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Created May 20, 2012 02:09
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#webafternoon notes (
Carl Smith @carlsmith
- Monkey say monkey do.
- "5 years until the kids know we're poor." Lesson is do what you love, don't be a dick.
- Two column worksheet: winning and losing. Manage showed up in losing column a lot.
- Stopped reading business books, more about nature, science, history.
- Start with a new business process. Step aside, create circles, empower people to do better than you.
- Jellyfish example. Group is called a smack. Smack attack. Reach out to the "army of awesome".
- UX asked if they could branch out and do some more business stuff: encourage people with passion to jump in and do it.
- Months later person X didn't say that, they said this. Confusion and angst. Don't do that. Allow organic growth.
- Friengineers commit free time and help; even former employees contiune to contribute after they leave.
- Ambient Accountability: no silos!
- Shit Hill example. Everyone watches, everyone cleans up shit.
- What a steaming load of seahorse shit!
- in 1.5 revenues doubled.
- try _something_!
Willie Jackson @williejackson
- Panic attack, life changing, hit the wall. Confronted manager; funny bit about the conference room going dark but the conversation keeps going.
- Obscurity could be used to your advantage. You could fail out of the limelight.
- You should fail as fast and awfully as possible. Keep trying, keep failing, you'll win.
- Small actions can define who we are. Habits and decisions impact how your life unfolds. Step up to the plate.
- People in technical fields tend to make excuses and avoid failure.
Bella Martin @kbellamartin
Universal Methods of Design
User-Centered Design Methods
- Personal search driven study.
- Slide on large scale iOS device whiteboards.
- Crossroad: Knowledge, Confidence, Low Confidence, Low Knowledge
Low knowledge/Confidence
- Selling UX but no follow through
- Talk the talk, not walking the walk
- Running a race at the bottom
Experimenters: high confidence, low knowledge
- intuitively understand working with uses is key
Die-hards: high knowledge, low confidence
- Experts in only a few methods
- Not interested in learning new methods
- Streamlined, airtight processes
- Companies trust them to get the job done
UX loyalists: high knowledge, high confidence
- very comfortable with research landscape
- much work goes into articulating which class of design issues to study
- mapping the problems to the right technique is key to success
What's the secret to getting to the 4th quadrant?
- Pick a method
- collect data
- analyze
- inform design
Sanjay Parekh @sanjay
Startup Riot
Falling Down
- Revolutionary War: large portion of national population died/impacted, 1/56 people impacted
- Frontier pioneers: 20% of people died
- Henry Ford: 12.5 hours to 1.5 hours to build a car.
- Apollo 1: all three astronauts died on the launchpad
- SpaceX: aborted launch of first NASA/private rocket to ISS this morning (3/19), that's not a failure.
- TCP/IP inventors: original design of the Internet was due to risk of nuke war.
- Thomas Alva Edison: The Oatmeal as joke, debunked in the Times
- digital envoy: Netflix was client
- StartupChicks
- Think about failure: the 56 delegates of the first congress of the US - if they failed they would have been tried for treason and killed.
Brandon Eley @beley
Kelsey Advertising/2BigFeet
Invoke Change
- Why in the world would you be moved up to a new role you know nothing about? No one is promoted because they do the most amazing job in their current role.
- Do more than your job, add ~20 hours a week doing what you want to do.
- Start with the End: you're all going to die.
- Be proactive.
- Let change happen: that's bullshit.
- Milton Berle: If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.
- Don't be frustrated; make change.
- Do the research, learn, keep up with technology, improve yourself.
- Don't just let change happen to you. Don't just embrace change... Invoke change.
Laura Calandrella @lcalandrella
Women and the Future of Media
- 1980 - 1984 - 1996 - 2001 - 2010
- Amplify our vision.
- Accelerate our impact.
- Be a force for good.
- The Young Entrepreneurs Council
- Women catalyze change.
- Things work better, run smoother, when women are 30% of the team around the table.
Divya Manian @divya
Designing in the Browser
- Advanced Wen and Interactivity Engineer at Adobe
- Previously, Web Opener at Opera
- HTML5 Please, HTML5 Boilerplate
- Mockups Suck
- Text cannot wrap around an image on the page (curves, etc)
- Clients From Hell website
- Web Design
- No longer a legacy of print
- Pages are more dynamic
- Design the interaction experience
- Product design
- Google+
- Not just interactions; multiple devices, optimized for many platforms
- No pixel perfection
- Uncertainty of features
- Things never design to interact, will
- You cannot control the content
- Print tools are not web design tools
- Don't recreate the web in your print tool
- Learn to love your web tools
Scaffolding generator
SASS, Less, Stylus
Naming conventions: BEM, Nicolas Gallagher's conventions
Mustache, Eco, Haml
Faker.js - get real looking fake data
Design scaffolding - twitter bootstrap
Codekit or LiveReload splat+r
Patrick Haney - @notasausage
Getting Things/Shit Done
- I'm a procrastinator.
- I draw pictures all day.
- Internet is distracting. Stop staring at your iPhone.
- Stay focused, find your workflow, stay organized, get help, call it a day
- GTD system of productivity to clear the mind of stress
- Capture everything, define the things, organize the things
- Record, Return, Resolve. The three R's.
- Have a plan, unitask, stay on task
- Unitasking, focus on the state.
- Pomodoro technique. iTomato.
- Disable distractions: hide windows you don't need, turn off email notifications
- Spirited Away app, hide windows that aren't actively being used.
- defaults write.
- Ommwriter.
- Quickly capture, stay on task.
- Instapaper, Read it Later, etc.
- simplenote iPhone.
