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Created June 27, 2021 15:05
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Mailman 3 API Import/Export for migration

Mailman 3 Import/Export script

Useful for database backend migrations and/or backup and restore operations.

Requires Python 3.6+ and AIOHTTP 3.7.4+

Run it on your mailman server. You may need to edit the API credentials if you changed the defaults.

import asyncio
import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Awaitable
from aiohttp.client import ClientSession
API_URL = "http://restadmin:restpass@localhost:8001/3.1"
OUT_DIR = Path("./mailman_dump_prod")
async def load_url(sess: ClientSession, url: str) -> Any:
cache_file = OUT_DIR / (
"cache." + url[len(API_URL) :].replace("/", ".").replace("@", ".") + ".json"
if cache_file.exists():
with"r") as cache_fd:
return json.load(cache_fd)
res = await sess.get(url)
if res.status != 200:
raise ValueError(f"Response code {res.status}")
data = await res.json()
with"w") as cache_fd:
json.dump(data, cache_fd)
return data
async def main() -> None:
if not OUT_DIR.exists():
async with ClientSession() as sess:
print("Loading lists")
lists: dict = await load_url(sess, f"{API_URL}/lists")
print("Loading members")
await load_url(sess, f"{API_URL}/members")
print("Loading list configs")
list_config_queries: list[Awaitable[dict]] = [
load_url(sess, f"{API_URL}/lists/{lst['fqdn_listname']}/config")
for lst in lists["entries"]
await asyncio.gather(*list_config_queries)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import asyncio
import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any
from aiohttp.client import ClientSession
API_URL = "http://restadmin:restpass@localhost:8002/3.1"
OUT_DIR = Path("./mailman_dump_prod")
# Fields to ignore when setting config on a list
# All tested to either be read-only or cause explicit erros
SUBSCRIPTION_KEYS = ["delivery_mode", "list_id", "role", "display_name"]
semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(value=5)
def load_url(sess: ClientSession, url: str) -> Any:
cache_file = OUT_DIR / (
"cache." + url[len(API_URL) :].replace("/", ".").replace("@", ".") + ".json"
if cache_file.exists():
with"r") as cache_fd:
return json.load(cache_fd)
raise ValueError("Failed to load cache data for " + url)
async def add_subscription(sess: ClientSession, subscription: dict) -> None:
data_filtered = {k: v for k, v in subscription.items() if k in SUBSCRIPTION_KEYS}
async with semaphore:
res = await
"subscriber": subscription["email"],
"pre_verified": "True",
"pre_confirmed": "True",
"pre_approved": "True",
"invitation": "False",
"send_welcome_message": "False",
print(res.status, "adding", subscription["email"], "to", subscription["list_id"])
if res.status > 210:
text = await res.text()
async def main() -> None:
if not OUT_DIR.exists():
async with ClientSession() as sess:
print("Loading lists")
lists: dict = load_url(sess, f"{API_URL}/lists")
print("Loading members")
members: dict = load_url(sess, f"{API_URL}/members")
print("Loading list configs")
list_configs: list[dict] = [
load_url(sess, f"{API_URL}/lists/{mlist['fqdn_listname']}/config")
for mlist in lists["entries"]
print("Creating lists")
for i, mlist in enumerate(lists["entries"]):
res = await
f"{API_URL}/lists", json={k: v for k, v in mlist.items() if k in ["fqdn_listname"]},
print(res.status, "for list", mlist["fqdn_listname"])
if res.status > 210:
text = await res.text()
# Skip this list if the error is NOT already exists
# If it does exist, re-apply the config
# if "list exists" not in text.lower():
# continue
config = {}
for k, v in list_configs[i].items():
if k not in IGNORED_KEYS:
# Mailman crashes if bool types are not string.
if isinstance(v, bool):
config[k] = str(v)
config[k] = v
res = await sess.put(f"{API_URL}/lists/{mlist['fqdn_listname']}/config", json=config)
print(res.status, "setting config for list", mlist["fqdn_listname"])
if res.status > 210:
text = await res.text()
print("Creating subscriptions")
sub_calls = [add_subscription(sess, subscription) for subscription in members["entries"]]
await asyncio.gather(*sub_calls, return_exceptions=False)
if __name__ == "__main__":
aiohttp >= 3.7.4, < 4
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