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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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; mwil.ahk
; Userful functions for AHK using an Apple keyboard
; @author Michael Wildman
; Launchy
;#Space::Send ^!{Space}
; (Win + Down) Minimize active window
#Down::WinMinimize, A
; (Command + Q) Quit
;#q::Send !{F4}
; (Command + W) Close window/tab
;#w::Send ^{F4}
; (Command + c) Copy
;#c::Send ^c
; (Command + x) Cut
;#x::Send ^x
; (Command + v) Paste
;#v::Send ^v
; (F15) Cycle default audio playback device
;Run, mmsys.cpl
;ControlGet, isEnabled, Enabled,,&Set Default
; ControlSend,SysListView321,{Down 2}
;ControlClick,&Set Default
;SoundPlay, *-1
; (Win + F6) Switch to/from iTunes mini player
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
IfWinExist, MiniPlayer
WinActivate iTunes
Send +^m
; (Win + Shift + z) Search iTunes
;SetTitleMatchMode, 2
;IfWinExist, MiniPlayer
; WinActivate
; WinActivate iTunes
;Send ^f
; (Win + F7-F12) Apple keyboard media key emulation
#F7::Send {Media_Prev}
if ProcessExist("iTunes.exe")
Send {Media_Play_Pause}
Run, "C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunes.exe"
#F9::Send {Media_Next}
#F10::Send {Volume_Mute}
#F11::Send {Volume_Down}
#F12::Send {Volume_Up}
; (F13) PrintScreen
VK7c::Send {PrintScreen}
; (F14) ScrollLock
VK7d::Send {ScrollLock}
; Vk7e (F15) Pause/Break
Vk7e::Send {Pause}
; (F16) Toggle NVIDIA Shadow Play
Vk7f::Send !{F9}
; (F17) Save NVIDIA Shadow recording
Vk80::Send !{F10}
; Vk81 (F18) Insert
Vk81::Send {Insert}
!Vk81::Send !{Insert}
^Vk81::Send ^{Insert}
; Help:
; Apple keyboard only, F13-F19 mappings
; Vk7c (F13)
; Vk7d (F14)
; Vk7e (F15)
; Vk7f (F16)
; Vk80 (F17)
; Vk81 (F18)
; Vk82 (F19)
return Errorlevel
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