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Last active August 10, 2016 15:26
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algolia magento 2 - commonjs.phtml minified html
<?php /** @var \Algolia\AlgoliaSearch\Block\Algolia $block */ $config = $block->getConfigHelper(); $catalogSearchHelper = $block->getCatalogSearchHelper(); $product_helper = $block->getProductHelper(); $algolia_helper = $block->getAlgoliaHelper(); $base_url = rtrim($block->getBaseUrl(), '/'); $isSearchPage = false; $isCategoryPage = false; $currency_code = $block->getCurrencyCode(); $group_id = $block->getGroupId(); $price_key = $block->getPriceKey(); $allDepartments = "All departments"; $query = ''; $refinement_key = ''; $refinement_value = ''; $path = ''; /** * Handle category replacement */ if ($config->isInstantEnabled() && $config->replaceCategories() && $block->getRequest()->getControllerName() == 'category') { $category = $block->getCurrentCategory(); if ($category && $category->getDisplayMode() !== 'PAGE') { $category->getUrlInstance()->setStore($block->getStoreId()); foreach ($category->getPathIds() as $treeCategoryId) { if ($path != '') { $path .= ' } $path .= $product_helper->getCategoryName($treeCategoryId, $block->getStoreId()); } $indexName = $product_helper->getIndexName($block->getStoreId()); $category_url = $category->getUrl($category); $isSearchPage = true; $isCategoryPage = true; } } /** * Handle search */ if ($config->isInstantEnabled()) { $pageIdentifier = $block->getRequest()->getFullActionName(); if ($pageIdentifier === 'catalogsearch_result_index') { $query = $catalogSearchHelper->getEscapedQueryText(); if ($query == '__empty__') { $query = ''; } $product_helper = $block->getProductHelper(); $refinement_key = $block->getRequest()->getParam('refinement_key'); if ($refinement_key !== null) { $refinement_value = $query; $query = ""; } else { $refinement_key = ""; } $isSearchPage = true; } } if ($config->isInstantEnabled() && $isSearchPage) { echo ' <script>
document.write(\'<style type="text/css"> ' . $config->getInstantSelector() . '{display:none}</style>\');</script>'; } ?> <script>
requirejs(['algoliaBundle'], function(algoliaBundle) {
algoliaBundle.$(function ($) {
window.algoliaConfig = {
instant: {
enabled: <?php echo $config->isInstantEnabled() ? "true" : "false"; ?>,
selector: '<?php echo $config->getInstantSelector(); ?>',
isAddToCartEnabled: <?php echo $config->isAddToCartEnable() ? "true" : "false"; ?>
autocomplete: {
enabled: <?php echo $config->isAutoCompleteEnabled() ? "true" : "false"; ?>,
selector: '<?php echo $config->getAutocompleteSelector(); ?>',
sections: <?php echo json_encode($config->getAutocompleteSections()); ?>,
nbOfProductsSuggestions: '<?php echo $config->getNumberOfProductsSuggestions(); ?>',
nbOfCategoriesSuggestions: '<?php echo $config->getNumberOfCategoriesSuggestions(); ?>',
nbOfQueriesSuggestions: '<?php echo $config->getNumberOfQueriesSuggestions(); ?>'
extensionVersion: '<?php echo $config->getExtensionVersion() ?>',
applicationId: '<?php echo $config->getApplicationID() ?>',
indexName: '<?php echo $product_helper->getBaseIndexName(); ?>',
apiKey: '<?php echo $algolia_helper->generateSearchSecuredApiKey($config->getSearchOnlyAPIKey(), $config->getAttributesToRetrieve($group_id)) ?>',
facets: <?php echo json_encode($config->getFacets()); ?>,
hitsPerPage: <?php echo (int) $config->getNumberOfProductResults() ?>,
sortingIndices: <?php echo json_encode(array_values($config->getSortingIndices())); ?>,
isSearchPage: <?php echo $isSearchPage ? "true" : "false" ?>,
isCategoryPage: <?php echo $isCategoryPage ? "true" : "false" ?>,
removeBranding: <?php echo $config->isRemoveBranding() ? "true" : "false"; ?>,
priceKey: '<?php echo $price_key; ?>',
currencySymbol: '<?php echo $block->getCurrencySymbol(); ?>',
currency_code: '<?php echo $currency_code; ?>',
maxValuesPerFacet: <?php echo (int) $config->getMaxValuesPerFacet(); ?>,
autofocus: true,
request: {
query: <?php echo json_encode(array("value" => html_entity_decode($query))); ?>.value,
refinement_key: '<?php echo $refinement_key; ?>',
refinement_value: '<?php echo $refinement_value; ?>',
path: '<?php echo $path; ?>'
show_cats_not_included_in_navigation: <?php echo $config->showCatsNotIncludedInNavigation() ? "true" : "false"; ?>,
