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Created May 22, 2012 15:16
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SMACSS notes May 18
Part 1
- Don't use .button.large ... no subclassing for size or color definitions, try to use .button-large and sibling classes instead
- Naming convention clarifies intent (you should be able to read semantic HTML or CSS and know what it does)
- Create an internal style guide that the team refers to (!) - relates to docs efforts ongoing
State: active and default states; .tab and .is-tab-active (indication that JS will be used) - isolate JS classes so that you only have to make changes to the CSS
- is- prefix indicates likelihood of JS dependency
- is- is toggleable state
- states that are specific to a module should include module name
Theme: (a.k.a. site.css)
- .theme-header, .theme-border, .theme-background
- .text-plus1, .text-minus1 (is this semantic?)
- always specify background color and color for elements (assists with page draw)
Part 2
Limit applicability
Reduce depth
- use less selectors, preferably one
- use child selectors to limit depth
State representation
- classes (JS dependent)
- pseudo-classes (:hover, :focus)
- attribute selectors (.btn[data-state=default,pressed,disabled])
- review pointer-events: none;
- media queries
/* avoid this! */ .menu {
CSS3 ui module with HTML5, form validation example
*** - include the media queries with the modules they affect
- find repeatable patterns
- accept that class names may describe a visual state
- e.g. big and small
- keep them separated
"As someone who is building the HTML and CSS, you are the arbiter of design."
- benefits of conditional loading
- yahoo example, combo handler
- single file sent to end user
Integrating JavaScript
- scripts are written for individual modules
- states are modified, no inline styles
Part 3: Process
- Less
- Stylus
- Variables
- Nesting
- Functions (aka Mixins)
- Handles compilation of files into final product
gem install sass (used at Shopify)
# or even better:
gem install compass
$ sass --watch before:after
Nested Media Queries == awesome
- .nav > li => @media => @media
- Build and test individual components
- Allows for front-end development independent of engineering
- Create centralized repository for multiple projects
- Proto Engine can use different technology than engineering
- Template
- l11n
- JavaScript
- Pull in style sheets when you need them
- Smaller rule sets make it easier on browsers
- Google Page Speed recommendations
Layout and reflow are huge gotchas -- eliminate reflows
Address selector performance
Larger teams
- separation of files allow multiple members of the team to work on separate files
- modular approach works well with OOP on server side (hence OOCSS)
Small vs large sites
- Smaller sites don't have multiple people on it
- Smaller sites don't change as often
Part 4: Examples
Twitter bootstrap
- scoping families of classes with prefix (e.g., modal-header instead of .modal .header)
- stopping the cascade of CSS, or at least limiting it (e.g., .modal-title instead of .modal h3)
- avoid element tags in selectors
- Uses Less
Extending Fireworks
OOCSS stubbornella
- a CSS "object" is a repeating visual pattern
- separate structure and skin
- separate container and content
Base: Uses base reset and font from YUI
Layout: Has a grid system
Modules: comes with a few out of hte box
Skin: themes separated
Icon Module
- traditional vertical sprite file as example
- <li><i class="ico ico-16 ico-inbox"></i>Inbox</li>
- create a mask around your sprite icons, allow clustering of icons in sprite file and reduce file size
- display:inline-block;display:inline;zoom:1 -- zoom:1 gives IE7 hasLayout
- pointer-event:none really useful for interacting with elements behind other elements
- use head tags as tabs with divs instead of ul li div
- always use href #item anchors linked to objects on the page relying on JS so that link to those objects is still functional with JS turned off (follow semantics and accessibility) -- what about :focus for accessibility?
- @media testing for performance? no studies known
- Steve Souders study on CSS performance
Could we use this to decouple django/python/html/css more?
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