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Created June 29, 2016 18:27
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Session Typed Lambda Calculus (Vasconcelos 2006)
module Main where
import Control.Arrow
import Debug.Trace
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List hiding (union)
import Data.Maybe
import Syntax
import Text.Printf
-- ____ _ _____ _
-- / ___| ___ ___ ___(_) ___ _ __ |_ _| _ _ __ ___ __| |
-- \___ \ / _ \/ __/ __| |/ _ \| '_ \ | || | | | '_ \ / _ \/ _` |
-- ___) | __/\__ \__ \ | (_) | | | | | || |_| | |_) | __/ (_| |
-- |____/ \___||___/___/_|\___/|_| |_| |_| \__, | .__/ \___|\__,_|
-- |___/|_|
-- | | __ _ _ __ ___ | |__ __| | __ _ / ___|__ _| | ___ _ _| |_ _ ___
-- | | / _` | '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _` |/ _` | | | / _` | |/ __| | | | | | | / __|
-- | |__| (_| | | | | | | |_) | (_| | (_| | | |__| (_| | | (__| |_| | | |_| \__ \
-- |_____\__,_|_| |_| |_|_.__/ \__,_|\__,_| \____\__,_|_|\___|\__,_|_|\__,_|___/
-- Based on the work by Vasconcelos et al.
-- Vasconcelos, V. T., Gay, S. J., & Ravara, A. (2006). Type checking
-- a multithreaded functional language with session types. Theoretical
-- Computer Science.
-- Notes --
-- 1) One thing I did not notice at first was that all the expression
-- are in A-normal form:
-- This makes the
-- typechecker a lot easier because you can make assumptions about
-- the actual result of typing an expression, namely that they are
-- all values.
--- HELPERS --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Extend environment.
extend env v t = case lookup v env of
Just t -> error $ printf "Shadowing binding of variable: %s to %s, in %s" (show v) (show t) (show env)
Nothing -> (v,t):env
-- Union two environments (pointwise extend).
union = foldr (\e acc -> (uncurry $ extend acc) e)
-- Extract a binding from the environment.
-- Assumes that there are only unique keys in the environment!
extract key env = case partition (\(k,v) -> k == key) env of
([(_,v)], rest) -> (v, rest)
_ -> error "key not found"
-- Pointwise extraction
extractset env env' = foldr (\(k,v) acc -> snd $ extract k acc) env' env
-- Generate fresh variable name.
--fresh = AId "freshid"
fresh = do i <- get
put (1 + i)
return $ AId (show i)
-- Check if a label exists in a given in/external choice.
validLabel cs lbl = isJust $ lookup lbl cs
-- All elements of the list equal to eachother?
allsame [] = True
allsame xs = all (head xs ==) (tail xs)
-- Dual of a session type.
dual (SReceiveD d s) = SSendD d (dual s)
dual (SSendD d s) = SReceiveD d (dual s)
dual (SReceiveS s s') = SSendS s' (dual s)
dual (SSendS s s') = SSendS s' (dual s)
dual (SExternal lss) = SInternal $ map (second dual) lss
dual (SInternal lss) = SExternal $ map (second dual) lss
dual SEnd = SEnd
--- TYPECHECKER ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- The state is just an integer.
type St = Integer
-- Values --
typeVal :: [(String, S)] -> [(String, Typ)] -> V -> State St ([(String, S)], Typ, [(String, S)])
-- C-Const
-- Γ ; unit ↦ Unit
typeVal sigma gamma VUnit = return (sigma, TD DUnit, [])
typeVal sigma gamma (VNum i) = return (sigma, TD DNum, [])
-- C-Chan
-- Γ ; γᵖ ↦ Chan γᵖ
typeVal sigma gamma (VAlpha chanid) = return (sigma, Chan chanid, [])
-- C-Var
-- Γ,x:T ; x ↦ T
typeVal sigma gamma (VVar var) = let mvarT = lookup var gamma
return (sigma, fromMaybe (error $ printf "Variable %s unbound" var) mvarT, [])
-- C-Abs
-- Γ,x:T ; Σ; e ↦ Σ₁;U;Σ₂
