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Created June 30, 2011 14:02
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This script is for fun with clojure and some javascript protection mechanism.
;; Author: m039 <flam44 (at) gmail (dot) com>
;; Some cracking methods to decrypt urls from javascript protected
;; site. All the methods for manual usage.
;; The protection should be based on this
;; []
;; script.
;; alpha
(def alpha "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghij")
(defn index-of
([ch] (index-of ch 0))
([ch num] (.indexOf alpha (int ch) num)))
(defn char-at [pos]
(.charAt alpha pos))
(defn makehash [str]
(reduce #(+ (* %1 mult) (.indexOf alpha (int %2)) 1) 0 str))
(defn brute [acc deep]
(when (> deep 0)
(doseq [ch alpha]
(brute (str acc ch) (dec deep))))
(when (and (= deep 0)
(= (makehash acc) hash-key))
(println "Win:" acc)))
;; length
(defn calc-length-max [salt mult]
(let [fst (char-at 0)]
(binding [mult mult]
(loop [acc ""]
(if (> (makehash acc) salt)
(dec (.length acc)))
(recur (str acc fst)))))))
(defn calc-length-min [salt mult]
(let [fst \9]
(binding [mult mult]
(loop [acc ""]
(if (> (makehash acc) salt)
(dec (.length acc)))
(recur (str acc fst)))))))
(defn login-length [salt]
"Returns [min, max] lengths of the login name."
[(calc-length-min salt 9)
(calc-length-max salt 9)])
(defn password-length [salt]
"Returns [min, max] lengths of the password."
[(calc-length-min salt 9)
(calc-length-max salt 9)])
(defn hash-length [salt]
"Returns [min, max] lengths of the hash."
[(calc-length-min salt 8)
(calc-length-max salt 8)])
;; get-hash
(defn get-hash [length link maybe-link]
(loop [hash []
number 0
xs link
ys maybe-link]
(when-not (or (> number 9)
(empty? xs)
(empty? ys))
(let [c1 (first xs)
a (index-of c1 9)
b (- a number)
c2 (if (> a -1) (.charAt alpha b) c1)]
(if (> a -1)
(if (= c2 (first ys))
(if (= (count hash) length)
(recur (conj hash number) 0 (rest xs) (rest ys)))
(recur hash (inc number) xs ys))
(recur hash 0 (rest xs) (rest ys)))))))
;; decrypt
(defn decrypt-link [url hash]
(loop [cnt 0 xs url]
(when-not (empty? xs)
(let [c1 (first xs)
a (index-of c1 9)
b (- a (nth hash cnt))
c2 (if (> a -1) (char-at b) c1)]
(print c2)
(if (> a -1)
(recur (mod (inc cnt) (count hash)) (rest xs))
(recur cnt (rest xs))))))))
(let [link "kwAp://"
hash (get-hash 9 link "http://www.hackthis")]
(decrypt-link link hash))
(let [link "kxyr://FED.mrslnn.kvs"
hash (get-hash 8 link "http://www.go")]
(decrypt-link link hash))
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