- Avoid FOMO, fear of missing out.
- Percolate, daily brew.
- Use what works, don't change without a good reason.
- InboxZero
- LittleSnapper
- Kinkless Desktop: organize your desktop like you might your email inbox.
- Keep your workspace clean.
- Hire someone to do it for you.
- Basecamp.
- TaskRabbit.
- Read Rework, Jason Fried.
- Get a life, work to live not the other way around.
Julie Taylor @juliemtaylor
Embrace the Awkward
- Meetup groups. A bunch of strangers. Afraid of sounding foolish. Cool kids with hip glasses and tshirts.
- Be a geek. Be honest about what you enjoy. People will get you.
Gene Crawford @genecrawford
Samurais are awesome. Epic, bushido. Don't piss on people when going through life.
How do you get through big transitions without pissing people off?
Honor, compassion, loyalty.
Jason Seiden @seiden
(How to Self Destruct book)
Ajax Social Media
- Own your story on social media.
- McDLT McDonalds - solution to a problem that doesn't exist
- We as people have separated our lives into personal/professional McDLT sandwich packages.
- 20% of your Facebook friends are work relates. Let the life-burger out of the box.
- Profersonal.
- Combine the personal and professional subplots of your life into a single, focused story.
- "The Friday Night Problem": People need to understand and appreciate what they do so much that when they go out on Friday they need to be able to get their friends to help them with what they do.
- Lighten the fuck up. VNLA ICE license plate.
- Stay flexible. Boxes are not the answer.
- Own your story, take that risk, do that thing.
Jessica Cherok @WonderPondering
Privacy and Compliance Consultant
- Facebook gossiped the shit out of us.
- What kind of asshole would you be if you had to delete your maw-maw from Facebook?
- Facebook privacy has been mishandled.
Wesley Hales @wesleyhales (HTML5 User Group Atlanta)
5 Things I Unlearned About the Mobile Web
- ApplicationCache is a douchebag, Jake Archibald
- Not easy to use
- Follow patterns
- WebStorage (can be slow): 5 MB limit. Using localStorage["small"] = "foo"; will yield 50% performance boost in certain browsers.
- Native vs. Web Apps: pinpoint every single performance problem, understand deeply how the DOM, and the whole stack works. You cannot rely on frameworks to be performant in these early days of web apps (versus native).
- WebStorage: Save yourself some time and use an API like LawnChair.
- CSS requires software to calculate, render and paint.
- LinkedIn best performing mobile web app.
- CSS3 rounded corners, gradients, etc can be bad.
- display:none will clear out the video memory of a device.
- iOS5 has issues with watchLocation(), browser will crash after 4 minutes. use setInterval() on getCurrentPosition()
- innerHTML() will fail (PhoneGap)
- WebStorage is racy
- UserAgent detection, modernizr versus UA string sniffing; user agents do not report correctly 90% of the time.
Mick Winters @mickwinters
Redesigning Design Engagements
- Creative Circus (teach)
- How to kill an interactive project
- Going live is the beginning not the end
- Traditional process flow: Scope, Discovery, Design, Deploy
- Discovery first, add Measure and Modify to the "end"
- The destination is probably not where you want to me
- Dave Gray's Gamestorming book; what client wants, A => B; what agencies/designers do, A ~~ x
- "Big reveal" hinders interactive project success
- "Lid Effect" of the project lead w/ the client and the release of the interactive product is a bad practice
- compensation/2080 hours your hourly rate
- you are being quantified, down to the 1/4 hour
Juan Santos @coursera
Bridges, connect the physical and digital
- 10 B+ digital devices; 100 B+ internet interconnected devices
- Fuel from Nike, Project Glass from Google
- 100 B+ devices will actually be more like smart outlets (RFID enabled)
- What do we do to get closer to creating devices that actually touch and interact in the physical world?
- Arduino controller, electronics prototyping platform - used in example for marketing campaign where they needed robots, block of ice, and waterguns.
- Collected data from the end-users interfacing with the gun controls.
Colleen Jones @leenjones
Content Science, author of Clout book
How to be a Jedi Master of the Digital Universe
Learn the Ways of the Content Force
- Today's digital universe thrives on content.
- With the right content your online presence will shine brightly; without your presence will whither.
- HP example, 90% of sales come from online content
- The only way to master your digital universe is to get the basics of content down to science.
- Why is the digital universe so complex?
- What are the common problems?
- What is the solution?
- Long ago your digital universe was limited to simply, website. Over the last 5 years social and mobile have rapidly expanded the universe.
- We loooooove constant connection to content.
- We are Jabba the Hutt; feed me more content.
- Product Content: Customer Decision, Business Goals, Content Best Practices (Equifax example)
- "Don't bury the headline."
- Whenever possible: plan the editoral first, before the architecture. Know your audience before you build.
- Elements of Governance: Oversight, Guides, Roles, Process.
Steve Smith @orderedlist
Design all the things
- What is design?
- Design is deliberately making something excellent.
- Hummingbird feeders; idea, discussion, visuals (skitch), deployment, monitoring,
- github is an async company
- github uses campfire
- github does not have meetings, meetings are awful don't ever have meetings
- team discussion is tracked, logged
- yo dawg github uses github to make github
- script/bootstrap
- branches
- pull requests
- hubot deploy github to production
- code automatically deploys to production, 40-60 times per day
- monitoring, errors, graphs
- HDMI out graphs from iOS devices
- apply your talent to your process, spend time to create solutions (don't keep being frustrated, fix it), use technology to make things easier and faster, better workflow means happy people, happy people do better work
- make your process simple and keep it easy
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