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Last active September 27, 2022 23:24
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Haskell segment tree with lazy propagation
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Vector as V
data SegTree a =
Node {
val :: a
, lazy :: Maybe a
, left, right :: Int
, leftChild, rightChild :: SegTree a
} |
Leaf {
val :: a
, lazy :: Maybe a
, left, right :: Int
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance (Num a) => Num (Maybe a) where
Nothing + Nothing = Nothing
Nothing + (Just a) = Just a
(Just a) + Nothing = Just a
(Just a) + (Just b) = Just (a + b)
fromInteger = undefined
(*) = undefined
signum = undefined
abs = undefined
fI :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fI = fromIntegral
initTree :: (Num a) => [a] -> SegTree a
initTree xs = aux 0 (n - 1)
vs = V.fromList xs
n = V.length vs
aux l r
| l == r =
Leaf { val = vs V.! l, lazy = Nothing, left = l, right = r}
| otherwise =
let mid = (l + r) `div` 2
lChild = aux l mid
rChild = aux (mid + 1) r
in Node { val = val lChild + val rChild
, left = l
, right = r
, lazy = Nothing
, leftChild = lChild, rightChild = rChild
updateNode :: (Num a, Eq a) => SegTree a -> SegTree a
updateNode rt =
if (lazy rt) == Nothing then
let (lc, rc) = (leftChild rt, rightChild rt)
(l, r) = (left rt, right rt)
in if l == r then
rt { val = (val rt) + (fromJust $ lazy rt), lazy = Nothing }
let nlc = lc {lazy = (lazy lc) + (lazy rt)}
nrc = rc {lazy = (lazy rc) + (lazy rt)}
in rt { val = (val rt) + (fromJust $ lazy rt) * (fI $ r - l +1)
, leftChild = nlc
, rightChild = nrc
, lazy = Nothing
queryTree :: (Num a, Eq a) => SegTree a -> Int -> Int -> (a, SegTree a)
queryTree root l r
| l > r || r < left root || l > right root = (0, root)
| otherwise =
let nr = updateNode root
in if (left nr) >= l && (right nr) <= r then
(val nr, nr)
((fst $ queryTree (leftChild nr) l r) +
(fst $ queryTree (rightChild nr) l r), nr)
updateTree :: (Num a, Eq a) => SegTree a -> Int -> Int -> a -> SegTree a
updateTree root l r inc
| l > r = root
| otherwise = aux nr
nr = updateNode root
aux root
| (right root) < l || (left root) > r = root
| (left root) >= l && (right root) <= r =
let lc = leftChild root
rc = rightChild root
[a, b] = [left root, right root]
if a /= b then
root { val = (val root) + inc * (fI $ b - a + 1)
, leftChild = lc { lazy = (lazy lc) + (Just inc)}
, rightChild = rc { lazy = (lazy rc) + (Just inc) }
root { val = (val root) + inc * (fI $ b - a + 1)}
| otherwise =
let nlc = updateTree (leftChild root) l r inc
nrc = updateTree (rightChild root) l r inc
in root { val = (val nlc) + (val nrc)
, leftChild = nlc
, rightChild = nrc
readInt' :: BS.ByteString -> Int
readInt' = fst . fromJust . BS.readInt
readInteger' :: BS.ByteString -> Integer
readInteger' = fst . fromJust. BS.readInteger
solve :: Int -> [[Int]] -> (SegTree Integer, [Integer])
solve n qs = foldl'
(\ (root, acc) q ->
if (head q) == 0 then
(updateTree root
(q !! 1 - 1) (q !! 2 - 1) (toInteger (q !! 3)), acc)
let (ans, nr) = queryTree root (q !! 1 - 1) (q !! 2 - 1)
in (nr, ans : acc) )
(initTree $ take n (repeat 0), [])
main :: IO ()
main = do
tc <- readLn :: IO Int
forM_ [] $ \_ -> do
[n, q] <- map readInt' . BS.words <$> BS.getLine
contents <- replicateM q BS.getLine
let queries = map (\ x -> map readInt' (BS.words x)) contents
(_, ans) = solve n queries
putStrLn $ intercalate "\n" (map show $ reverse ans)
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