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Created July 30, 2010 12:27
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Save m0n5t3r/500414 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
template for a gunicorn upstart job that can run several instances of a django application
# %(mysite)s - run %(mysite)s instances (default is the main production instance)
# This runs gunicorn-django for %(mysite)s; to install:
# * sudo ln -s <this file> /etc/init/%(mysite)s
# * sudo initctl reload-configuration
# it expects the following directory layout:
# /home/%(mysite)s/public_html
# \-env -> virtualenv
# | \-bin
# | \-gunicorn_django
# | \-activate
# \-<instance>
# | \-app -> application
# | \-conf
# | | \-gunicorn_<instance>
# | | \-<this file>
# | \-log -> logs
# | \-run -> pid files and the like
# \-<instance>
# ...
# to use:
# * sudo start/stop/restart/reload/status %(mysite)s
# * sudo start/stop/restart/reload/status %(mysite)s instance=testing
description "%(mysite)s gunicorn instance, default is the main instance"
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [06]
expect fork
respawn limit 10 5
instance ${instance:-main}
env APPHOME="/home/%(mysite)s/public_html"
pre-start script
test -n "$GUNICORN" -a -x "$GUNICORN" || { stop; exit 0; }
test -d "$APPHOME" || { stop; exit 0; }
end script
cd "$APPHOME/$INST/app"
source "$APPHOME/env/bin/activate"
exec $GUNICORN --pid="$PIDFILE" --name="$INST" --user=django --group=django --config="$CONF" --daemon --log-file="$LOGFILE" 2>>"$LOGFILE"
end script
post-stop script
rm -rf "$APPHOME/$INST/run/$INST".{pid,sock}
end script
# vim: set et sw=4 ts=4 sts=4
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lechup commented Jun 5, 2013

Things to mention:

  • Upstart in ubuntu 12.04 uses /bin/sh in script section, so source is . in /bin/sh
  • Do we really need expect fork and --daemon in gunicorn part?

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