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Forked from iknowjason/
Last active November 15, 2023 09:35
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Azure Enum & Recon Cheat Sheet
echo "\033[1;32mEnter the domain to perform reconnaissance on:\033[0m"; read DOMAIN
echo "\033[1;32mEnter a username for credential type check:\033[0m"; read USERNAME
# Function to print in color
print_color() {
local color=$1
printf "\e[${color}m$@\e[0m\n"
# Check the getuserrealm.srf endpoint for domain information
print_color "1;34" "Checking getuserrealm.srf endpoint for domain information..."
curl_result=$(curl -s "$DOMAIN&json=1" | jq .)
echo "User Realm Information:"
echo "$curl_result"
# Check autodiscover.$DOMAIN DNS entry
print_color "1;34" "Checking autodiscover.$DOMAIN DNS entry..."
autodiscover_result=$(host "autodiscover.$DOMAIN")
echo "Autodiscover DNS Entry:"
echo "$autodiscover_result"
# Test if the domain is managed or not. Check if it's an Azure/M365 tenant. Returns 'Unknown', 'Federated', or 'Managed'
print_color "1;34" "Testing if the domain is managed or not..."
managed_result=$(curl -s "$DOMAIN&json=1" | jq .)
echo "Managed Status:"
echo "$managed_result"
# Return NameSpaceType - either "Unknown", "Managed", or "Federated"
print_color "1;34" "Getting NameSpaceType for the domain..."
namespace_type=$(curl -s "$DOMAIN&json=1" | jq -r '.NameSpaceType')
echo "NameSpaceType: $namespace_type"
# Check for federation on the domain
print_color "1;34" "Checking for federation on the domain..."
federation_output=$(curl -s "$DOMAIN&xml=1")
namespace_type=$(echo "$federation_output" | xmllint --xpath '//NameSpaceType/text()' - 2>/dev/null)
is_federated_ns=$(echo "$federation_output" | xmllint --xpath '//IsFederatedNS/text()' - 2>/dev/null)
echo "NameSpaceType: $namespace_type"
echo "IsFederatedNS: $is_federated_ns"
# Note: Look at NameSpaceType and IsFederated
# Get the TenantID for a managed domain
print_color "1;34" "Getting the TenantID for a managed domain..."
tenant_id=$(curl -s "$DOMAIN/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration" | jq -r '.token_endpoint' | cut -d'/' -f4)
echo "TenantID: $tenant_id"
# Note: Look for the token endpoint.
# Check GetCredentialType endpoint for username enumeration
print_color "1;34" "Checking GetCredentialType endpoint for username enumeration..."
credential_result=$(curl -s -X POST "" --data "{\"Username\":\"$USERNAME@$DOMAIN\"}" | jq '.IfExistsResult')
echo "Credential Type Result for $USERNAME@$DOMAIN:"
echo "$credential_result"
# Note: Checking the user: $USERNAME@$DOMAIN
# Response Codes
# 1 - User Does Not Exist on Azure as Identity Provider
# 0 - Account exists for the domain using Azure as Identity Provider
# 5 - Account exists but uses a different IdP other than Microsoft
# 6 - Account exists and is set up to use the domain and an IdP other than Microsoft
# Check SPF record for domain
print_color "1;34" "Checking SPF record for the domain..."
spf_record=$(nslookup -type=txt $DOMAIN)
echo "SPF Record:"
echo "$spf_record"
# Check for open ports on the domain
print_color "1;34" "Checking for open ports on the domain (common ports)..."
for port in 80 443 21 22 25 3389; do
if timeout 1 bash -c "</dev/tcp/$DOMAIN/$port"; then
print_color "1;32" "Port $port open"
print_color "1;31" "Port $port closed"
# ADFS Recon Google Dorks
print_color "1;34" "\nADFS Recon Google Dorks:"
echo "inurl://adfs/ls/idpinitiatedsignon"
echo "inurl://adfs/oauth2/authorize"
# Check for SMB (NetBIOS) information
print_color "1;34" "Checking for NetBIOS information..."
enum4linux_result=$(enum4linux $DOMAIN)
echo "NetBIOS Information:"
echo "$enum4linux_result"
# Enumerate Active Directory users using LDAP
print_color "1;34" "Enumerating Active Directory users using LDAP..."
ldap_users=$(ldapsearch -LLL -x -H ldap://$DOMAIN -b "dc=$DOMAIN" "(objectClass=user)" sAMAccountName | grep "sAMAccountName:" | cut -d" " -f2)
echo "LDAP Users:"
echo "$ldap_users"
# Enumerate Active Directory groups using LDAP
print_color "1;34" "Enumerating Active Directory groups using LDAP..."
ldap_groups=$(ldapsearch -LLL -x -H ldap://$DOMAIN -b "dc=$DOMAIN" "(objectClass=group)" sAMAccountName | grep "sAMAccountName:" | cut -d" " -f2)
echo "LDAP Groups:"
echo "$ldap_groups"
# Enumerate Active Directory computers using LDAP
print_color "1;34" "Enumerating Active Directory computers using LDAP..."
ldap_computers=$(ldapsearch -LLL -x -H ldap://$DOMAIN -b "dc=$DOMAIN" "(objectClass=computer)" sAMAccountName | grep "sAMAccountName:" | cut -d" " -f2)
echo "LDAP Computers:"
echo "$ldap_computers"
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