-- -----------------------------------
-- Γ ; λ(Σ;x:T).e ↦ (Σ;T → U;Σ₁,Σ₂)
typeVal sigma gamma (VLambda σ x t e) = do let gamma' = (x,t):gamma
(σ1, u, σ2) <- typeExp sigma gamma' e
return (sigma, TD $ DArrow σ t u (σ1 `union` σ2), [])
-- C-Rec
-- Γ,x:T ; v ↦ T T = (Σ;U → U';Σ')
-- ----------------------------------
-- Γ ; rec(x:T).v ↦ T
typeVal sigma gamma (VRec x t v) = let gamma' = extend gamma x t
do (_, typ, _) <- typeVal sigma gamma' v
return (sigma, typ, [])
-- Expressions --
typeExp :: [(String, S)] -> [(String, Typ)] -> E -> State St ([(String, S)], Typ, [(String, S)])
-- C-ReceiveD
-- Γ ; v ↦ Chan α
-- --------------------------------------
-- Γ ; Σ,α:?D.S ; receive v ↦ Σ ; D ; α:S
-- C-ReceiveS
-- Γ ; v ↦ Chan α c fresh
-- -------------------------------------------------
-- Γ; Σ,α:?S'.S ; receive v ↦ Σ ; Chan c ; c:S', α;S
typeExp sigma gamma (EReceive v) = do (_,Chan α,_) <- typeVal sigma gamma v
let (st, σ) = extract (cid α) sigma
case st of
(SReceiveD d s) -> return (σ, TD d, [(cid α, s)])
(SReceiveS s' s) -> do c <- fresh
return (σ, Chan c, [(cid c, s'), (cid α, s)])
-- C-SendD
-- Γ ; v' ↦ Chan α Γ ; v ↦ D
-- Γ ; Σ, α:!D.S ; send v on v' ↦ Σ ; Unit ; α:S
-- C-SendS
-- Γ ; v' ↦ Chan α Γ ; v ↦ Chan β
-- Γ ; Σ, α:!S'.S, β:S' ; send v on v' ↦ Σ ; Unit ; α:S
typeExp sigma gamma (ESend v v') = do (_,Chan α,_) <- typeVal sigma gamma v'
(_,vT,_) <- typeVal sigma gamma v
let (stα, σ) = extract (cid α) sigma
case stα of
(SSendD d s) -> if TD d /= vT
then error "Types for session do not match sent value."
else return (σ, TD DUnit, [(cid α, s)])
(SSendS s' s) -> let (Chan β) = vT
(stβ, σ') = extract (cid β) σ
if s' /= stβ
then error "Session types do not match for sending channel"
else return (σ', TD DUnit, [(cid α, s)])
-- C-Select
-- Γ ; v ↦ Chan α j ∈ I
-- Γ ; Σ, α:⊕⟨lᵢ : Sᵢ⟩ ; select lⱼ on v ↦ Σ ; Unit ; α : Sⱼ
typeExp sigma gamma (ESelect l v) = do (_,Chan α,_) <- typeVal sigma gamma v
let (stα, σ) = extract (cid α) sigma
case stα of
(SExternal cs) -> if validLabel cs l
then let si = fromMaybe (error "Oops?") $ lookup l cs
return (σ, TD DUnit, [(cid α, si)])
else error "Invalid label selected."
-- C-Case
-- Γ ; v ↦ Chan α ∀ j ∈ I.(Γ ; Σ,α:Sⱼ ; eⱼ ↦ Σ₁ ; T ; Σ₂)
-- Γ ; Σ,α:&⟨lᵢ : Sᵢ⟩ ; case v of {lᵢ ⇒ eᵢ} ↦ Σ₁ ; T ; Σ₂
typeExp sigma gamma (ECase v les) = do (_,Chan α,_) <- typeVal sigma gamma v
let (stα, σ) = extract (cid α) sigma
case stα of
(SInternal cs) -> do casetypes <- mapM typeCase les
if allsame casetypes
then return $ head casetypes
else error "Not all cases have the same type"
where typeCase (lj,ej) = if validLabel cs lj
then let sj = fromMaybe (error "") $ lookup lj cs
typeExp sigma gamma ej
else error "Invalid label in case"
-- C-Close
-- Γ ; v ↦ Chan α
-- Γ ; Σ,α:End ; close v ↦ Σ ; Unit ; ∅
typeExp sigma gamma (EClose v) = do (_,Chan α,_) <- typeVal sigma gamma v
let (stα, σ) = extract (cid α) sigma
case stα of
SEnd -> return (σ, TD DUnit, [])
-- C-Accept
-- Γ ; v ↦ [S] c fresh
-- Γ ; Σ ; accept v ↦ Σ ; Chan c ; c:S
typeExp sigma gamma (EAccept v) = do (_,TD (DSession s),_) <- typeVal sigma gamma v
c <- fresh
return (sigma, Chan c, [(cid c, s)])
-- C-Request
-- Γ ; v ↦ [S] c fresh
-- Γ ; Σ ; accept v ↦ Σ ; Chan c ; c:(dual S)
typeExp sigma gamma (ERequest v) = do (_,TD (DSession s),_) <- typeVal sigma gamma v
c <- trace (printf "SIG: %s :SIG" (show sigma)) $ fresh
return (sigma, Chan c, [(cid c, dual s)])
-- C-App
-- Γ ; v ↦ (Σ ; T ↦ U ; Σ') Γ ; v' ↦ T
-- Γ ; Σ,Σ" ; v v' ↦ Σ" ; U ; Σ'
