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Last active September 10, 2021 20:35
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let isCorrectBracketsSeq (str: string) =
let getNewBalance balance char =
if balance < 0 then
balance + match char with
| '(' -> 1
| ')' -> -1
| _ -> 0
List.fold getNewBalance 0 (Seq.toList str) = 0
let main argv =
printfn "%b" (isCorrectBracketsSeq "((()))") // true
printfn "%b" (isCorrectBracketsSeq "qwerty(((())))((7 + 8))(((()))()())") // true
printfn "%b" (isCorrectBracketsSeq "(()))") // false
printfn "%b" (isCorrectBracketsSeq ")))(((") // false
printfn "%b" (isCorrectBracketsSeq "))()(") // false
fun main() {
println("2 * (3(5 -8))(10 - 7)(-(8 + (34) - 9) + 6)".isCorrectBracketsSeq())
fun String.isCorrectBracketsSeq(): Boolean {
return 0 == this.fold(0) { balance, it ->
if (balance < 0) return false
balance + when (it) {
'(' -> 1
')' -> -1
else -> 0
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