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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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Find words in the English language that can be made with the characters given on the command line.
-- This version runs in ~0.7 seconds due to String actually being a linked list
-- of Char. Not super efficient.
main = do
chars <- head <$> getArgs
englishWords <- words <$> readFile "en.txt"
mapM_ putStrLn $ sortBy (comparing length) $ findValidWords chars englishWords
findValidWords :: String -> [String] -> [String]
findValidWords chars englishWords = filter (`canBeMadeWith` chars) englishWords
canBeMadeWith :: String -> String -> Bool
str `canBeMadeWith` cs = all hasValidCount str
where hasValidCount c = (occurrences c str) <= (occurrences c cs)
occurrences :: Char -> String -> Int
occurrences c = length . elemIndices c
-- For this version you need to import ByteStream, and we import the functions
-- from it with the prefix L so they don't interfere. A ByteStream is a packed
-- array of Chars and is much more efficient. This version runs in ~0.15s and
-- the only change is having to call L.pack to convert the chars to a ByteStream
-- and to use the ByteStream version of the functions.
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as L
main = do
chars <- L.pack <$> head <$> getArgs
englishWords <- L.words <$> L.readFile "en.txt"
mapM_ L.putStrLn $ sortBy (comparing L.length) $ findValidWords chars englishWords
findValidWords :: L.ByteString -> [L.ByteString] -> [L.ByteString]
findValidWords chars englishWords = filter (`canBeMadeWith` chars) englishWords
canBeMadeWith :: L.ByteString -> L.ByteString -> Bool
str `canBeMadeWith` cs = L.all charHasValidCount str
where charHasValidCount c = (occurrences c str) <= (occurrences c cs)
occurrences :: Char -> L.ByteString -> Int
occurrences c = length . L.elemIndices c
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