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Created April 11, 2016 15:25
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module Main (main) where
%wrapper "monadUserState"
$digit = 0-9 -- digits
$alpha = [a-zA-Z] -- alphabetic characters
-- Each token has a function on the RHS that is a function (String ->
-- Token). We wrap this function in the Alex monad with `pushToken`, which has
-- a result AlexAction ().
tokens :-
$white+ ;
"," { skip }
">" { skip }
$digit+ { pushToken $ ErlInt . read }
alexEOF :: Alex ()
alexEOF = return ()
data Token =
Comma |
BinaryOpen |
BinaryClose |
ErlInt Integer |
ErlStr String
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- The actual type of the state of the monad.
type AlexUserState = [Token]
-- Initial state of the monad.
alexInitUserState :: AlexUserState
alexInitUserState = []
-- Interactions with the State monad.
-- s :: AlexUserState -> AlexUserState
-- alex_ust :: AlexState -> AlexUserState
-- -> Returns the current state from AlexState.
modifyUserState :: (AlexUserState -> AlexUserState) -> Alex ()
modifyUserState f = Alex $ \s -> let current = alex_ust s
new = f current
Right (s { alex_ust = new },())
-- Returns the current state.
-- I.e., a list of tokens.
getUserState :: Alex AlexUserState
getUserState = Alex $ \s -> Right (s,alex_ust s)
-- Each action per token should be a value of result `AlexAction`.
-- type AlexAction a = AlexInput -> Int -> Alex a
-- type AlexInput = (AlexPosn, Char, [Byte], String)
pushToken :: (String -> Token) -> AlexAction ()
pushToken tokenizer =
\(posn,prevChar,pending,s) len -> modifyUserState (push $ take len s) >> alexMonadScan
push :: String -> AlexUserState -> AlexUserState
push s ts = ts ++ [(tokenizer s)]
runAlexScan :: String -> Either String AlexUserState
runAlexScan s = runAlex s $ alexMonadScan >> getUserState
main :: IO ()
main = getContents >>= print . runAlexScan
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