value: T,
impl<T, F> Pool<T, F> {
pub fn new(create: F) -> Pool<T, F> {
Pool {
head: AtomicPtr::new(ptr::null_mut()),
pub struct PoolGuard<'a, T, F> {
pool: &'a Pool<T, F>,
node: *mut Node<T>,
// Safety: Sharing a PoolGuard with another thread effectively
// shares the T with the other thread.
// So the PoolGuard is Sync if T is Sync.
unsafe impl<T: Sync, F> Sync for PoolGuard<'_, T, F> {}
// Safety: Moving a PoolGuard to another thread effectively
// moves the exclusive access to the T to the other thread.
// So the PoolGuard is Send if T is Send.
unsafe impl<T: Send, F> Send for PoolGuard<'_, T, F> {}
impl<T, F: Fn() -> T> Pool<T, F> {
pub fn get(&self) -> PoolGuard<'_, T, F> {
let mut node = self.head.load(Relaxed);
while !node.is_null() {
if node == LOCKED.cast() {
// Locked! Try again!
node = self.head.load(Relaxed);
// Take the head node and lock the list.
// We need to briefly lock the list, so we have time to check the
// `next` pointer of the head node without it changing.
// (If we check the `next` pointer before taking the node,
// we could run into the ABA problem.)
match self
.compare_exchange_weak(node, LOCKED.cast(), Acquire, Relaxed)
Ok(_) => {
// Safety: we swapped the head pointer to LOCKED, so we now
// exclusively own this node.
let next = unsafe { *(*node).next.get_mut() };
// Unlock the list and put the next node back as the head.
// We use release ordering here, to make sure that a future
// acquire-load of the head pointer still synchronizes with
// the release operation that originally stored the pointer
// to that node.
// (Alternatively, we could use a relaxed swap here.), Release);
return PoolGuard { pool: self, node };
// The head pointer changed, so we need to try again.
Err(head) => node = head,
// No free node currently available. Allocate a new one.
PoolGuard {
pool: self,
node: Box::into_raw(Box::new(Node {
next: AtomicPtr::new(ptr::null_mut()),
value: (self.create)(),
impl<'a, T, F> Drop for PoolGuard<'a, T, F> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let mut head = self.pool.head.load(Relaxed);
loop {
if head == LOCKED.cast() {
// Locked! Try again!
head = self.pool.head.load(Relaxed);
// Point our node's next pointer to the head of the list.
// Safety: We haven't given it back to the pool yet, so we still
// exclusively own this node.
unsafe { *(*self.node).next.get_mut() = head };
// Try to put our node back as the head of the list,
// if the head pointer is (still) the same.
match self
.compare_exchange_weak(head, self.node, Release, Relaxed)
Ok(_) => return,
Err(p) => head = p,
impl<'a, T, F> Deref for PoolGuard<'a, T, F> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &T {
// Safety: The PoolGuard exclusively owns this node.
unsafe { &(*self.node).value }
impl<'a, T, F> DerefMut for PoolGuard<'a, T, F> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
// Safety: The PoolGuard exclusively owns this node.
unsafe { &mut (*self.node).value }
impl<T, F> Drop for Pool<T, F> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let mut node = *self.head.get_mut();
while !node.is_null() {
// Safety: We have exclusive access to the pool now (&mut self),
// including all the nodes, so there is no need for any synchronization.
// So, we can just use .get_mut() on the atomics.
let next = unsafe { *(*node).next.get_mut() };
// Safety: This pointer came from Box::into_raw, we have exclusive access
// to the node, and this is the last time this pointer will be used.
drop(unsafe { Box::from_raw(node) });
node = next;
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