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m1el/ Secret

Last active December 7, 2019 19:03
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use std::fs::File;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};
use std::time::Instant;
type LazyResult<T> = Result<T, Box<dyn Error>>;
struct InvalidDirection(char);
impl fmt::Display for InvalidDirection {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:?}", self)
impl Error for InvalidDirection { }
enum Direction {
impl Direction {
pub fn from_chr(chr: char) -> Result<Direction, InvalidDirection> {
let result = match chr {
'U' => Direction::Up,
'D' => Direction::Down,
'L' => Direction::Left,
'R' => Direction::Right,
_ => return Err(InvalidDirection(chr))
type LineInput = Vec<(Direction, isize)>;
fn parse_line(line: &str) -> LazyResult<LineInput> {
.map(|segment| {
let chr = segment.chars().next().unwrap_or('\0');
let direction = Direction::from_chr(chr)?;
let distance = segment[1..].parse::<isize>()?;
Ok((direction, distance))
fn read_input() -> LazyResult<Vec<LineInput>> {
let file_handle = File::open("day03-input.txt")?;
let reader = BufReader::new(file_handle);
.map(|line| parse_line(line?.trim()))
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct HSegment {
y: isize,
min_x: isize,
max_x: isize,
wire_index: usize,
// how many steps does it take to get to the start of this segment
steps: isize,
// remember the start of the segment because wire direction may be the opposite
start_x: isize,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct VSegment {
x: isize,
min_y: isize,
max_y: isize,
wire_index: usize,
// how many steps does it take to get to the start of this segment
steps: isize,
// remember the start of the segment because wire direction may be the opposite
start_y: isize,
struct Point {
x: isize,
y: isize,
// total steps for wires to get here
steps: isize,
// Line Intersection using Bentley Ottmann Algorithm
fn find_intersections(
h_segments: &mut[HSegment],
v_segments: &mut[VSegment])
-> Vec<Point>
// list of horizontal segments that cover current X
let mut current_hs = Vec::new();
let mut result = Vec::new();
// sort input segments for horizontal sweep
h_segments.sort_by_key(|segment| segment.min_x);
v_segments.sort_by_key(|segment| segment.x);
let mut h_seg_slice = &h_segments[..];
// sweep over x using vertical lines positions
for v_segment in v_segments.iter() {
let x = v_segment.x;
// add horizontal lines if we swept over their start
while let Some((segment, rest)) = h_seg_slice.split_first() {
if segment.min_x < x {
h_seg_slice = rest;
} else {
// remove horizontal lines if we swept over their end
current_hs.retain(|segment| segment.max_x > x);
for h_segment in current_hs.iter() {
// check if vertical and horizontal lines are intersecting
if v_segment.min_y < h_segment.y &&
v_segment.max_y > h_segment.y &&
// only add intersections if the wires are different
v_segment.wire_index != h_segment.wire_index
let y = h_segment.y;
let x = v_segment.x;
// calculate how many steps does it take for each wire to get here
let v_steps = v_segment.steps + (v_segment.start_y - y).abs();
let h_steps = h_segment.steps + (h_segment.start_x - x).abs();
result.push(Point { x, y, steps: h_steps + v_steps });
fn main() -> LazyResult<()> {
let read_start = Instant::now();
let input = read_input()?;
println!("parse time: {:?}", read_start.elapsed());
let solution_start = Instant::now();
let mut h_segments = Vec::new();
let mut v_segments = Vec::new();
for (wire_index, line) in input.iter().enumerate() {
let mut x = 0;
let mut y = 0;
let mut steps = 0;
for (dir, dist) in line.iter() {
match dir {
Direction::Up => {
let max_y = y + dist;
v_segments.push(VSegment { x, min_y: y, max_y, wire_index, steps, start_y: y });
y = max_y;
Direction::Down => {
let min_y = y - dist;
v_segments.push(VSegment { x, min_y, max_y: y, wire_index, steps, start_y: y });
y = min_y;
Direction::Left => {
let min_x = x - dist;
h_segments.push(HSegment { y, min_x, max_x: x, wire_index, steps, start_x: x });
x = min_x;
Direction::Right => {
let max_x = x + dist;
h_segments.push(HSegment { y, min_x: x, max_x, wire_index, steps, start_x: x });
x = max_x;
steps += dist;
let intersections = find_intersections(&mut h_segments, &mut v_segments);
let part1 = intersections.iter()
.map(|point| point.x.abs() + point.y.abs())
let part2 = intersections.iter()
.map(|point| point.steps)
let solution_elapsed = solution_start.elapsed();
println!("part 1: {:?}", part1);
println!("part 2: {:?}", part2);
println!("solution time: {:?}", solution_elapsed);
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