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Created April 10, 2022 03:17
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Fwd from Twitter to Telegram bot v 0.1.0 (deps: twint, aiogram, nest_asyncio)
import asyncio
import twint
from aiogram import Bot, types
from aiogram.dispatcher import Dispatcher
import nest_asyncio
bot = Bot(token=TOKEN)
dp = Dispatcher(bot)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# TODO: switching keys and values might be a good idea to improve performance
CLIENTS: dict[int, set[str]] = dict()
async def add_entity(id: int, who_to_follow: str) -> set[str]:
if id not in CLIENTS.keys():
CLIENTS[id] = set([who_to_follow])
if who_to_follow not in CLIENTS[id]:
return CLIENTS[id]
# TODO: finish all workers if there is no more clients follows this twitter account
async def unfollow(id: int, who_to_unfollow: str) -> tuple[bool, str]:
if id not in CLIENTS.keys():
return False, "You are not following anyone"
if who_to_unfollow not in CLIENTS[id]:
return False, "You are not following this person"
return True, f"Unsubscribed from {who_to_unfollow}"
def twint_config() -> twint.Config:
c = twint.Config()
c.User_full = True
c.Profile = True
# ? even if we need only one tweet, we could not get less than 5,
# ? because of the library bugs/won't work with less than ~~5
c.Limit = 5
c.Store_object = True
c.Hide_output = True
return c
async def last_tweet(conf: twint.Config) -> twint.tweet.tweet:
tweets = list() # prepare list to store tweets
conf.Store_object_tweets_list = tweets
# ! async call here # get tweets
# TODO: check if tweets is empty, handle errors
last = tweets[0] # save last tweet
tweets.clear() # flush tweets
return last # return last tweet only
async def tweets_scanner(twitter_nickname: str, delay: float = 6.0):
config = twint_config()
config.Username = twitter_nickname
last = await last_tweet(config)
while True:
# delay next check by specified X seconds
await asyncio.sleep(delay)
current = await last_tweet(config)
if !=
for tg_id, nicknames in CLIENTS.items():
if twitter_nickname in nicknames:
await bot.send_message(tg_id,
f"{twitter_nickname} tweeted: {current.tweet}\n {}")
print("New tweet: ", current.datestamp,
"\t📝:", current.tweet,
last = current
# else:
# print('No new tweets from: ', twitter_nickname)
def is_active(client_id: int) -> bool:
return client_id in CLIENTS.keys()
async def process_follow_command(message: types.Message) -> None:
args: str | None = message.get_args()
if args is None:
await message.reply(
"No arguments provided;\n"
"Write /follow <twitter nickname> to follow someone")
return # exit from handler
# get message sender id
client_id: int =
# strip spaces at the beging/end
nickname: str = args.strip()
if is_active(client_id):
updated: set[str] = await add_entity(client_id, nickname)
await message.reply("You are now following:\n" + "\n".join(updated))
# if it's the first time client sending /follow request
# -> create new entry in dict
_ = await add_entity(client_id, nickname)
await message.reply(f"Now following: {nickname}")
async def process_start_command(message: types.Message):
await message.reply(
"Hello, I am TwitterForwader Bot 👋!\n"
"Write /follow <twitter nickname> to start following someone")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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