typeExp sigma gamma (EApp v v') = do (_, TD (DArrow σ t u σ'),_) <- typeVal sigma gamma v
(_,t',_) <- typeVal sigma gamma v'
let σ'' = extractset σ sigma
if t /= t'
then error $ printf "Types for application do not match: %s and %s" (show t) (show t')
else return (σ'', u, σ')
-- C-New
-- Γ ; Σ ; new S ↦ Σ ; [S] ; ∅
typeExp sigma gamma (ENew s) = return (sigma, TD (DSession s), [])
typeExp sigma gamma (ET t) = typeThread sigma gamma t
-- C-Let
-- Γ ; Σ ; e ↦ Σ₁ ; T₁ ; Σ₁' Γ,x:T₁ ; Σ₁,Σ₁' ; t ↦ Σ₂ ; T₂ ; Σ₂'
-- Γ ; Σ ; let x = e in t ↦ Σ₁ ∩ Σ₂ ; T₂ ; (Σ₁' ∩ Σ₂),Σ'₂
typeThread :: Sigma -> Gamma -> T -> State St (Sigma, Typ, Sigma)
typeThread sigma gamma (TLet x e t) = do (σ1, t1, σ1') <- typeExp sigma gamma e
let gamma' = extend gamma x t1
sigma' = union σ1 σ1'
(σ2, t2, σ2') <- typeThread sigma' gamma' t
return (σ1 `intersect` σ2, t2, (σ1' `intersect` σ2) `union` σ2')
-- C-Fork
-- Γ ; Σ ; t ↦ Σ₁ ; T₁ ; ∅ Γ ; Σ₁ ; t' ↦ Σ₂ ; T₂ ; ∅
-- Γ ; Σ ; (fork t ; t') ↦ Σ₂ ; T₂ ; ∅
typeThread sigma gamma (TFork t t') = do (σ1, t1,_) <- typeThread sigma gamma t
(σ2, t2,_) <- typeThread σ1 gamma t'
return (σ2, t2, [])
-- C-Val
-- Γ ; v ↦ T
-- Γ ; Σ ; v ↦ Σ ; T ; ∅
typeThread sigma gamma (TV v) = typeVal sigma gamma v
--- TEST INPUTS ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- Threads --
-- let x = new End in x
t01 = TLet "x" (ENew SEnd)
(TV (VVar "x"))
-- let x = (λx:Int . x) 5 in x
t02 = TLet
(EApp (VLambda [] "y" (TD DNum) (ET (TV (VVar "y"))))
(VNum 5))
(TV (VVar "x"))
-- fork (let x = new !Int.?Int.End in (accept x));
-- (let y = new !Int.?Int.End in (request x))
t03 = TFork
(ENew (SSendD DNum (SReceiveD DNum SEnd)))
(EAccept (VVar "s"))
(TV (VVar "x"))))
(ENew (SSendD DNum (SReceiveD DNum SEnd)))
(ERequest (VVar "t"))
(TV (VVar "y"))))
ts = [t01, t02, t03]
-- Expressions --
-- (rec (x:Num).(λ(∅;y:Num) y)) 5
e01 = EApp v02 (VNum 5)
es = [e01]
-- Values --
-- λ(∅;y:Num) y
v01 = VLambda [] "y" (TD DNum) (ET (TV (VVar "y")))
-- rec (x:Num).(λ(∅;y:Num) y)
v02 = VRec "x" (TD DNum) v01
vs = [v01, v02]
--- MAIN -----------------------------------------------------------------------
main = do print "Threads"
mapM_ (\e -> print $ evalState (typeThread [] [] e) 1) ts
print "Expressions"
mapM_ (\e -> print $ evalState (typeExp [] [] e) 1) es
print "Values"
mapM_ (\e -> print $ evalState (typeVal [] [] e) 1) vs
module Syntax where
-- _ ____ _____
-- / \ / ___|_ _|
-- / _ \ \___ \ | |
-- / ___ \ ___) || |
-- /_/ \_\____/ |_|
data T
= TV V
| TLet String E T
| TFork T T
deriving (Show, Eq)
data E
= ET T
| EApp V V
| ENew S
| EAccept V
| ERequest V
| ESend V V
| EReceive V
| ECase V [(L, E)]
| ESelect L V
| EClose V
deriving (Show, Eq)
data V
= VAlpha Alpha
| VLambda Sigma String Typ E
| VRec String Typ V
| VUnit
| VVar String
| VNum Integer
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- _____
-- |_ _| _ _ __ ___ ___
-- | || | | | '_ \ / _ \/ __|
-- | || |_| | |_) | __/\__ \
-- |_| \__, | .__/ \___||___/
-- |___/|_|
data Alpha
= AId { cid :: String }
| EId P
deriving (Show, Eq)
data P
= Plus
| Minus
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Typ
= TD D
| Chan Alpha
deriving (Show, Eq)
data D
= DSession S
| DArrow Sigma Typ Typ Sigma
| DUnit
| DNum
deriving (Show, Eq)
data S
= SReceiveD D S
| SSendD D S
| SReceiveS S S
| SSendS S S
| SExternal [(L, S)]
| SInternal [(L, S)]
| SEnd
deriving (Show, Eq)
type Sigma = [(String, S)]
type Gamma = [(String, Typ)]
type L = String
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