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Created January 14, 2022 09:51
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sealed class Formula {
data class Var(val id: String) : Formula() {
override fun toString(): String {
return super.toString()
data class Neg(val operand: Formula): Formula() {
override fun toString(): String {
return super.toString()
data class Cnj(val operands: MutableSet<Formula>): Formula() {
override fun toString(): String {
return super.toString()
data class Dsj(val operands: MutableSet<Formula>): Formula() {
override fun toString(): String {
return super.toString()
private class VarFactory() {
private var varCount = 1
fun next() = Var("p${varCount++}")
companion object{
fun mkVar(id: String): Formula = if (id != "p") Var(id) else throw Exception("переменные p заняты")
fun not(f: Formula): Formula = if (f is Neg) f.operand else Neg(f)
infix fun and(f: Formula): Cnj {
val res = mutableSetOf<Formula>()
if (this is Cnj) {
} else {
if (f is Cnj) {
} else {
return Cnj(res)
infix fun or(f: Formula): Dsj {
val res = mutableSetOf<Formula>()
if (this is Dsj) {
} else {
if (f is Dsj) {
} else {
return Dsj(res)
fun toCNF(): Cnj {
val vars = VarFactory()
val (l, d) = tseytinTransform(this, Cnj(mutableSetOf()), vars)
return l and d
private fun tseytinTransform(phi: Formula, d: Cnj, vars: VarFactory): Pair<Formula, Cnj> = when (phi) {
is Var -> phi to d
is Neg -> {
val (l, d1) = tseytinTransform(phi.operand, d, vars)
not(l) to d1
is Cnj -> {
val operandsCopy = phi.operands.toMutableSet()
val fst = operandsCopy.first()
val snd = if (operandsCopy.size >= 2) Cnj(operandsCopy) else operandsCopy.first()
val (l1, d1) = tseytinTransform(fst, d, vars)
val (l2, d2) = tseytinTransform(snd, d1, vars)
val p =
val np = not(p)
val d3 = d2 and (np or l1) and (np or l2) and (not(l1) or not(l2) or p)
p to d3
is Dsj -> {
val operandsCopy = phi.operands.toMutableSet()
val fst = operandsCopy.first()
val snd = if (operandsCopy.size >= 2) Dsj(operandsCopy) else operandsCopy.first()
val (l1, d1) = tseytinTransform(fst, d, vars)
val (l2, d2) = tseytinTransform(snd, d1, vars)
val p =
val np = not(p)
val d3 = d2 and (np or l1 or l2) and (not(l1) or p) and (not(l2) or p)
p to d3
override fun toString(): String = when(this) {
is Var ->
is Neg -> "¬${this.operand}"
is Dsj -> "(${this.operands.joinToString(" ∨ ")})"
is Cnj -> "(${this.operands.joinToString(" ∧ ")})"
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