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Created January 30, 2020 23:12
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Create file structure from source-maps.
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
function ensureDirectoryExistence(filePath) {
let dirname = path.dirname(filePath);
if (fs.existsSync(dirname)) {
return true;
function restoreSourceMap(map) {
for ( i=0; i < map.sources.length; i++ ) {
let file = map.sources[i];
// webpack:// -> _WEBPACK_
file = file.replace(/webpack:\/\//, "_WEBPACK_");
// config sync /^/.//.*//config/.json$ -> config sync/__REGEX__.json
file = file.replace(/[\s*\/]*\^(.*?)\/(\.[a-z]+)\$/, "/__REGEX__$2")
// a/./b -> a/b
file = file.replace(/\/\.\//g, "/");
// a.svg?1234 -> a.svg
file = file.replace(/\?.*$/g, "");
fs.writeFileSync(file, map.sourcesContent[i])
fs.readdirSync('./').forEach(file => {
if(/\.map$/.test(file)) {
let data_RAW = fs.readFileSync(file);
let data_JSON = JSON.parse(data_RAW);
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