showSuggestionsOnNoResultsPage: <?php echo $config->showSuggestionsOnNoResultsPage() ? "true" : "false"; ?>,
baseUrl: '<?php echo $base_url ?>',
popularQueries: <?php echo json_encode($config->getPopularQueries()); ?>
window.transformHit = function (hit, price_key) {
if (Array.isArray(hit.categories))
hit.categories = hit.categories.join(', ');
if (hit._highlightResult.categories_without_path && Array.isArray(hit.categories_without_path)) {
hit.categories_without_path = $.map(hit._highlightResult.categories_without_path, function (category) {
return category.value;
hit.categories_without_path = hit.categories_without_path.join(', ');
if (Array.isArray(hit.color)) {
var colors = [];
$.each(hit._highlightResult.color, function (i, color) {
if (color.matchLevel === 'none') {
colors = colors.join(', ');
hit._highlightResult.color = {value: colors};
else {
if (hit._highlightResult.color && hit._highlightResult.color.matchLevel === 'none') {
hit._highlightResult.color = {value: ''};
if (hit._highlightResult.color && hit._highlightResult.color.value && hit.categories_without_path) {
if (hit.categories_without_path.indexOf('<em>') === -1 && hit._highlightResult.color.value.indexOf('<em>') !== -1) {
hit.categories_without_path = '';
if (Array.isArray( =[0];
if (Array.isArray(hit.price))
hit.price = hit.price[0];
if (price_key !== '.' + algoliaConfig.currency_code + '.default' && hit['price'] !== undefined &&
hit['price'][algoliaConfig.currency_code][price_key.substr(1) + '_formated'] !== hit['price'][algoliaConfig.currency_code]['default_formated']) {
hit['price'][algoliaConfig.currency_code][price_key.substr(1) + '_original_formated'] = hit['price'][algoliaConfig.currency_code]['default_formated'];
return hit;
window.getFacetWidget = function (facet, templates) {
if (facet.type === 'priceRanges') {
return algoliaBundle.instantsearch.widgets.priceRanges({
container: facet.wrapper.appendChild(document.createElement('div')),
attributeName: facet.attribute,
labels: {
currency: algoliaConfig.currencySymbol,
separator: '<?php echo __("to"); ?>',
button: '<?php echo __("Go"); ?>'
templates: templates,
cssClasses: {
root: 'facet conjunctive'
var listItemTemplate = '<label class="{{cssClasses.label}}">' +
'<input type="checkbox" class="{{cssClasses.checkbox}}" value="{{name}}" {{#isRefined}}checked{{/isRefined}} />{{name}}' +
'{{#isRefined}}<img class="cross-circle" src="<?php echo $block->getViewFileUrl('Algolia_AlgoliaSearch::cross-circle.png'); ?>"/>{{/isRefined}}' +
'<span class="{{cssClasses.count}}">{{#helpers.formatNumber}}{{count}}{{/helpers.formatNumber}}</span>' +
if (facet.type === 'conjunctive') {
templates.item = listItemTemplate;
return algoliaBundle.instantsearch.widgets.refinementList({
container: facet.wrapper.appendChild(document.createElement('div')),
attributeName: facet.attribute,
limit: algoliaConfig.maxValuesPerFacet,
operator: 'and',
templates: templates,
cssClasses: {
root: 'facet conjunctive'
if (facet.type === 'disjunctive') {
templates.item = listItemTemplate;
return algoliaBundle.instantsearch.widgets.refinementList({
container: facet.wrapper.appendChild(document.createElement('div')),
attributeName: facet.attribute,
limit: algoliaConfig.maxValuesPerFacet,
operator: 'or',
templates: templates,
cssClasses: {
root: 'facet disjunctive'
if (facet.type == 'slider') {
return algoliaBundle.instantsearch.widgets.rangeSlider({
container: facet.wrapper.appendChild(document.createElement('div')),
attributeName: facet.attribute,
templates: templates,
cssClasses: {
root: 'facet slider'
tooltips: {
format: function(formattedValue) {
return parseInt(formattedValue);
window.getAutocompleteSource = function (section, algolia_client, $, i) {
if (section.hitsPerPage <= 0)
return null;
var options = {
hitsPerPage: section.hitsPerPage,
analyticsTags: 'autocomplete'
var source;
if ( === "products") {
options.facets = ['categories.level0'];
options.numericFilters = 'visibility_search=1';
source = {
source: $.fn.autocomplete.sources.hits(algolia_client.initIndex(algoliaConfig.indexName + "_" +, options),
templates: {
empty: function (query) {
var template = '<div class="aa-no-results-products">' +
'<div class="title"><?php echo __('No products for query'); ?> "' + $("<div>").text(query.query).html() + '"</div>';
