...as an alternative to the Serverless Framework.
- SAM templates result in Cloudformation stacks. This has a benefit of ensuring all the resoures are defined together and allows the management from a GUI.
- SAM requires that IAM policies to be defined at the function level rather than globally as per the Serverless Framework. According to the SAM docs, this was a design decision to reduce the risk of functions being granted more permissions than they need.
- Enabling CORS in SAM requires the specific allowed methods and headers to be provided. This is as opposed to Serverless Framework where it is just an on/off flag.
- SAM supports parameters to be passed to the template at deploy/test-time. Serverless Framework achieves this with environment variables.
- SAM does not have build plugins like the Serverless Framework.
- As SAM does not have plugins, it can't orchestrate the ES5 bundling that is done in Serverless Framework with the
plugin. Instead, this is achieved with the combination ofnode
rather than relying onsam build
. - As a side effect of the ES5 use, SAM requires the build to be done before being able to deploy or test code locally. This can be a cause for confusion when starting out as one may try to
and wonder why the code changes aren't being reflected. I got into the habit of building first withnpm run-script build && sam deploy
. - In SAM, when we set the
DefaultAuthorizer: AWS_IAM
in theGlobal
section, it will break theOPTIONS
request when the API is called from a browser. That is because the global flags sets authentication even for theOPTIONS
request which the Serverless Framework doesn't do. This workaround in SAM is to setAddDefaultAuthorizerToCorsPreflight: false
- The unit testing chapter is currently incompatible with the SAM setup (needs more investigation).
The first 7 chapters (Introduction to Create a Cognito test user) are relevant irregardless of a choice of the Serverless Framework or SAM.
When SAM is to be used instead of the Serverless Framework, chapter 8 (Set up the Serverless Framework) should be replaced with the steps below.
Create the node
mkdir notes-app-api
cd notes-app-api
npm init -y
The steps in the existing chapter 8 related to Install Node.js packages are the same. They are copied below for convenience.
npm install
npm install aws-sdk --save-dev
npm install uuid@7.0.3 --save
Commit: f71a1d7
A package.json
A package-lock.json
When SAM is to be used instead of the Serverless Framework, chapter 9 (Add Support for ES6/ES7 JavaScript) should be replaced with the steps below.
The following webpack related steps were required as per https://github.com/graphboss/aws-sam-webpack-plugin (more info here also)
npm install webpack webpack-cli aws-sam-webpack-plugin @types/aws-lambda --save-dev
npm install source-map-support --save
Create webpack.config.js
const path = require("path");
const AwsSamPlugin = require("aws-sam-webpack-plugin");
const awsSamPlugin = new AwsSamPlugin();
module.exports = {
// Loads the entry object from the AWS::Serverless::Function resources in your
// SAM config. Setting this to a function will
entry: () => awsSamPlugin.entry(),
// Write the output to the .aws-sam/build folder
output: {
filename: (chunkData) => awsSamPlugin.filename(chunkData),
libraryTarget: "commonjs2",
path: path.resolve(".")
// Create source maps
devtool: "source-map",
// Resolve .js extensions
resolve: {
extensions: [".js"]
// Target node
target: "node",
// AWS recommends always including the aws-sdk in your Lambda package but excluding can significantly reduce
// the size of your deployment package. If you want to always include it then comment out this line. It has
// been included conditionally because the node10.x docker image used by SAM local doesn't include it.
externals: process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ? [] : ["aws-sdk"],
// Set the webpack mode
mode: process.env.NODE_ENV || "production",
// Add the AWS SAM Webpack plugin
plugins: [awsSamPlugin]
Commit: b22062b
A webpack.config.js
M package.json
M package-lock.json
The next chapter (Initialize the backend repo) is relevant irregardless of the use of SAM or Serverless Framework.
The steps related to the creation of javascript files (i.e. create.js
, libs/dynamodb-lib.js
and libs/handler-lib.js
) and the mock (i.e. mocks/create-event.json
) in the original chapter are unchanged.
The key difference for SAM are:
- we create a
(instead of theserverless.yml
for the Serverless Framework) - we need to build before we can test (instead of the Serverless Framework doing this automatically for us)
- the test invocation command is slightly different for SAM
The template.yaml
is as follows:
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Description: This is an AWS SAM fork of the popular Serverless Notes API
Type: String
Default: "notes"
Description: Notes Table Name
AllowHeaders: "'Content-Type,X-Amz-Date,Authorization,X-Api-Key,X-Amz-Security-Token'"
AllowOrigin: "'*'"
DefaultAuthorizer: AWS_IAM
AddDefaultAuthorizerToCorsPreflight: false
CodeUri: .
Runtime: nodejs12.x
Timeout: 10
tableName: !Ref NotesTableName
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: create.main
- Version: '2012-10-17'
- Effect: Allow
- 'dynamodb:PutItem'
Resource: 'arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:*:*'
Type: Api
Path: /notes
Method: post
Description: "API Gateway endpoint URL for Prod stage for Notes function"
Value: !Sub "https://${ServerlessRestApi}.execute-api.${AWS::Region}.amazonaws.com/Prod/notes/"
Unlike the Serverless Framework, we have to build our code first. Let's update our package.json
so that it has the ability to do our build
"scripts": {
"build": "webpack-cli",
"clean": "rimraf .aws-sam",
"prebuild": "rimraf .aws-sam",
"prewatch": "rimraf .aws-sam",
"watch": "webpack-cli -w"
Now we can build our code with npm run-script build
This will result in the javascript being built under .aws-sam/build
Now we can invoke the function with sam local invoke --parameter-overrides ParameterKey=NotesTableName,ParameterValue=notes --profile myProfile Create -e mocks/create-event.json
Commit: b22062b
A template.yaml
A create.js
A libs/dynamodb-lib.js
A libs/handler-lib.js
A mocks/create-event.json
M package.json
Requires Get
function in template.yml
Requires List
function in template.yml
Requires Update
function in template.yml
Requires Delete
function in template.yml
The Working with 3rd party APIs and Setup a Stripe account chapters don't need to change.
Requires Billing
function in template.yml
In addition to SAM's support for passing arguments at deploy-time, it can also take a JSON file with the specific environment variables when calling the invoke
Now we can invoke the function with sam local invoke --parameter-overrides ParameterKey=NotesTableName,ParameterValue=notes ParameterKey=StripeSecretKey,ParameterValue=<SecretKey> --profile myProfile Billing -e mocks/billing-event.json
More investigation is needed for the chapters Unit Tests in Serverless and Handle API Gateway CORS Errors.
sam deploy --guided
The full working SAM project is available at https://github.com/m0un10/sam-stack-demo-api/