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Created June 26, 2017 19:32
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Script to decode keystrokes for NDHXV BBC
$keys = file_get_contents("keycodes.txt");
$keys = explode("\n", $keys);
foreach($keys as $k){
$dec = hexdec($k);
$clear = $dec ^ hexdec("4E");
$hex_clear = str_pad(strtoupper(dechex($clear)), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
echo "{$tab[$hex_clear]}\n";
$tab = [
"00" => "Reserved (no event indicated)",
"01" => "Keyboard ErrorRollOver",
"02" => "Keyboard POSTFail",
"03" => "Keyboard ErrorUndefined",
"04" => "Keyboard a and A",
"05" => "Keyboard b and B",
"06" => "Keyboard c and C",
"07" => "Keyboard d and D",
"08" => "Keyboard e and E",
"09" => "Keyboard f and F",
"0A" => "Keyboard g and G",
"0B" => "Keyboard h and H",
"0C" => "Keyboard i and I",
"0D" => "Keyboard j and J",
"0E" => "Keyboard k and K",
"0F" => "Keyboard l and L",
"10" => "Keyboard m and M",
"11" => "Keyboard n and N",
"12" => "Keyboard o and O",
"13" => "Keyboard p and P",
"14" => "Keyboard q and Q",
"15" => "Keyboard r and R",
"16" => "Keyboard s and S",
"17" => "Keyboard t and T",
"18" => "Keyboard u and U",
"19" => "Keyboard v and V",
"1A" => "Keyboard w and W",
"1B" => "Keyboard x and X",
"1C" => "Keyboard y and Y",
"1D" => "Keyboard z and Z",
"1E" => "Keyboard 1 and !",
"1F" => "Keyboard 2 and @",
"20" => "Keyboard 3 and #",
"21" => "Keyboard 4 and $",
"22" => "Keyboard 5 and %",
"23" => "Keyboard 6 and ^",
"24" => "Keyboard 7 and &",
"25" => "Keyboard 8 and *",
"26" => "Keyboard 9 and (",
"27" => "Keyboard 0 and )",
"28" => "Keyboard Return (ENTER)",
"29" => "Keyboard ESCAPE",
"2A" => "Keyboard DELETE (Backspace)",
"2B" => "Keyboard Tab",
"2C" => "Keyboard Spacebar",
"2D" => "Keyboard - and (underscore)",
"2E" => "Keyboard = and +",
"2F" => "Keyboard [ and {",
"30" => "Keyboard ] and }",
"31" => "Keyboard \ and |",
"32" => "Keyboard Non-US # and ~",
"33" => "Keyboard ; and :",
"34" => "Keyboard ' and \"",
"35" => "Keyboard Grave Accent and Tilde",
"36" => "Keyboard, and <",
"37" => "Keyboard . and >",
"38" => "Keyboard / and ?",
"39" => "Keyboard Caps Lock",
"3A" => "Keyboard F1",
"3B" => "Keyboard F2",
"3C" => "Keyboard F3",
"3D" => "Keyboard F4",
"3E" => "Keyboard F5",
"3F" => "Keyboard F6",
"40" => "Keyboard F7",
"41" => "Keyboard F8",
"42" => "Keyboard F9",
"43" => "Keyboard F10",
"44" => "Keyboard F11",
"45" => "Keyboard F12",
"46" => "Keyboard PrintScreen",
"47" => "Keyboard Scroll Lock",
"48" => "Keyboard Pause",
"49" => "Keyboard Insert",
"4A" => "Keyboard Home",
"4B" => "Keyboard PageUp",
"4C" => "Keyboard Delete Forward",
"4D" => "Keyboard End",
"4E" => "Keyboard PageDown",
"4F" => "Keyboard RightArrow",
"50" => "Keyboard LeftArrow",
"51" => "Keyboard DownArrow",
"52" => "Keyboard UpArrow",
"53" => "Keypad Num Lock and Clear",
"54" => "Keypad /",
"55" => "Keypad *",
"56" => "Keypad -",
"57" => "Keypad +",
"58" => "Keypad ENTER",
"59" => "Keypad 1 and End",
"5A" => "Keypad 2 and Down Arrow",
"5B" => "Keypad 3 and PageDn",
"5C" => "Keypad 4 and Left Arrow",
"5D" => "Keypad 5",
"5E" => "Keypad 6 and Right Arrow",
"5F" => "Keypad 7 and Home",
"60" => "Keypad 8 and Up Arrow",
"61" => "Keypad 9 and PageUp",
"62" => "Keypad 0 and Insert",
"63" => "Keypad . and Delete",
"64" => "Keyboard Non-US \ and |",
"65" => "Keyboard Application",
"66" => "Keyboard Power",
"67" => "Keypad =",
"68" => "Keyboard F13",
"69" => "Keyboard F14",
"6A" => "Keyboard F15",
"6B" => "Keyboard F16",
"6C" => "Keyboard F17",
"6D" => "Keyboard F18",
"6E" => "Keyboard F19",
"6F" => "Keyboard F20",
"70" => "Keyboard F21",
"71" => "Keyboard F22",
"72" => "Keyboard F23",
"73" => "Keyboard F24",
"74" => "Keyboard Execute",
"75" => "Keyboard Help",
"76" => "Keyboard Menu",
"77" => "Keyboard Select",
"78" => "Keyboard Stop",
"79" => "Keyboard Again",
"7A" => "Keyboard Undo",
"7B" => "Keyboard Cut",
"7C" => "Keyboard Copy",
"7D" => "Keyboard Paste",
"7E" => "Keyboard Find",
"7F" => "Keyboard Mute",
"80" => "Keyboard Volume Up",
"81" => "Keyboard Volume Down",
"82" => "Keyboard Locking Caps Lock",
"83" => "Keyboard Locking Num Lock",
"84" => "Keyboard Locking Scroll Lock",
"85" => "Keypad Comma",
"86" => "Keypad Equal Sign",
"87" => "Keyboard International1",
"88" => "Keyboard International2",
"89" => "Keyboard International3",
"8A" => "Keyboard International4",
"8B" => "Keyboard International5",
"8C" => "Keyboard International6",
"8D" => "Keyboard International7",
"8E" => "Keyboard International8",
"8F" => "Keyboard International9",
"90" => "Keyboard LANG1",
"91" => "Keyboard LANG2",
"92" => "Keyboard LANG3",
"93" => "Keyboard LANG4",
"94" => "Keyboard LANG5",
"95" => "Keyboard LANG6",
"96" => "Keyboard LANG7",
"97" => "Keyboard LANG8",
"98" => "Keyboard LANG9",
"99" => "Keyboard Alternate Erase",
"9A" => "Keyboard SysReq/Attention",
"9B" => "Keyboard Cancel",
"9C" => "Keyboard Clear",
"9D" => "Keyboard Prior",
"9E" => "Keyboard Return",
"9F" => "Keyboard Separator",
"A0" => "Keyboard Out",
"A1" => "Keyboard Oper",
"A2" => "Keyboard Clear/Again",
"A3" => "Keyboard CrSel/Props",
"A4" => "Keyboard ExSel",
"E0" => "Keyboard LeftControl",
"E1" => "Keyboard LeftShift",
"E2" => "Keyboard LeftAlt",
"E3" => "Keyboard Left GUI",
"E4" => "Keyboard RightControl",
"E5" => "Keyboard RightShift",
"E6" => "Keyboard RightAlt",
"E7" => "Keyboard Right GUI" ];
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