var suggestions = [];
if (algoliaConfig.showSuggestionsOnNoResultsPage && algoliaConfig.popularQueries.length > 0) {
$.each(algoliaConfig.popularQueries.slice(0, Math.min(3, algoliaConfig.popularQueries.length)), function (i, query) {
query = $('<div>').html(query).text();
suggestions.push('<a href="' + algoliaConfig.baseUrl + '/catalogsearch/result/?q=' + encodeURIComponent(query) + '">' + query + '</a>');
template += '<div class="suggestions"><div><?php echo __('You can try one of the popular search queries'); ?></div>';
template += '<div>' + suggestions.join(', ') + '</div>';
template += '</div>';
template += '<div class="see-all">' + (suggestions.length > 0 ? '<?php echo __('or'); ?> ' : '') + '<a href="' + algoliaConfig.baseUrl + '/catalogsearch/result/?q=__empty__"><?php echo __('See all products'); ?></a></div>' +
return template;
suggestion: function (hit) {
hit = transformHit(hit, algoliaConfig.priceKey)
hit.displayKey = hit.displayKey ||;
return algoliaConfig.autocomplete.templates[].render(hit);
else if ( === "categories" || === "pages")
if ( === "categories" && algoliaConfig.show_cats_not_included_in_navigation == false) {
options.numericFilters = 'include_in_menu=1';
source = {
source: $.fn.autocomplete.sources.hits(algolia_client.initIndex(algoliaConfig.indexName + "_" +, options),
name: i,
templates: {
empty: '<div class="aa-no-results"><?php echo __("No results"); ?></div>',
suggestion: function (hit) {
if ( === 'categories') {
hit.displayKey = hit.path;
if (hit._snippetResult && hit._snippetResult.content && hit._snippetResult.content.value.length > 0) {
hit.content = hit._snippetResult.content.value;
if (hit.content.charAt(0).toUpperCase() !== hit.content.charAt(0)) {
hit.content = '&#8230; ' + hit.content;
if ($.inArray(hit.content.charAt(hit.content.length - 1), ['.', '!', '?'])) {
hit.content = hit.content + ' &#8230;';
if (hit.content.indexOf('<em>') === -1) {
hit.content = '';
hit.displayKey = hit.displayKey ||;
return algoliaConfig.autocomplete.templates[].render(hit);
else if ( === "suggestions")
var suggestions_index = algolia_client.initIndex(algoliaConfig.indexName + "_suggestions");
var products_index = algolia_client.initIndex(algoliaConfig.indexName + "_products");
source = {
source: $.fn.autocomplete.sources.popularIn(suggestions_index, {
hitsPerPage: section.hitsPerPage
}, {
source: 'query',
index: products_index,
facets: ['categories.level0'],
hitsPerPage: 0,
typoTolerance: false,
maxValuesPerFacet: 1,
analytics: false
}, {
includeAll: true,
allTitle: '<?php echo __($allDepartments) ?>'
displayKey: 'query',
templates: {
suggestion: function (hit) {
if (hit.facet) {
hit.category = hit.facet.value;
if (hit.facet && hit.facet.value !== "<?php echo $allDepartments; ?>") {
hit.url = algoliaConfig.baseUrl + '/catalogsearch/result/?q=' + hit.query + '#q=' + hit.query + '&hFR[categories.level0][0]=' + encodeURIComponent(hit.category) + '&idx=' + algoliaConfig.indexName + '_products';
} else {
hit.url = algoliaConfig.baseUrl + '/catalogsearch/result/?q=' + hit.query;
return algoliaConfig.autocomplete.templates.suggestions.render(hit);
} else {
/** If is not products, categories, pages or suggestions, it's additional section **/
var index = algolia_client.initIndex(algoliaConfig.indexName + "_section_" +;
source = {
source: $.fn.autocomplete.sources.hits(index, {
hitsPerPage: section.hitsPerPage,
analyticsTags: 'autocomplete'
displayKey: 'value',
name: i,
templates: {
suggestion: function (hit) {
hit.url = algoliaConfig.baseUrl + '/catalogsearch/result/?q=' + hit.value + '&refinement_key=' +;
return algoliaConfig.autocomplete.templates.additionnalSection.render(hit);
if ( === 'products') {
source.templates.footer = function (query, content) {
var keys = [];
for (var key in content.facets['categories.level0']) {
var url = algoliaConfig.baseUrl + '/catalogsearch/result/?q=' + encodeURIComponent(query.query) + '#q=' + encodeURIComponent(query.query) + '&hFR[categories.level0][0]=' + encodeURIComponent(key) + '&idx=' + algoliaConfig.indexName + '_products';
key: key,
value: content.facets['categories.level0'][key],
url: url
keys.sort(function (a, b) {
return b.value - a.value;
var ors = '';
if (keys.length > 0) {
ors += '<span><a href="' + keys[0].url + '">' + keys[0].key + '</a></span>';
if (keys.length > 1) {
ors += ', <span><a href="' + keys[1].url + '">' + keys[1].key + '</a></span>';
var allUrl = algoliaConfig.baseUrl + '/catalogsearch/result/?q=' + encodeURIComponent(query.query);
var returnFooter = '<div id="autocomplete-products-footer"><?php echo __('See products in'); ?> <span><a href="' + allUrl + '"><?php echo __('All departments'); ?></a></span> (' + content.nbHits + ')';
if(ors && algoliaConfig.instant.enabled) {
returnFooter += ' <?php echo __('or in'); ?> ' + ors;
returnFooter += '</div>';
return returnFooter;
if ( !== 'suggestions' && !== 'products') {
source.templates.header = '<div class="category">' + (section.label ? section.label : + '</div>';
return source;
window.fixAutocompleteCssHeight = function () {
if ($(document).width() > 768) {
$(".other-sections").css('min-height', '0');
$(".aa-dataset-products").css('min-height', '0');
var height = Math.max($(".other-sections").outerHeight(), $(".aa-dataset-products").outerHeight());
$(".aa-dataset-products").css('min-height', height);
window.fixAutocompleteCssSticky = function (menu) {
var dropdown_menu = $('#algolia-autocomplete-container .aa-dropdown-menu');
var autocomplete_container = $('#algolia-autocomplete-container');
/** Reset computation **/
dropdown_menu.css('top', '0px');
/** Stick menu vertically to the input **/
var targetOffset = Math.round(menu.offset().top + menu.outerHeight());
var currentOffset = Math.round(autocomplete_container.offset().top);
dropdown_menu.css('top', (targetOffset - currentOffset) + 'px');
if (menu.offset().left + menu.outerWidth() / 2 > $(document).width() / 2) {
/** Stick menu horizontally align on right to the input **/
dropdown_menu.css('right', '0px');
dropdown_menu.css('left', 'auto');
var targetOffset = Math.round(menu.offset().left + menu.outerWidth());
var currentOffset = Math.round(autocomplete_container.offset().left + autocomplete_container.outerWidth());
dropdown_menu.css('right', (currentOffset - targetOffset) + 'px');
else {
/** Stick menu horizontally align on left to the input **/
dropdown_menu.css('left', 'auto');
dropdown_menu.css('right', '0px');
var targetOffset = Math.round(menu.offset().left);
var currentOffset = Math.round(autocomplete_container.offset().left);
dropdown_menu.css('left', (targetOffset - currentOffset) + 'px');
$(algoliaConfig.autocomplete.selector).each(function () {
$(this).closest('form').submit(function (e) {
var query = $(this).find(algoliaConfig.autocomplete.selector).val();
if (algoliaConfig.instant.enabled && query == '')
query = '__empty__';
window.location = $(this).attr('action') + '?q=' + query;
return false;
function handleInputCrossAutocomplete(input) {
if (input.val().length > 0) {
else {
window.focusInstantSearchBar = function (search, instant_search_bar) {
if ($(window).width() > 992) {
if (algoliaConfig.autofocus === false) {
window.handleInputCrossInstant = function (input) {
if (input.val().length > 0) {
else {
var instant_selector = !algoliaConfig.autocomplete.enabled ? ".algolia-search-input" : "#instant-search-bar";
$(document).on('input', algoliaConfig.autocomplete.selector, function () {
$(document).on('input', instant_selector, function () {
$(document).on('click', '.clear-query-instant', function () {
var input = $(this).closest('#instant-search-box').find('input');
input.get(0).dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));
$(document).on('click', '.clear-query-autocomplete', function () {
var input = $(this).closest('#algolia-searchbox').find('input');
if(!algoliaConfig.autocomplete.enabled && algoliaConfig.instant.enabled) {
input.get(0).dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));
/** Handle small screen **/
$('body').on('click', '#refine-toggle', function () {
if ($(this).html()[0] === '+')
$(this).html('- <?php echo __("Refine"); ?>');
$(this).html('+ <?php echo __("Refine"); ?>');
$.fn.focusWithoutScrolling = function(){
var x = window.scrollX, y = window.scrollY;
window.scrollTo(x, y);
});</script><!--[if lte IE 9]><script>
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
algoliaBundle.$(function ($) {
window.algoliaConfig.autofocus = false;
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